"I've come to the conclusion I can never be without you baby"
|| sequel to "Better Together" || Book Two ||
Me and my dad were just talking on the couch. Jack had went home after dropping me off, which I'm thankful for because me and my dad just needed some repairing time.
We haven't mentioned her and I'm okay with it. I'm not ready to talk about her like she's gone. I don't feel comfortable with the situation yet and frankly I don't think I will be for a long time.
It just hurts to think about how much she will miss out on. In my life and Emma's.
"Where is Emma?" I quickly asked my dad.
"Upstairs in her room, she was napping last I checked."
Instead of replying I just stood up and walked around the kitchen and up the large winded staircase.
I turned down the hallway and stopped at her bedroom door. I opened it and looked at her bed, she was laying on it with a stuffed animal in her hand. She was snoring and it was the cutest thing in the world.
I don't even know how she reacted to mom being gone.
I wasn't here to help.
Again, I feel like shit.
I walked back out of her room and over to mine.
I saw my bag on my bed, Jack must of brought it up here while I was talking to my dad.
Thanks baby.
I noticed that my room was still the way I left it.
Glass and clothes and everything still scattered across my bed and floor.
I sighed and bent over picking up my phone charger. I walked to the side of my bed and plugged it in. I connect to my speaker and opened Spotify on my phone.
I clicked my chill playlist and selected the large shuffle button on the top.
I set my phone down and began cleaning.
I opened my large white curtains and let the sunlight drag over everything in my room.
Losin Control by Russ came on as I started to pick up the glass off of my floor.
I sighed again when I got to the picture.
I picked it up, dumping the little shards of glass into my trash can and set the picture on the shelf it used to be on.
I opened the door to my bedroom and walked in closing it with the same hand.
I set my keys on the desk where my Mac book laid. I grabbed it and walked over to my bed, kicking off my shoes and flopping onto my soft bed, landing on my stomach.
I opened my Mac book and got onto YouTube.
I saw that my friends Kian and Jc posted a new video so I propped myself up on my arm and clicked the video titled "Mystery Drink Challenge"
I was half way through the video when both my computer and phone dinged.
Eva had texted me.
E💘- do you want to go get dinner tonight?
I smiled down at my phone.
Me- yes baby, I'll pick you up at 7
I looked up at my laptop and saw that I was 6:20 right now.
The three little dots popped up and she soon replied.
E💘 - sounds good b
Me- is everything alright at home?
Instead of texting me back she FaceTimed me.
I decided to answer on my Mac book.
*convo* E- hi jack J- hi baby girl E- It's going okay. Everything feels different though. As much as I wish it didn't, it does J- maybe the change won't be so bad after a while. E- I agree, hopefully. I cleaned my room-thanks by the way for bringing my bag up. J- of course. I saw the mess and I thought about picking it up for you but I didn't want to push anything, it kind of looked personal if you know what I mean.
I was referring to the broken picture frame that had a picture of her family in it.
E- I understand. Cleaning is a stress reliever anyways. Hey after we eat will you stay here with me? I miss sleeping in your arms. J- yes I will. I miss you in my arms. *eva blushes and hides her face* J- stoppppp I want to see your cute little face E- *muffled by her sleeves* nooooo J- fine. Get ready and I'll be there soon, then you'll have to show me your face. *without moving her head Eva flipped off the camera and ended the call*
God I've missed her so much.
I set my phone back down on my bed and stood up walking out of my room and down stairs where my dad and Emma were laying on the couch watching tv.
I plopped down onto the couch and Emma kept her eyes on the screen while my dad looked my way and sent me a small smile.
I smiled back and said "me and jack are going to get something to eat. What were your plans for dinner?"
He looked at Emma and said "I'll just fix me and her something, you go out and spend time with Jack. He's been so torn up these past 3 weeks."
Again, the guilt sets in and makes my chest feel tight.
I look down and nod.
I stood up and walked back upstairs.
I already showered and had on a long sleeve shirt and some shorts, the weather was kind of warm out, for a summer night it was on the cooler side.
I decided to just go with something casual.
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I slipped my shoes on and walked into my bathroom, turning on the bright light that framed my mirror.
I brushed my now air dried hair and put some silk stuff in it and brushed it again.
I just left it natural and moved it all to my left shoulder as I began brushing my teeth.
I spit the tooth paste out and dried my mouth.
I put some earrings in and walked out of the bathroom closing the door and shutting the light off.
I grabbed my phone and turned off the speaker.
I grabbed my keys and my wallet and walked downstairs, already seeing Jacks black Jeep chilling in the driveway.
I opened the door and yelled back into the house, "bye dad, bye Emma"
They hollered back a "bye eva" and I walked out of the house.