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You can listen to chasing cars by snow patrol for this ❤️
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Jimin was sitting next to Jungkook, Namjoon was next to Jin, Yoongi and Hoseok while Taehyung sat next to a very good looking stranger. They began talking but Taehyung honestly just wanted to stay quiet as all of them were dead scared.

None of them were sure if by the time they reached Busan, Jimin would actually be able to see both his parents alive. Time never seemed to move slower for them as it did now.

Finally, the plane was about to land. Jimin held Jungkook's hand tightly, he was so nervous, he felt like he'd pass out. They got out from the plane as they walked out Jimin felt a wave of nausea hitting. He began feeling that same helplessness but he shook his head in denial.

They decided to go to the hospital directly as Taehyung informed them all that he had already booked a hotel close to the hospital for the 6 of them, considering Jimin would stay at home or could come to the hotel to freshen up.

Jimin texted Jongin that he was on his way and Jongin replied by saying "Waiting..", he didn't send any alarming text so, that had to mean that their parents were stable at their previous condition. They put all their luggage in the cab, Taehyung, Hoseok, Yoongi and Jin were sitting in, as they went to the hotel to check in but Jimin's cab left for the hospital.

Jimin saw Busan in a completely different light. He had left this city, sort of blamed it because he couldn't live his dreams, but now Busan felt like home. This was the place he was born and raised. He remembered how he and Jongin drove around the city when he got his license.

Jimin began tearing up as he looked out the window, the city had grown so much, it had changed. Was it only him who had not moved with the time? Was he holding onto a grudge even now that nothing was the same? Jimin sighed and closed his eyes as they reached the hospital.

As they got down, Namjoon and Jungkook immediately recognised Jongin, he actually looked a lot like Jimin. Jimin sobbed as he ran up to his elder brother and hugged him tightly. So much, had changed yet nothing had. His brother hugged him like always, just a little tighter.
"Hyung..." Jimin sobbed holding onto him as if for dear life. He actually was holding onto him for life, he couldn't imagine his life without his brother.

"I'm here." Jongin wiped Jimin's tears.
"How are they?" Jimin asked shivering.
"Still, critical but stable at that. The doctors however, are hopeful that they'll be okay." Jongin smiled at him and Jimin nodded as he hugged him again.
"So, good to see you, Jiminie." Jongin hugged him again.

"Oh, um.." Jongin blinked seeing 2 tall men staring at Jimin.
"Oh.. Um, this is my boyfriend, Jungkook in the black clothes and that's his elder brother Namjoon hyung in the olive green shirt." Jimin said as he wiped his tears.
"Oh. Wait.... Boyfriend?" Jongin asked startled. And Jimin nodded.
"That's actually some very good fucking news after the fact that the doctors said they're hopeful." Jongin beamed at the two and walked up to them.

Jungkook and Namjoon extended their hands to introduce themselves but then Jongin hugged them both tightly.
"Thank you for coming.." Jongin smiled at them.
"No problem, hyung.." Jungkook bowed to him.

They went to the elevator where they all sat in a waiting space. Jimin's anxiety rose as he heard small steady beeps from monitors coming from different directions. They were waiting in the space at the trauma centre, there were a lot of ICUs in that space. Occasionally they'd see a team of doctors run into one as a code blue was called.

Jimin began having a tough time breathing and snuggled up to Jungkook. While Namjoon explained to Jongin that Yoongi, Jin and Hoseok had come too with Taehyung.
"Ah.. That's so nice of you guys. To not only take care of Jiminie but also to come here. I'm grateful." Jongin said softly.
"Please, it's no issue. He's family to us. He calls us hyung, and for us he's our baby brother. " Namjoon smiled and Jongin looked down and smiled sadly. Soon the rest of the boys arrived too, Taehyung hugged Jongin as the others introduced themselves to Jongin.

As opposed to what they were expecting, Jongin was very welcoming. He seemed to have missed Jimin a lot, and was so happy seeing the people in his life. Yoongi felt a weird ache in his heart seeing him like this, he couldn't imagine not being a part of Namjoon's and Jungkook's lives. As the eldest brother, it seemed to be unfair considering Jongin didn't seem malicious at all but he didn't want to jump to conclusions too soon.

*Preferably play/restart the song here*

They witnessed 2 families in the waiting area, cry in pain and anguish as they were given the bad news, a family had lost their 27 year old daughter and her boyfriend while the other had lost a 34 year old son who had 2 little boys and wife waiting for him. Jimin wasn't able to pull through this and he stood up to get some fresh air.
"You stay here.. Talk to hyung. I'll be back." Jimin said to Jungkook and walked off but Hoseok and Jin followed him.

Jongin moved next to Jungkook who was next to Yoongi and gave him a small smile.
"So.. How'd you meet?" Jongin asked.
"Ah.. Um.. We met at our cafe." Jungkook tried.
"So, I'm guessing you're serious? Since, you've met him at this point in life where he was completely giving up on love. He must really love you to do this. Are you? " Jongin asked demanding the truth.
"Yes, hyung." Jungkook said without hesitation making Jongin and Yoongi smile.

"I know you must wonder." Jongin said softly.
"About why he couldn't be a singer.. Why we didn't let him.. And I know he's very angry with us, but if you guys see a future together. You should know." Jongin tried and Jungkook nodded and Yoongi sighed.
"I can go.." Yoongi offered.
"No.. Stay. You're the eldest, right?" Jongin asked and Yoongi nodded. Jongin nodded before smiling sadly. Then he spoke up.

"I'm not saying what my family did was right, but Jimin's anger is just... Been so hard to live with him ignoring us. I know he needs love, he wants love but he just wasn't letting us do it anymore. It wasn't that Eomma and Appa didn't want him to be a singer but the chances were scary. It was all based on a what if.. And.. "Jongin choked back tears. And Jungkook felt an ugly squeeze in his chest.

"It was scary, they weren't sure if it was phase or whatever and Jimin already had some anxiety, he never tried to talk but decided to just wait for them to realise. Our parents thought he was gambling away his chance at a good job, good life, they didn't want him to struggle as much as they did now that he had the opportunity to go work. The same was with their thing for dance, I wanted to but they sort of weren't sure. Jimin and I always thought we owed a lot to them, so we let go of our dreams and it hurt, it really did. "Jongin said, they could hear how hurt he was.

"But nothing hurt more than Jimin just... Cutting us off. As his elder brother, I know he expected more from me. He expected me to fight for him but... As the eldest son, I... Maybe for me, letting go wasn't as hard as it was for him. And when he stopped calling, texting, I realised it hurt him worse than I knew. But.. We were a team. He just.. I am not just his elder brother but also an eldest son. Now seeing him after 8 years, he's a grown man with a boyfriend and.. Life but it just hurts knowing he didn't mind me not being a part of this. On any other day, I'd be so mad but I'm just hurt. " A tear escaped his eye and Yoongi looked away. He felt his pain.

And they knew he was just venting. He felt lonely and upset. He felt lost. His own brother didn't seem like his own sometimes, and that broke him.

"I am happy he has all of you. He considers you family.. Brothers... I'd be lying if I said I wasn't jealous as fuck but he's my baby, so I'm happy." Jongin laughed softly, wiping his tears.
"Whoever helps him with his anxiety, they have my love, respect and support. I don't think I can ever have this conversation with him. I'm just telling you guys this because, maybe one day you could tell him. His hyung meant well, so did his Eomma and Appa. We love him, so so much. " Jongin said almost defeated.
"You'll tell him yourself. You will." Yoongi held his hand as did Jungkook.

Jongin nodded and smiled sadly, but he didn't think he ever could.

Author's note


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