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Update 👀
Sorry for all the late updates but with my exams closing in on me, I've really gotta study. ❤️

Jimin felt a sense of guilt hit him when he looked up at Jungkook. But why? He didn't understand. Suddenly that kiss felt really wrong. He felt like his senses should have prevailed and he shouldn't have given into temptation but at that juncture he couldn't do that. He looked away and looked down.

Jungkook was talking to Jin and Jimin let go of his hand and gulped. He felt so awful now.
"You okay?" Jimin heard Jungkook ask and sighed as he nodded.
"Jimin. Are you coming with us tomorrow?" Namjoon asked.
"Oh. Um... Sure." Jimin didn't want to say no to the hyungs after he had agreed, also he began thinking maybe Jungkook wouldn't have to find out about what happened. Besides, Jimin honestly didn't take the kiss very seriously. It only happened because both the people were just upset and kind of out of their element. It wouldn't matter.

That thought seemed to comfort Jimin and he smiled. He began talking to the boys and soon it was time to leave. It was already very late. They all walked out and drove off in their cars. Once they reached the building, Jimin said goodnight to the boys and they waved goodbye to him.

Jimin reached his apartment and took his shirt off as he walked into his room, he sat on the bed and bit his lip. Something in him was telling him to tell Jungkook but another part told him to brush it off as a mistake. As he was lost in thought, his phone buzzed. He checked it to find a text from Jungkook.

"Jimin. Are you okay?" Jungkook had sent.
"Yes. Why?" Jimin replied.
"I don't know. Just felt like you weren't feeling too great." Jungkook wrote.
"No, no. I'm okay. It's just that... It was got a little late today. That's all." Jimin explained.
"Oh yeah. How come?" Jungkook asked. Jimin pursed his lips as his fingers moved around as  he framed a response.
"I'll tell you tomorrow. Okay? I'm kinda sleepy. I'll see you tomorrow. What time do we leave?" Jimin asked.
"Okay. And we leave at 12." Jungkook replied.

Jungkook felt like something wasn't right but he didn't want to overthink anything. He had been feeling upset since he saw Taehyung but that wasn't right and he knew it. Jimin could be with anyone he wanted and since Taehyung had known him for such a long time, maybe there was something going on and that's what Jimin was going to tell him. He almost winced at the thought and tossed around in his bed trying to sleep. He sighed trying to relax, and maybe even wrap his head around the fact that Jimin didn't like him.

The next morning, Jimin woke up to his phone ringing. He picked it up without seeing the name.
"Hello?" he said groggily.
"Still sleeping?" Taehyung asked.
"Yes.." Jimin smiled.
"Aw. Wake up." Taehyung teased him.
"What time is it?" Jimin asked.
"It's 11:30." Taehyung answered.
"What?! WHAT THE FUCK!?" Jimin jolted awake.
"I gotta go out with the hyungs to that old age home. Oh lord." Jimin said rushing.
"Go get ready." Taehyung laughed.
"Okay. Bye!" Jimin laughed and ran off to shower.

Once he got ready, it was 11:50. He rushed downstairs and found the boys waiting for him.
"I'm so sorry." Jimin apologised.
"Hey. It's fine. You're on time." Hoseok beamed and Jungkook stepped up to hug him.
"Sup?" they all saw Taehyung.
"Tae.." Jimin looked at him and Jungkook halted.

"Hi!" Jimin walked up to him and hugged him.
"I was just wondering if you could open the cafe for a second I--"
"Here you go." Namjoon smiled giving him his wallet. Taehyung beamed and bowed.
"We're running kinda late. I'll see you at work on Monday then?" Jimin tried.
"Sure. Or maybe we could--" Taehyung pouted.
"Do you wanna come with us?" Jin asked suddenly. And the boys got pretty shocked. Jungkook almost said something to Jin but Hoseok held his hand and just smiled.
"Sure." Taehyung beamed at the boys and Jimin looked at Jungkook who faked a smile.

"Okay. Let's go." Jungkook said quickly as he lead the way, Hoseok quickly followed. Jimin and Taehyung walked out together.
"Baby. Why did you do that?" Namjoon whispered.
"It looked weird. He was going to ask Jimin out anyway, I wanted to avoid that." Jin explained.
"Jungkook looks really upset." Yoongi said sadly.
"Yeah. But... He's gonna have to control himself." Jin said and the boys nodded.

"I'll go with them since they don't know the way." Yoongi suggested and everyone agreed. Jungkook was already in the car. They all sat in the cars and Jimin followed Jungkook's car. The ride was silent in both the cars. They reached the place and Jungkook huffed.
" Baby. We're here to meet our family. Please don't behave like this. Also, you need to control yourself. He isn't your property. You have to understand he has a mind of his own. You know that, right?" Jin stroked his hair as Hoseok held his hand and Namjoon looked away sadly.
" I know. " Jungkook said timidly and got down from the car.

Taehyung and Jimin were at the entrance waiting with Yoongi. The four of them joined them and they made their way in. The place was very clean and and big. Jimin saw all the old people over there, they were all chatting, some watching TV, some trying to work a mobile phone. It was cutest thing ever.
"Yoongi! Namjoon! " One man in a wheelchair beamed.
"Grandpa." Yoongi and Namjoon ran to him and knelt down as the man ruffled their hair. Jungkook ran to a lady sitting on a chair, and hugged her. Jin and Hoseok went to a couple who were sitting by the window.

Jimin and Taehyung smiled as they saw them look the happiest.
"They sure do come here a lot." Taehyung beamed and Jimin nodded not wanting to out their life story. It wasn't his to tell.
"I'll go find out about how to donate. I'll be back." Taehyung smiled and left. Jimin saw an old lady sitting alone by the window. She looked at lot like his grandma. He slowly approached her and knelt down.

"Taemin-ah! Are you back?" She said stroking his hair. Jimin held her hand and observed her face. She was holding a picture of a man, who looked a lot like Jimin. Jimin smiled seeing the picture.

It was evident that she couldn't see too well and was struggling. She stroked his face and smiled.
"When are we going home, Taemin?" She asked softly. Jimin teared up and looked away as his tears fell.
"Eomma." A lady walked up to her and held her hand.
"Jihyo..."She smiled.
" Let's go rest. You've been sitting for too long. " She said softly.
" Okay.. " The lady smiled.
"I'll see you after my nap, Taemin-ah.." She said softly as the lady wheeled her away smiling at Jimin sadly.

Jimin sighed and got up. He walked up to Jungkook and held his hand.
"Hi." Jungkook saw his tear stained face.
"Hi.." Jimin tried.
"It's okay.." Jungkook said hugging him as he understood how overwhelming these places could seem. People would see how poorly some people treated their family and it broke their hearts.

They walked out to a balcony and stood there. Jimin wiped his tears and sighed.
"I am here." Jungkook smiled at him.
"I know. You're there for everyone." Jimin smiled.
"I try to be." Jungkook beamed.
"Where is Taehyung?" Jungkook managed.
"He's finding out about how to donate. And stuff like that." Jimin said. Then they saw him talking to an old man and showing them a game on his phone. Jungkook beamed and shook his head, maybe Taehyung wasn't a bad guy after all.

"He's really struggling.." Jimin said softly.
"How so?" Jungkook asked.
"His father is really unwell. I'm glad he came out." Jimin smiled.
"Is that why you were late last night?" Jungkook asked softly as stroked his face with his thumb.
"Yes and... Actually I just found out that night. And... He was really upset. So I was listening to him and... We kissed." Jimin said nervously.
"Oh..." Jungkook whispered and stepped back from Jimin.

Author's note

Dramaaaaaa :'/

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