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Jungkook and Jimin had fallen asleep cuddling, they woke up to the sound of Jimin's alarm clock.
"Good morning.." Jimin said groggily and Jungkook continued to hold him but nodded. Jimin smiled and got out of his hold and went to freshen up. He got of the shower and got dressed for work.

He glanced at Jungkook who was sleeping soundly, the blanket covered his lower body but his upper body was completely bare. Jimin bit his lip as he admired the handsome man in front of him. Jungkook woke up groggily and found Jimin looking at him.

He smiled and hid his face shyly then smiled at him again.
"Go get ready, then let's please go have some breakfast." Jimin jumped cutely.
"But I want to eat you." Jungkook said sitting up, eyes barely open.
"Geez, you're barely awake yet you're being cheesy." Jimin laughed.
"Yes." Jungkook nodded and ruffled his hair as he looked around sleepily. Jimin chuckled and kissed his cheek.

Jungkook smiled and went to shower till then Jimin texted Jongin.
"Good morning, hyung! Everything okay?" Jimin sent it.
"Yes, kid. Love you. See you soon!" Jongin replied.
"Love you too. Will call around 10!" Jimin replied.
"Okay! Waiting! :D" Jongin wrote.
";] Bye! " Jimin laughed hard.
"Oh god. Bye :'|" Jongin chuckled.

Jungkook got ready and the two of them decided to go to Jungkook's apartment since Jimin had no groceries at home. They rang the bell and Jin answered the door.
"Hi!" Jungkook beamed.
"You two didn't answer a single call" Jin narrowed his eyes at them.
"I cooked." Hoseok further blocked the door as he pouted.
"Give us one reason to let you two munchkins in." Jin huffed.

"Because we're hungry and we love you." Jimin smiled cutely.
"Fair enough." Jin and Hoseok shrugged and moved back and they all laughed.
"Ayeee!" Yoongi winked at the two who smiled and waved at him. They sat at the table where Namjoon saw them. He was sitting there with a mouth full of toast.
"Easy, hyung. You're gonna choke!" Jungkook said.
"No, he won't. Us 94 liners aren't spitters." Hoseok said making Jin, Jimin and Yoongi laugh hard.

Jungkook covered his face, his ears turning red. Namjoon high fived Hoseok as he swallowed the toast. Jimin and Jungkook helped cooking as well then they all began eating. It was good being back.
"Jimin, we were thinking of getting married in about 10 days. Do you think your parents can make it? Because if they can't, we'll shift the date gladly. " Yoongi said sweetly. Hoseok gave him the prettiest and brightest smile.
"Um, hyung. I'll talk to Jongin hyung tonight and let you know for sure. But I think they can." Jimin said.

"When are you joining work?" Namjoon asked him.
"Um.. Today." Jimin said pouting. And Jungkook caressed his back.
"Um.. I wanted to tell you guys something." Jimin spoke up.
"Sure." Jin nodded and they were all ears.
"My parents have been pursuing me to try singing again. But I'm happy with my work, I just don't know how to defuse the situation. My entire family is encouraging me. And briefly I considered but it's too much work. So any word of advice? " Jimin laughed sadly.

"But it is your dream." Jungkook spoke up and Jimin was taken aback.
"It was. But it's over now. I'm happy." Jimin snapped at Jungkook. The boys knew it wasn't their place to comment right now because they were kind of on Jungkook's side but didn't want Jimin to feel targeted.
"You're not happy, Jimin. Baby, you can still work this out. You know it." Jungkook said softly and held his hand.

Jimin withdrew his hand.
"You don't get it. I'm done trying over and over with things. I want some consistency." Jimin retaliated.
"This isn't the consistency, baby. You're hurting. Jimin, you know you can do this!" Jungkook cupped his face. Jimin held his hands and removed them. He got up and cleared his plate. Jungkook wanted to follow but Yoongi held his hand and stopped him.
"Thank you for breakfast, hyung. I'll see you later." Jimin gulped thickly, kissed Jungkook's cheek, waved at the boys and left.

"What? Was I wrong?" Jungkook looked at his brothers who sat silently.
"No. But he needs to be told when he's ready to listen not necessarily agree. But just listen. He has a closed mind right now. When he's doing better he'll come around. Especially if this is what he wants." Yoongi explained and smiled holding his hand.
"So... I fucked up?" Jungkook asked them with big doe eyes.
"No. He kissed you. He needs some space. So don't keep pushing it. Even if you're trying to get him to do the right thing. He's gotta do it on his own." Namjoon said and Jungkook nodded sadly.

"It's your first serious relationship. Don't stress about it. You're doing good!" Jin ruffled his hair.
"True. Your hyung here was a mess. Said the stupidest things ever that would cause bad fights but he always had my best interest, so that's what counted in the end." Hoseok smiled as he ate.
"That's so true.. What do you mean 'stupidest things'?" Yoongi pouted.
"Do you wanna go there?" Hoseok beamed at him, clear mischief in his eyes.
"No, sir." Yoongi laughed and looked down. The rest of the boys blinked cluelessly. They all laughed and then left for the cafe.

Jimin was pissed off at everything now and he wasn't even sure why it hurt so much. He shook his head and walked into his office building.
"Hey, stranger." Jimin said walking into Taehyung's cabin.
"Jimin! You're back early!" Taehyung got up and hugged him tightly.
"You're in time too! There's this boring official party tomorrow. I thought I was going to suffer alone." Taehyung laughed.
"Well, I can't leave my soulmate alone." Jimin chuckled and hugged him again.

They talked for a little bit then Jimin went off to catch up on work. But he remained sullen. Sure he wasn't happy here but he wasn't unhappy. He was living this life like his only way now, and had accustomed to it. It was soon lunch time and he sat quietly as he felt a weird guilt take over.

"What's up, buttercup?" Taehyung said walking in with food.
"Hi..and I'm more of a bubbles. " Jimin smiled at him.
"You okay?" Taehyung laughed and asked as he lay the food out.
"I think I had a fight with Jungkook." Jimin sighed.
"Aw. That's okay, make it up to him after work." Taehyung beamed at him, to which Jimin smiled and nodded. They began eating but Taehyung noticed how sad Jimin was.

"Minnie. It's okay. It was just a fight." Taehyung held his hand reassuring him.
"No, I know. I'm just... Upset because he seems to not get that this is the life I'm choosing. You remember me telling you about my family telling me to start singing, right?" Jimin talked about a night he had called Taehyung from Busan. Taehyung nodded.
"Yeah well, they'll be here for Hoseok hyung's and Yoongi hyung's wedding. They'd start with it again. I needed a way to get out of that but Jungkook seemed to side with them. Even the hyungs." Jimin pouted.

"I'm happy with this. Initially I wasn't but now I am. CAN'T PEOPLE SEE HOW HAPPY I AM?!" Jimin huffed.
"Yes. And you spit some of your joy in my eye." Taehyung said wiping his face.
"Sorry. I'm just.." Jimin sighed and Taehyung gave him a knowing smile.
"I know. They want what's best for me. I'll talk to him. " Jimin smiled at him. Taehyung nodded and ruffled his hair. And they began talking about random stuff and enjoying their meal.

Jungkook's phone buzzed around 4 and he looked at it. Jimin had replied to his "are you mad at me?" text.
"I'm not mad at you. I love you." he texted. Jungkook sighed out of relief.
"I love you more. I'll try to be more careful of what I say. I only meant well. I'm sorry, I'll try to be better. " Jungkook replied. Jimin began tearing up reading that.
"No, please don't say sorry.. You're the best. I love you.. Me really loves you" Jimin typed as he sobbed softly. He truly was the best.

"LOL. Me loves you more. Come home soon. Also, Jin hyung will be cooking for us so we've gotta eat with them. He's still pouting about it.💀" Jungkook wrote.
":3 Done!" Jimin laughed then got back to work.

Jimin visited around closing time, like always. He was talking to Jungkook and Namjoon and Jin were closing up the blinds when they all heard Yoongi yell at Hoseok.

"Guys, wassup?" Jungkook laughed as did the other boys, thinking it was just a playful banter. As they all went closer, they noticed it wasn't. They were fighting.
"I don't need this!" Yoongi said loudly.
"Neither do I. And if you're gonna treat me like this after so many years, I'm not even sure if I want to marry you." Hoseok said as tears threatened his eyes.
"Get out then." Yoongi said coldly and stepped back. There was a heavy silence for a few moments.

"Fine." Hoseok said and walked out of the cafe.

Author's note

:))) 💔

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