chapter twentyfive

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"I want to talk to you about... your song."

Damn. I really was hoping he wanted to talk to me about us. I guess not.

I took a rather large gulp of my drink and said, "what about it?"

"Is it about me?"

I made a confused facial expression because I guess I never thought about where the lyrics came from.

It's just what I thought fit my mood at the time, so yeah, I guess the song is about Jack.

"The song is about pushing through hard times, to just keep breathing, even when the person you love walks away, you've just got to keep breathing."

He looked sad. But wait, "can I ask you something Jack?"

He nodded, "Makayla showed me a part of your new song, is that about me?"

He looked like he was searching through files in his head to match my description, and then realization came to his face.

"Me and Johnson are producing an EP called Gone. It's about the stages of a relationship. I'm not gonna lie, some inspiration came from us, but Johnson had major input into our songs as well."

"Well how many songs are there?"

He sipped his drink and stood up, holding out his hand, "how about I just show you?"

I smiled widely and took his hand, following him. I'll always follow him.

Back at the house

"Jack what about Sammy's party?" I laughed as we pour more tequila into glasses as we stood at our island in the kitchen.

He set the bottle back down and said, "shhhh, everything is going to be okay"

I held up my glass to cheers to his, he caught on and held his up, "to making our dreams come true."

His glass touched mine with a small clink and he said, "to us"

He had that look in his eye. It drove me crazy.

I set my glass down as well as him and we connected our lips together.

His hands roam my body and stay planted on my hips.

Mine ran through his hair, tugging and pulling as our heated kiss spread like wildfire.

Somehow we ended up in the studio.

He laid me back against the sofa in there, sitting up to take off his jack and unbutton his dress shirt.

I used this time to slip out of my top and just then he reconnected our lips, making fire works explode throughout my body.

"Your so beautiful" he spoke as his kisses left my lips and moved to my neck, trailing down my body.

He was embarking his print on my body and I was in love with the feeling.

Delicate and sweet, he was making me melt underneath him.


"I need you. I want you back." Her eyes started to get teary, she was all weak. "There is not a single day that I didn't think about you. I won't let you move on. I have to have you." She begged.

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