"I've come to the conclusion I can never be without you baby"
|| sequel to "Better Together" || Book Two ||
I pull it up to my face and squint my eyes open, wait it says G💋!
I answer it immediately.
*convo* E- Jack? J- good morning E- uh good morning? J- what are your plans for today? E- seeing you J- can you meet me at Enzo's for lunch? E- yes. What time? J- 40 minutes?
I quickly pull the phone away from my face and see that it's already 11:12. Damn must of been jet lag.
E- yes I can do that. Jack wh- J- alright I'll see you then, bye E- goodbye
I pull the phone down and rest it flat on my chest, am I dreaming?
Screw that I have no time to waist. I quickly throw the covers off of my body and hop up out of my bed and go over to my suitcase. I showered last night so I don't have to take one this morning.
I search for the right outfit and I feel like I have nothing appropriate for this occasion. Like what even are we going to talk about? Fuck I'm scared again.
Should I tell him about New York? I push all the questions away and keep trying to find an outfit.
I come up with a simple yet cute outfit. It is hot out so I think this will work.
I take off the shirt I'm wearing and underwear and put on fresh ones, I'm not going to wear a bra, fuck it.
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I lace my shoes and walk into the bathroom, and start straightening my hair, and doing my makeup.
Once I'm finished I brush my teeth and wash my mouth out with mouthwash.
I spit out the blue mouthwash and wipe my mouth, then grab my deodorant and perfume.
I run into my room and put on a necklace and some brackets before grabbing my phone and wallet.
I run down the stairs and realize I don't have my car, damn I totally forgot and I don't have enough time to call an Uber.
I walk over to the garage door and open it, seeing that my dads other car is in the garage. My moms is missing, he must've done something with it.
My dad has a Range Rover as a family car, one we all could fit in comfortably, he wouldn't car if i borrowed it. No one is home to ask anyway.
I grab the key out of the bowl and unlock it, opening the garage door and pulling out of the garage.
I have about 15 minutes to get there and it only takes about 10, let's hope there isn't any traffic.
I wait, leaning against my car, well my dads car, I'm using it while I'm down here, since mine is back home.
I honestly don't know what's going to happen when Eva gets here, we haven't talked since the day she called me and told me but I mean she has been blowing my shit up. I would just rather talk in person.
As if on cue, she pulls into the parking lot.
I don't know why I picked Enzo's Pizza, it's just kinda our place. This is where we confessed our feelings for each other, I thought it was only right we talk things out here.
She parks and gets out, walking over to me.
Damn she looks good, I've missed her body, the way her hair falls down her shoulder, her tan skin, just everything about her.
She stands in front of me and we start walking into the restaurant.
We order food and sit down at the booth, in exactly the same booth.
"Hi" she says shyly, "hi Eva"
"So before we talk about everything I just want to know what happened exactly, please don't leave anything out."
She sighed and started telling me everything that happened.
"So I go over to Cameron and Nash's house to hangout with them, and then Cameron invites me to go to a photo shoot with him, we leave and do his photo shoot, everything is innocent and friendly, his photographer asks me to take some pictures with him and it was weird we were posing as if we were a couple and I'm pretty sure he could tell I felt uncomfortable."
My jaw is clenching so hard.
"But his photographer told me that he was going to use one of our pictures for the cover of fucking Teen Vogue Magazine, like that's huge, and we were all excited and then all of a sudden he starts saying stuff like 'jack doesn't deserve you I want to to give you the world' and all this shit and then he kisses me. I push him off and freak out saying I never would cheat on you and all that and then I ran away. And then that's when I called you."
This fucking dick. I thought he was my homie but fuck no, he tried to pull one on my girl.
"Alright is that everything?" She nods and then looks confused, "why haven't you been answering my texts and calls? I needed you at points and you just didn't care."
"I didn't care? Eva I thought you cheated on me."
"You thought I cheated on you? Jack I told you immediately after it happened, if I cheated on you I wouldn't have told you at all."
"Then we wouldn't be here right now would we?"
She rolls her eyes, "So now your mad I told you? Fucking unbelievable."
I looked at her, long and hard. Is this even worth it anymore?
"Well I guess since we're clearing the air, there's something I need to tell you." She said it like she was emotionally drained.
"What now?"
Eva scuffs, "I'm going to New York for a few months-"
She holds her hand up signaling me to quiet down but I don't give a fuck.
"Eva what the fuck? Why are you going to New York? Did you meet up with another one of my friends there?"
She looks at me with hate, "really jack? What the fuck, no. My team wants me too, for my music. I didn't agree to it because I wanted to talk to you first but it's not like your going to get to have much say in my future anyway."
I laugh historically, "yeah I don't see you in mine ether."
She stands up, my heart rate picks up and I'm realizing what's happening. Do I really want everything we have to be over?
"Fuck you. This is over, congratulations"
She makes her way to the door. Do I get up and follow her or do I just let her leave?