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Update ❤️

Jimin laughed hard and sat on a chair in the corner as Jungkook slowly walked up to him. The boys were panting and sweating, but so happy. Jin cuddled up to Namjoon in another booth while Hoseok was busy straddling Yoongi and making out with him wildly in another.

Jimin looked away shyly and Jungkook sat in front of him.
"You're drunk." Jungkook smiled.
"Mm hm." Jimin laughed and held his hands. Jungkook could feel a weird sensation in his chest, as his face began heating up. He licked his lip as he felt Jimin place his hands on his thighs. Then he slid them back as he caressed his legs and then leaned back on his chair.

"Let's go!" Namjoon said to the boys, Hoseok slowly slid off of his boyfriend who was now pretty hard but luckily was wearing a loose shirt to cover it up. Yoongi pouted and got up, Jungkook helped Jimin stand and he beamed up at him and held his hand tightly.

The boys locked the cafe and began walking down the street since they were too drunk to drive and it was only a short walk. When they were about 70 metres away from the building, Jungkook looked at Jimin mischievously.
"Let's race!" Jungkook said and the boys halted and laughed.
"Piggyback race!" Hoseok said climbing onto Yoongi's back who laughed hard as he supported him. Jin smiled and got onto Namjoon's and they all looked at Jimin.

Jimin smiled shyly and got behind Jungkook and placed his hands on his shoulders. Jungkook's heart began racing as Jimin spoke.
"Ready? One. Two. Three!" Jimin said and jumped as he wrapped his legs around his sculpted waist. Jungkook carefully supported him up but holding him up by placing his hands on his thighs.

Jimin was breathing on his ear and his entire body pressed against his back. Jungkook gulped as he felt a weird sensation building up in his lower abdomen as did Jimin.
"Ready? Get set! Go!" Hoseok yelled and the boys ran towards the building as fast as they could. They laughed hard as they looked at each other as they raced.

Jimin cheered Jungkook who chuckled hard at his cute squeaky laugh. Jimin wrapped his arms around his neck even tighter. His cheek pressed against his head.

Jungkook reached first and second was Namjoon followed by Yoongi who pouted since he was last.
"AWWW." Jin pulled his cheek and Yoongi smiled brightly. Jimin got off of Jungkook's back as their eyes locked into each others.
"Let's go upstairs." Hoseok laughed and Jimin held onto Jungkook's hand as he felt a little dizzy.

They reached the boys' apartment and went to their rooms after hugging each other. Jimin was feeling a little ill now.
"Wait. I'll get you water." Jungkook said softly and Jimin rested on the couch. Jungkook came back and handed him the water as he sat next to him.
"I had fun." Jimin said softly as he rested his head on Jungkook's shoulder.
"Me too." Jungkook brushed the hair out from Jimin's eyes.

Jimin closed his eyes as he held onto his arm and cuddled up to him. Jungkook raised his hand to caress his face lightly but he chose not to. He just rested his cheek against Jimin's head and closed his eyes.

The next morning Jungkook and Jimin heard some noise from the kitchen. They opened their eyes slowly. Jungkook was practically hugging Jimin who was hiding his face in his chest as clutched onto his shirt. They saw Yoongi sitting right in front of them as Hoseok sat on his lap.

Jimin quickly got away from Jungkook who blushed furiously as Yoongi and Hoseok teased them. Hoseok cuddled up to Yoongi similar to how Jimin was hugging Jungkook. Jimin chuckled and looked at Jungkook who bit his lip.

He was pretty hungover and stretched as he looked around groggily.
"I should head out for work. What time is it?" Jimin asked the boys.
"It's 7:30." Yoongi said softly and Jungkook was just sitting dazed.
"I'd better go." Jimin sulked.
"Hey, Jimin-ah. You want to come with us to the old age home next to our orphanage? We're going next week." Namjoon said as he sat down with a bowl of cereal.
"Oh. Um... Sure. Why not!" Jimin beamed. Jungkook was staring at Jimin with such an intense gaze. It was as if Jimin was surreal to him.

"I'm glad you're coming." Jungkook said to him.
"Me too." Jimin said looking into his big doe eyes as the boys giggled.

Jimin said bye to the boys as he headed out and went to his apartment to get ready for work. He left by 8:30 by taking a can since he had left his car by the cafe and reached just in time. He was passing by Taehyung's cabin when he saw he was sitting while cupping his head in his hands.

Jimin was skeptical of how he would be able to help but just as he was going to enter his cabin, another employee called out to him for work. Jimin sighed and glanced at him one more time before he left to listen.

Jimin's phone happened to run out of battery as he had not charged it before and it was getting late, since they had a lot of work that day. He was just heading out eager to see the boys and Jungkook since he couldn't talk to them all day.

As he was leaving, he glanced at the balcony and saw Taehyung standing there alone. The entire office was almost empty, Jimin felt nervous seeing him like that so he went up to him slowly.

"T-Taehyung?" Jimin said timidly, unsure of the situation. Taehyung turned around to look at him with bloodshot eyes and tears streaming down his face.
"What's wrong!?" Jimin exclaimed and held his cold hands.
"My dad... He had a heart attack a few days ago and... He...he's very unwell and the doctors aren't sure if he'll make it." He broke down as he spoke. Jimin's heart hurt hearing that.
"Tae..." He didn't know what else to say.

"I've been such a shitty son. He called me a few days ago and I was busy getting drunk in some fucking club." He sobbed. Jimin rubbed his back trying to soothe him.
"I.... I just want one more chance with him. Just to tell him I love him. That he's my hero. He's... He's everything I want to be and will be lucky if I'm half the man he is. " Taehyung cried. Jimin's tears fell too. He hadn't met his father in years and hearing this made him realise how short and unpredictable life could be.

"You did great. Okay? He knows you love him. He knows how much you look up to him. Trust me. You made a mistake. You couldn't have predicted this. It'll be okay. Please... Please don't lose hope." Jimin felt like it was hypocritical of him to say this. Since he had lost a huge part of hope he once had. Taehyung hugged Jimin and sobbed, Jimin caressed the back of his head and hugged him tightly.

"Come on. Let's go home." Jimin tried. Taehyung backed off from him slightly as he did, his looked down into Jimin's beautiful eyes. He cupped his jaw with one hand as Jimin looked up at him.
"Thank you." Taehyung said and Jimin wiped his tears.
"You don't have to thank m--" Jimin's words were cut off as Taehyung pressed his lips onto his.

Author's note

I am/was going through very tough times. I'm sorry I had disappeared. I'm better now.

I love you all so much.

Thank you. 💕

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