the vmas: 3

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here's a picture to cheer you up later. oh and thanks for 500 followers! only 500 away from 1k :') btw pretty sure i just failed my dramatics test.

during the award show

Niall was sat in the far back, rows and rows away from Harry. He hadn't seen his boyfriend the entire night and Niall had left two or three times just to relieve himself of tears and pain. After the show, Harry went to the after party, and Niall was sent a car to take him home.


After the venue cleared out and I was in the limo on the way home I couldn't help myself from sobbing. I could feel it happening, I could feel Harry falling into her grasp and I despised the fact that it had to happen this way. I was loosing him to a girl that didn't care, a girl that only wanted his title.

As soon as the limo pulled up to the hotel, I left without uttering a goodnight. I couldn't bear to; I just needed to be alone.

I opened the door to our room after a long elevator ride with a little girl and her mum. She had asked me if I was alright and offered me a cup of tea; she claimed I looked stressed. I kindly declined, but it got my wheels turning.

Is Harry really stressing me out?

Relationships aren't supposed to work like that. Harry's supposed to be my escape from stress; he's supposed to be the answer to my problems.

I stalked up to our room and ripped off my suit. I rummaged through my drawers to find a comfortable pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt. Although Harry was out and about with Eleanor, it was nice to have some time to myself.

Poking around, I finally found my notebook and guitar.


"You want a drink Harry?"

"No, no I don't. I'm staying sober so I can talk to my actual spouse," I muttered, "Now if you'll excuse me."

I glared at her and stood up from my seat. I couldn't believe that she was trying to get me drunk.

"Harry, Harry! Harry!"

I turned to my body guard and sighed,

"What Paul?"

"Why are you going away from El you guys are a couple remember--"

"Paul, I want Niall." I stated.

"Well you're going to have to wait because the press is on your tail right now; fame is rising higher for you than ever before."

"What are you saying?"

"Go. Back."


1:14 am

Harry came in stumbling through the door around one in the morning. I set my guitar down and hid the numerous sheets of paper that I had written on.

"Mhm, mhm, come 'ere baby!" Harry jeered. I smiled and got up from my chair, only to have Eleanor come in, her lips suddenly on his.

What's going on Harry? I typed in my voice app.

"What do you think?" Harry said, "We're going I to have, sex!"

Is he drunk? He said he'd stay sober.

I glared at her and she smirked before pulling away from Harry,

"Maybe he needed a, distraction."

That did it; that absolutely did it. I watched heartlessly as Harry and Eleanor stumbled upstairs, lips locked. I bit my lip as tears streamed down my cheeks and pulled out my cellphone.

I couldn't take anymore of this.

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