chapitre un

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an intense feeling of deep affection.
"babies fill parents with feelings of love"
synonyms: deep affection, fondness, tenderness, warmth, intimacy, attachment, endearment;

In my dreams, I see a wolf. Black as night and it haunts me. He never looks at me but I'm always looking at him. He gives off a smell of wood and pine trees. I feel him, in my veins, and it haunts me. He haunts me. The way he stands, you can tell he radiates power, the stance of a lion. Though, as I said before, his coat is nothing of a lion. But tonight was different, as I rested my gaze upon the creature, I could feel him tense. It scared me, but that wasn't the worst part, he whipped his head to the side and his eyes met mine. His stare was one of a predator staring at his prey. The gaze made my knees week, he growled a deep rumble through the imaginary forest. He fully turned to me now, his crystal blue eyes boring into mine. But I was no longer afraid, his eyes, they made me feel things. Things I did not want to feel. Confusion settled upon me and I no longer wanted to see the wolf. But I could not tear my eyes away from the beast. "Mine"
I jolted from my slumber, sweat matted into my curls. I gazed down upon my bed sheets and slick was stained into them. I blushed profusely and scrambled out of the bed to fetch the retched sheets. Once the traces of slick were completely gone, I then was satisfied. But the dream still worried me. What did it mean? For now I do not know, but something inside told me I would sooner or later. I just wondered when I would know. But even if I did meet this mysterious wolf, I could never love him. For I was to be wed to another, which put a great pain to my chest. But pity is for the weak, so I will not shed a tear for myself, for I am a royal. And I shall stand tall and brave, for my pack.

The sun shown brightly through my widow. I stretched out my kinks and placed my feet on the wooden floors of the pack house. Today is the day that I leave my pack to settle into the Doncaster Pack. And if I'm honest, which I mostly am, I was a complete wreck, well on the inside at least. But my mother and father assured me throughout breakfast that I would be fine and that they, and the whole pack would miss me. I honestly had no doubt that people would miss me, I am their "Queen" for goddess sake. But now I have to leave them, and I don't think I'm ready for that. But I have no choice in the matter. So as I packed my things I let a few tears fall. But I quickly wiped them away when I heard three knocks. "Come in" I muttered. I heard the door creak as my mother stepped in. "Your carriage, and Louis are here" she spoke softly. I glanced in her direction and burst into tears, she was quick to come and coddle me. "M-mom, I'm going to miss you dearly" I chocked out. She sniffles and nodded "I'm always gonna miss you baby. I love you so much, me and your father both do. We don't want to send you away but it's for the pack. It's for both packs" she spoke whilst also crying. I smiled "I know, and I love you both as well". She smiled as well but the moment was broken by the creak of another step and I was quick to seek the intruder. Though my sight was quick to find another. But I did not recognize this man. Though those eyes, they seemed so familiar. He seemed to feel the same thing as those eyes were scanning my face as well. My mother had somehow managed to have stepped out of my embrace without my recognition, because soon she was clearing her throat as a way of breaking mine and the strangers trance. "Well, Harry, this is Louis" she spoke softly and I nodded and stepped forward. Extending my hand for him to shake. He looked down at me and then my hand. He cracked a faint smile and put his larger veiny hand into my smaller fragile hand. When skin touched skin, sparks and tingles erupted throughout my body and I heard faint whimpers from my wolf inside my head. His smell intoxicated me from the start. It was so manly. It drove me absolutely insane. Though when his ocean eyes landed on my mossy green ones he spoke "Hello, little one.", his voice was so raspy and a little higher than mine. But it was butter smooth and it made me feel all warm inside. I felt a light blush coat my cheeks at the pet name "Hello, Alpha" I spoke softly. He smiled down at me with his pearly whites and I smiled back. The moment was again interrupted by my mother. "Alright, since formality's are settled, I am to help Harry with his luggage and he will be on his way" she spoke enthusiastically. I retracted my hand from the Alpha's grasp and turned toward my mother. She gave me a knowing look and I faced back toward the Alpha. "I'll be just a moment, Alpha" I spoke lightly. He nodded and left the room. I glanced back at my mother and she nodded her head down toward the luggage. So I picked up some of my bags and she picked up the rest, and down we went. The carriage was just outside the pack house. And before I had put my luggage into the mobile, I said farewell to my pack and to my family. The tears burned the back of my eyes but I did not allow them to fall. And as Louis waited for me in the carriage, along with my future, I looked back once more at the old wooden home. And smiled sadly as I entered the carriage that started a new chapter in my life, with the Alpha who would claim me as his and I would carry pups for. These thought scared the shit out of me, but as I said before, I have no choice in the matter.

End of Chapitre Un
Word Count: 1087
Published: June 22, 2019
Chapitre By: AlexisCook820(Me)

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