the wedding

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the end is near... :( my group chatters, think of no control. remember what we said about it lmao. three more parts...

"Niall Niall! Get back in here! Harry can't see you before the ceremony!"

I smiled as I watched the girls trying to keep Niall away from me. They were overreacting to be honet, Niall wasn't even in his tux. Just a pair of sweats without a shirt.

He sped towards me, a huge smile on his face. Jumping into my arms was something I didn't expect. I squealed as I fell over, Niall thumping on top of me.

"Jesus Christ," I gasped, "Did you have a bag of sugar for lunch?"

Niall leaned down and kissed my lips smoothly, his hands tracing the sides of my stomach. I felt myself getting turned on almost immediately and that closed the deal for me.

"Okay okay," I grunted, picking him up and wrapping his legs around my waist, "bathroom, now."

I ran down the hallway still carrying Niall as I opened the door to the bathroom.

"God Harry can you not have sexual endeavors before Niall has to put his suit on?"

"Sorry Gemma," I chuckled, "my dick is saying otherwise."

I locked the door and pulled Niall's sweat pants down, running my tongue across my bottom lip.

"Let's make this quick, for my poor sister's sake," I whispered, removing my own clothes. Lucky for me, both of us were shirtless.

I searched through our cabinet and found the lube, not even bothering with a condom. Niall was the only person I've been having sex with and he doesn't have an STD so no matter.

"We're gonna go without a condom, okay babe?" I asked him. He nodded and I kissed him, before proceeding.

It was just like any other time we had sex, but this time just felt different. I didn't know if it was the absence of protection or the fact that we were getting married in two hours, but it was pure bliss.

"You could've waited to have sex you know," my sister whispered.

"It was for good luck," I protested.

Niall came out as soon as the music began to play, Louis walking him down the aisle. Since he had no family, we had Louis take his place.

Throughout the entire ceremony I just stared at Niall. He looked great in his suit and I couldn't help but smile.

Before I knew it, it was time to recite our vows.

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