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Updateeeeee 👀
Major trigger warning! Mention of depression! ⚠

Jungkook was at the cafe waiting for Jimin to come back from work. He was very nervous but maybe he was over thinking. For all it could be that Jimin wanted to take him out to his favourite restaurant.
"Relax, Jungkook. Just fucking relax." he said to himself as he picked up a water bottle.
"Are you nervous?" Hoseok smiled at him.
"No. Not at all." Jungkook said smirking confidently as he sipped water. Jungkook closed the cap smugly as he walked to go behind the counter.

"Jimin's here!" Namjoon yelled behind him and Jungkook dropped the bottle and tripped.
"Pfft.." Yoongi and Namjoon began laughing.
"It's not funny!" Jungkook got up dusting his hoodie off.
"He's here!" Jin said.
"Yeah, right." Jungkook rolled his eyes.
"No, really. That's his car!" Jin beamed.
"Okay, okay, okay! No one panic!" Jungkook said flapping his arms around as he ran to the door. The boys laughing harder now. He saw Jimin fixing something inside his car and then he got down.

Jimin beamed as he walked up to the cafe. He walked in and hugged Jungkook who spun around then cupped his face. Jimin had his back to the boys who were behind the counter.
"You ready for tonight? I.. I have something planned." Jimin said softly and Jungkook beamed. Suddenly Jimin's phone rang and he looked down at it.

Jungkook looked at his brothers and saw Yoongi and Hoseok dirty dancing as Namjoon and Jin laughed silently. Jungkook blinked and then looked at Jimin who was still looking at his phone. He looked back at his brother, to find Hoseok twerking on Yoongi who laughed.
"Let's do it?" Jimin asked.
"WHAT?" Jungkook asked alarmed.
"Go... Go out?" Jimin said confused. Jungkook's face turned red as he nodded.

Jimin looked behind him but by now the boys pretended like they were doing nothing. Jimin waved at them and they waved back innocently.
"Are you okay?" Jimin blinked at him.
"Yes. I... Sorry. Let's go." He smiled then glared at his brothers.
"Bye, guys!" Jimin smiled at them.
"Bye!" they said cutely.
"Bye, kook!" Yoongi and Namjoon teased him.
"Bye!" Jungkook turned around briefly.
"BREAK. HIS. BED." Yoongi mouthed to him silently. Jungkook blushed and nodded as he walked out.

The boys laughed at their maknae's cuteness.
"Let's hope they have a good time!" Jin said and the boys laughed. Jungkook sat in the car and Jimin drove.
"How was your day?" Jungkook asked softly.
"It was okay. Nothing great.. Yours?" Jimin smiled at him. He had the most precious smile ever.
"Pretty good now that you're here.." Jungkook teased him. Jimin laughed at the cheesy line but he loved it.

"We're here." Jimin said as he stopped at the sea side.
"Yep." Jimin said getting down. Jungkook followed. The streetlights, the moon, clear sky and the sound of the crashing waves made the place seem surreal.
"Wow.." Jungkook said softly then looked at Jimin. He saw him holding a guitar.

"This is where I'd play my guitar every time I needed a break. I used to live in a small apartment just opposite this side. I'd walk out, come here and... I'd just feel like I was in the right place." Jimin smiled.
"I can see why.. It's so beautiful." Jungkook said.
"Yeah.. It feels like the kind of place where people come to dream. I've never told anyone about this place. I haven't even come here since I moved to the penthouse." Jimin breathed out. They sat down silently and Jimin played something.

"Wow. What song is that?" Jungkook asked.
"It's just a random song I wrote. That's the special thing I wanted to do... I wanted to sing the only song I've ever written and loved... " Jimin hesitated.
"What's it called?" Jungkook asked.
"Promise." Jimin said softly then looked down. Jungkook smiled and waited patiently. Jimin breathed out as he began singing.

"You're hurting too 'cause you're mine
I just want to blow your mind
You're only drifting further away like this
I say that it's all fine
The truth is that's a lie," He sang and Jungkook was awestruck.

"I want to you to be your light, baby,
You should be your light,
So you won't hurt anymore, so you can smile more
I want you to be your night, baby
You could be your night
I'll be honest with you" Jimin sang as a small smile made it's way onto his lips. Jungkook's heart began racing as he listened. It was like taking a glimpse of someone's soul. His voice was that angelic.

Jimin stopped and looked up at him with tears then stood up. Jungkook stood next to him and gulped.

"It may be too soon but I feel like you should know everything." Jimin said timidly. Jungkook held his hand tightly and Jimin sighed.
"I've been depressed for 3 years now. Actually depressed. I used to be on medication but then I stopped... But... I've struggled with it for a while. I came here doing something else but dreaming something else. I.. Lost myself and it's so difficult, you know? I.. I feel ashamed for being depressed. Like... I know I'm privileged.. "
"That has nothing to with depression. Don't feel like that." Jungkook hugged Jimin from behind. Jimin leaned back into his arms as he closed his eyes.

"You're the only person who has said this. Every time I tried to talk about it. People have just treated me like I was pretending...so I just stopped. This one time... A close friend of mine asked me why I was always so sad. I told him I was depressed. He just laughed and said "oh please. If you're so depressed. How come you're not suicidal? Stop being an attention seeker".. That made me feel that I honestly was a hypocrite because I didn't wanna die, meant that I wasn't depressed. But... I didn't wanna wake up either, so..."Jimin's voice cracked as he choked back his cries.

" I still don't know what I want..."Jimin said softly and Jungkook kissed his neck.
"So.. I'm telling you this because.." Jimin turned around to face him.
"You make me very happy but... I don't want you to feel you're obligated to be with me just because of this. If it's not working out at some point.. You should let me know because.. I don't want to drag you down. Don't.. Don't pretend to love me if you don't....I want you to be with me because you want to. Not because you wanna fix me. I want love, not pity. " Jimin said timidly as he looked up into his eyes.

Jungkook kissed him hard and cupped his jaw.
"You know that's not the case. I love you so much.. " he said as he rested his forehead against his, his voice strained as a tear escaped his eye. Jimin sobbed softly as he held onto his shirt.

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