chapter eighteen

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Headache, light headed, but extremely turned the fuck up! This is exactly what I need.

I love partying, it's the best feeling.

Stress relief? Check.

Fun time? Check.

Memories? Check.

Tonight is just getting started and I'm gonna get wild and crazy, I already feel it.

I feel like I deserve it, I've been through the shitter and I just want to be happy. And if the only time I can be completely carless and happy is when I'm drunk, I'm taking it.

I like it by Cardi B came on and me and Madison literally started performing.

We were standing on a bar and we're getting LIT rapping the lyrics.

"I like dollars i like diamonds I like stunnin I like shinning, I got million dolla deals, where's my pin bitch I'm signing."

I had a bottle in my hand and I was I getting it.

I spotted jack and Makayla looking pissed off talking to Johnson, and then their gaze diverted to me at the perfect time.

I took a big swig of my drink and started rapping again, but making sure my sunglass covered eyes where looking right at Gilinsky.

"I like texts from ex's when they want a second chance I like proving niggas wrong I do what they say I can't"

I told your ass I was gonna feel hella confident and I'm totally feeling like a bad bitch.

Madison started twerking on me and I just swaying to the music and singing along, "They call me Cardi Bardi, banging body, spicy mami, hot tomale"


Eva is really pissing me off.

I don't know if it's because her and Madison are acting like their such besties, or the fact that she's putting on a show for all these college boys.

She's acting like a hoe and I know in Eva's head she's just having fun but if her fans could see her right now they'd be ashamed.

And I'm not going to stand here and let her embarrass herself.

I left jack and jack and made my way towards them.

I pushed my small frame through the large body of people and stared up at Eva and Madison who were chugging vodka.

"Eva come on let's go." I annoyingly tried reaching up for her but she looked at me like i was stupid and said "girl chillllll. I'm having a great time! If you wanna bounce then duces"

I looked back at Jack for some help, he shrugged and came over to me.

Garrett popped up right next to me and said "woah woah woah, buz killz are no fun. Like she said, she wants to stay"

He was about to get bitch slapped if he keeps talking to me like that.

Jack appeared on the other side of me and was giving Garrett and cold stare.

"She's coming with us. They both are." G was fuming and Garrett laughed and shook his head, "chill man. She obviously doesn't want to be with you, let her go"

Jack stepped closer to him and I backed up, not wanting to be in the line of fire.

"Excuse me. You don't know anything."

Garrett obviously wasn't intimidated because he closed the space between them and said, "from what little she's told me, I already know enough. And you must of really fucked her over-"

His voice was cut off by jacks fist coming in contact with his jaw. Hard.


Woah. Jack just punched Garrett in the face.

Oh my god their really fighting over me, how fucking childish.

My body started feeling numb and I felt like I was going to pass out.

I looked down at the bottle in my hand as it slipped from fingers.

Everything was spinning and being high off the ground made me feel even more dizzy.

The next thing I know is I'm falling. I'm falling hard on to the ground, but before I hit the ground everything goes black.

A few hours later

"I can't protect her the way I promised I would. I keep letting her down, when all I've ever wanted was to make her happy. I feel terrible, she wouldn't be laying her unconscious if it wasn't for me being an idiot."

Jacks voice filled my mind but I couldn't open my eyes. Not yet at least.

I wanted the inside scoop on how he really feels.

"You can though! You can make things right, every relationship has its ups and downs Jack, it's how you deal with them that makes it worth it. Just talk to her. We both know how broken she is, she just needs someone to give her a little light. I know, you know, and even she knows, that the only person who's capable of that...."

I pried my eyes open and finished Makayla's speech, "is you"

My voice was shaky and weak but I needed him to know.

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