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"Hey Harry? Knock knock? Anyone?"

I opened the door and greeted my eager sister and mother. My mum was the one to gasp cover her mouth because of how much I've matured in the past oh, I dunno...two months.

"Harry! Oh lord it feels like it's been years since I've seen you!"

"I only graduated two months ago mum, s'not like I'm living here!"

"When are you coming back huh? I'm keeping all my junk in your room."

I hugged my sister after Gemma cracked her little joke.

"I'm coming back in September so Niall can begin college courses. And nice to see you too Gem." I replied to my sister.

"So Niall, where's he at?! He's the only reason why we carried ourselves over here!"

I blushed and excused myself to go get him.

"Ni? Niall babe my family's he--"

Niall was sitting on my bed biting his nails when I opened the door. A sure sign that he was nervous.

"Hey, hey hey what's wrong? Why are you nervous?"

He shrugged and took his fingers away from his mouth before continuing to look around.

"You're so nervous I can sense it." I spoke quietly.

He nodded and I immediately ran up to him. Grabbing his wrists, I made him look me dead in the eyes.

"You have absolutely nothing to worry about baby. My family, they're like me. And if I love you infinitely to the moon and back, then I think they won't hate you."

He smiled and I kissed his forehead.

Niall meant the world to me. Work was absolutely getting in the way and it was absolutely terrible, but Niall was an important part of my life. He always will be and even if this relationship didn't work out, I'd still want the same from him; to be in some part of his life.

I took Niall's hand and we walked back downstairs.

"Gemma, mum, I would love for you to meet Niall,"

I squeezed his hand,

"My soulmate."

Dinner with my family had gone by quickly but the moments were still enjoyed. My family noticed Niall's disability immediately and adjusted.

When my mum mentioned the end of summer, I couldn't help but be surprised. It was almost the end of August. I hadn't realized how quickly the summer had gone. After that we were talking about the VMA's and my new EP.

Telling my mum and sister about my track list being based on my love for Niall, that did it for them;

They loved him and that made me over-the-moon happy.

At the end of the night, I couldn't control myself from picking him up and carrying him to our bed to watch endless Netflix. Something like Niall doesn't happen to people like me;

But there's always the odds that it will.

Wait [third book to n.s.]Where stories live. Discover now