chapter thirteen

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I was woken up by talking, it wasn't loud, but it made my eyes flutter open and I felt by body laying against jacks.

It was dark but I could tell he was asleep.

The muffled voices kept talking, "yes they're both asleep."

"Shhhhh" I heard a smack, I knotted my eyebrows and sat up alittle bit.

"Ready... 3.....2....1"

The curtain covering our bed opened and silly string was starting to cover us.

I held up my hands and yelled "stop!"

Jack woke up and covered his face, Matthew Taylor and Nash were laughing their asses off holding cans of silly string.

Madison stopped recording and I glared at her.

I jumped from the bed and stomped through the bus and into the bathroom.

I flicked the light switch on but before I could close the door, Jack was walking in. He was picking the gross wet string off of his body and he has an annoyed look on his face.

I can't help but smiled and giggle because although it's annoying to be woken up, it was pretty funny.

Next morning, Magcon Chicago

"After the tour is over we are going to be releasing an EP called Calibraska. Becauseeeee WE ARE MOVING TO CALIFORNIA!" Johnson screamed into the mic, all the girls cheering for them.

G stood smiling widely, right next to Jj.

My dad actually called me this morning to tell me that the movers were moving all the furniture and stuff into our house today.

I honestly CANNOT wait for that.

One more show.

After magcon

We all walked out to the tour bus laughing and having our own conversations, however I was being fairly quiet.

During the meet and greet part this very sweet girl was talking to me about her depression and it was because her brother had just passed away due to a for wheeler crash.

Something so simple and fun could end someone's life, it's so sad.

It really just hit me, and it's making me think about how fast someone can be taken from you.

Like I'm so fucking thankful my mom got to be around for my graduation and too see me becoming a women, it just really hits hard that she won't see me get married or see my children, like that shit is devastating.

She was always there, for everything. Poor Emma, my heart hurts even more for her, she just thinks mom is asleep forever.

This fucking sucks. My heart feels so heavy and tight.

I walked onto the bus and made my way straight to my bed, I grabbed my MacBook and earbuds and climbed into my bed, closing the curtain and turning the light off.

I opened my laptop and plugged in my earbuds.

I went to my gallery and clicked on the video of my parents surprising me with my car.

"Eva honey put the blind fold back on" my mom scolded me.

"Oh my gosh I just want to know what it issss!" I laughed as I tied the nought. She pushed me slightly so I'd turn away from the front door.

My dad laughed, handing the camera to Makayla.

They stood on each side of me and walked me out of the house, down to the drive way and then my mom said, "okay ready... take it off!"

I quickly tore the blind fold from my head and gasped in pure shock and joy.

I covered my mouth with my hands and jumped into their arms with the biggest smile on my face.

I felt the tears fall. I tried to be quiet while sobbing so I quickly ripped the earbuds out of my ears as my vision blurred due to the tears forming.

I squeezed my eyes shut and put my head in my hands.

I just miss her more than anything in this world and I never even got to say goodbye. Like she's gone forever and I'm never going to be able to hug her, or cry to her about my problems, or laugh about stupid things, or even get yelled at for my mistakes.

I just want her back, I can't do this without her.

I sucked in a short breath trying to calm myself but the tears keep falling I can't stop them.


I sat next to Johnson and he wrapped an arm around my shoulder, I smiled and he returned it.

Gilinsky looked around confused and then turned to me, "where's Eva?"

I looked around but didn't see her, "I saw her walk out with us, maybe she's in the bathroom?"

He gave a quick nod and walked towards the bathroom.

I stood up and went to see if she was in her bunk.

I opened the door and immediately heard sniffling, I shut it and locked it and walked over to her bed, pulling the curtain open slowly.

She was crying. Awe Eva.

I opened the curtain all the way and she didn't move, she stayed lump, hunched over with her head in her hands, breaking down.

I glanced at the laptop and saw the end of the video where her parents surprised her with her car, I closed it and wrapped my arms around her.

"it's okay Eva, it's okay" I spoke softly to her and rubbed her back, it hurt so much seeing my best friend so broken.

"I just I just miss- h-her" her words broke my heart even more.

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