36 ✨

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Jimin woke up to distorted voices, his vision was blurry as he tried to open his eyes. All he could hear was his heart beating, he couldn't breathe too well either.
"Ju-Jungkook.." Jimin breathed out.
"I'm here. Kook! He's awake! " Hoseok stroked his hair as he held his hand. Jimin began sobbing hard, his body beginning to hurt.

Jimin couldn't talk at all he sobbed and sobbed as panic began taking over again. He began shivering and breaking into a cold sweat.
"We're here. It's okay. It's okay. Breathe, Jimin. Breathe." Hoseok said softly but Jimin shook his head, he couldn't control it.
"Come on, you can do it. Let's try, okay? Breathe..." Hoseok said, and Jimin began trying. He tried to breathe in, he was still panicking but he tried.

"Good, that's good.." Jin said stroking Jimin's face and wiping off his tears. Jimin was barely breathing but he began getting a little in control of his body.

"Jimin, I need you to try. Do you take any medication for your anxiety?" Yoongi said softly and Hoseok patted his chest softly to calm him down. Jimin managed to nod, signalling a yes.

"I'm here." Jungkook rushed in, he was trying to find Jimin's medication.
"Where is it?" Yoongi asked softly. Jimin tried talking but cried hard.
"It's okay. You gotta let us help you, okay?" Namjoon said softly as he sat by his right foot and massaged his ankle.
"Living room... The small... Small table..."Jimin tried and Jungkook nodded and immediately rushed to get his medicines.

Jimin put the small tablet under his tongue as he still sobbed. His conscience taunting him.
"They think you're crazy.." it whispered.
"You're just embarrassing yourself.."
"Jungkook must be so ashamed, right now." the thoughts flooded in. Jimin cried hard as it all seemed true but right now he has lost a lot of control.

"I'm so... sorry..." Jimin cried looking at Jungkook.
"Baby.." Jungkook hugged him and the boys sat there too. Stroking Jimin's back and massaging his feet.
"This.. Must be so.... Embarrassing.. I'm.. Sorry.." he managed to say between sobs.
"Don't say that. I love you. We love you." Jungkook said kissing his forehead.
"You're our family.." Hoseok said softly.

The medication began showing it's effect in a few minutes and Jimin began calming down. This was a different kind of calm, it felt a little unnatural, it felt wrong to Jimin. He felt like he wasn't 'normal'.
"I can't control myself.. Why am I like this?" Jimin said listlessly as he hugged Jungkook.
"You just need a little bit of time. It's okay. You being on medication does not mean you're not good enough. You're doing very well, you're trying. It'll happen. It's okay. This is nothing to be ashamed of. You're fine." Jungkook said kissing his cheek and Jimin nodded as he cried softly.

The boys sighed. Hoseok held Yoongi's hand.
"Are you feeling okay?" Hoseok asked him, Yoongi smiled and nodded, reassuring him. He knew Hoseok was concerned that this could caused Yoongi some anxiety himself.

"I'll go make something for him." Jin said to Namjoon.
"I'll help." Namjoon smiled and went with him. By the time they returned, Jimin had calmed down completely. Yoongi and Jungkook sat him up gently as Hoseok propped the pillows behind him. Jimin looked down ashamed that they had witnessed this, he felt Jungkook hold his hand and looked up at the boys.

In any other case, Jimin would have believed that they were either disgusted by him or found it funny but all he saw was genuine concern and love in their eyes. He didn't feel ashamed, a little embarrassed, sure but not ashamed. Yoongi ruffled his hair and Jimin gave him a small smile, he was tearful but because he was very grateful. Not just for Jungkook, but all of them.

Jungkook had obviously told the boys what had happened but obviously they couldn't bring up the subject immediately, nor could they let Jimin waste time.
"Eat and then let's pack some clothing?" Namjoon asked softly and the other boys smiled sweetly, trying to get Jimin to realise that this was the right thing to do. Jimin gulped and held Jungkook's hand tightly, he then nodded.

"Good. Eat a little bit." Jin said giving him the sandwich and tea. Jimin breathed out as he ate, he didn't want to but he knew he had to.
"Jungkook... Can you give me my phone?" Jimin said softly. He took his phone and called Taehyung.

"Sup?" Tae answered.
"Listen, Tae. I'm going to Busan.. Eomma and Appa have had a car accident." Jimin said, trying to be brave.
"What?! Jimin do you need me to come?!"
"No, it's okay." Jimin tried.
"You know, stupid question. I'm telling Bang PD nim. I'm coming with you." Taehyung said quickly and Jimin sighed, he needed his best friend too.
"Thank you.." Jimin said timidly as a tear fell.

Jungkook realised that Taehyung was important and he was Jimin's childhood friend. His place in Jimin's life was different and important, no matter their differences or the fact Taehyung liked him. Right now Tae was being a wonderful friend and Jungkook was thankful Jimin had someone like that. He kissed his cheek and Jimin kissed him softly on the lips.

"Okay, ready to pack?" Hoseok asked after Jimin finished his meal.
"Yes, hyung. But.. Um.. I.. Do you guys think you can come with me?" Jimin asked softly.
"We were gonna ask you." Yoongi smiled and patted his shoulder.
"We already packed." Jin smiled and Jimin smiled and hugged him tightly.

Jungkook helped Jimin pack stuff, while Hoseok and Jin went to their apartment to pack some last minute stuff. Yoongi and Namjoon were told to sit and not break anything.

Jimin's phone rang, it was Tae.
"Yes, Tae?" Jimin asked.
"Told them. Did you get the tickets?" Taehyung asked.
"Oh shit. No. Listen, book 5 more." Jimin told him.
"Jungkook and his brothers are coming too?" Taehyung asked.
"Yes. I'll send you the names."
"That's really sweet of them and yeah, do that." Taehyung smiled.

He liked Jimin, maybe loved him but seeing Jimin find people like them gave him so much joy. He knew Jimin wouldn't have been able to get through this without them, he sighed in relief. Jimin was finally getting back the love he gave and was recognising other people's effort too. Taehyung had to admit, it was probably their influence that made Jimin a more open person once again. He truly did love him, so seeing him happy is all that mattered to him.

All of them reached the airport and met Taehyung. Jimin had already texted Jongin.
"Leaving for Busan. At the airport. How are they?"
"Still in a critical condition but stable at that. Come home soon." Jongin replied, his heart feeling an ugly squeeze. He missed his brother so much.
"We're in this together. I love you." Jimin texted as he choked back tears.
"I love you more." Jongin breathed out as he looked up blinking back tears. Jimin then put his phone on flight mode.

Jimin boarded the flight with the boys, he sat next to Jungkook and held his hand as closed his eyes as they took off. He was going home after 8 and a half years.

He just hoped he wasn't 8 and a half years too late.

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