chapitre dix-neuf

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break free from confinement or control.
"two burglars have just escaped from prison"
synonyms: get away, get out, run away, run off, break out, break free, get free, break loose, make a break for it, bolt, clear out, flee, fly, take flight, make off, take off, decamp, abscond, take to one's heels, make a/one's escape, make good one's escape, make a/one's getaway, beat a (hasty) retreat, show a clean pair of heels, run for it, make a run for it;

It hurts, everything hurts. It had been a few days since the incident with Louis and the girl, who I found out her name was Elenor, but anyways, since that day he hasn't spoken to me, tried to apologize, or even knocked on my door. I haven't really put in any effort to talk to him either but I don't really feel like I have to because I wasn't not wrong here, it wasn't me who was keeping secrets and lying about how I really truly felt. So with these thoughts in mind these past few days I've decided to leave the pack. I can't mate and bond an Alpha who doesn't want me, that's going to kill me slowly, I will lose touch with my Omega and he will hate me. I can't risk all of that for his acceptance, for his love. So I've packed a rucksack full of simple but warm clothing as seeing its the beginning of winter. I packed a few apples, bananas, and some water for my way. I plan on escaping the borders and running back to my pack, where I belong. It kills me to leave behind the people I have come to truly care about but I can't stay with that Alpha, I've officially lost all respect for myself, and I hate myself for the truth, and that is that I am falling for the selfish Alpha. I've lost all my sense of self because of how much I have fell into his games, I thought we were working and that we could, possibly, one day be a true mated pair. But now that's all changed because he chose her.

Don't be saddened, Arkemites, he doesn't want us. I spoke to my Omega through the mind link. He whined high, Harry, don't leave our Alpha! Please, I can't...he didn't mean to, Arkemites tried to defend the alpha but I scoffed. He hurt us both! You know this, please don't make me feel bad about a decision that we both know needs to happen. He chose her over us, you know that. I responded with my wolf, he whined and I heard his wolffish-cry and I felt my heart shatter for us. But I cant keep pitying myself, I have to take action. So I unlocked my window and slung my rucksack over my shoulder, I pulled out a pen and paper, "Dear whomever is reading this,
I have officially decided to leave the castle, do not be frightened when you find me no longer in these chambers. I've decided to leave here peacefully, I realize I was not wanted here so I've decided to act upon those feelings and let everyone be happy. I will terribly miss my friends I have made over the course of the past few months but I hope they know that this had nothing to do with them, so Niall, Zayn, and Liam I love you all and don't try an find me, I want to leave and be on my own. Louis," I felt myself tear up for a moment, "please don't lie to her, love her, make her feel like the Omega you want. Don't treat her as you have I, please for me. Thank you Johanna, for everything you've given and taught me, and thank you all for being such humble people and accepting me into the pack for this amount of time, and I am truly sorry that I can't follow the treaty, I can't put my Omega through that hurt, I'm sorry Johanna, Louis.
Yours Truly, Harry" I finished my letter, tears streaming down my face and I sniffled a bit, I shook my head with the thoughts of maybe staying, no I could not. So I turned on my heel and stumbled to my window, I at on the ledge and threw one leg over the side and then followed with the other. I slowly climbed down the bricks that bowed out of the castle and once I reached the ground I ran, so, so far.

Once I had reached the border of the pack I looked around me at my surroundings, no guards were about at this hour because of dinner, which I won't be at. I looked around once more and once I found nothing I stripped of my clothing, folded them and placed them into my rucksack. I shifted into my white wolf quickly after that and picked up the rucksack with my teeth. I walked past the borders and into uncharted territory. I knew I had to get out of there fast because this is where rogues live. So I sprinted through the trees, seeking the familiar place I call home.


I should've thought this through, it's now night and I'm still in rouge territory. I can't see well so I've decided to rest by this tree until dawn, but I can't shake the feeling of someone watching me. I decided to shake it off and rest my eyes. Hopefully, by morning I will be able to run far enough and reach my pack lands. I missed my mother terribly and it shown, I also miss some people from my pack, like the Alpha Nick. He was one of the strongest in our pack, he was an honored guard and a strong Alpha. He was always fond of me but I never questioned it because we were just friends. My thoughts were interrupted by a noise of breaking twigs. I snapped my eyes open and I was met with a huge all black wolf. I whimpered and cowered into the tree, they growled ferociously at me. I cried quietly knowing this was how I died, this was my end. He stepped closer to me and I felt his breath on my neck, that's how close we were. I knew he could tell I was an Omega, I also could read his pheromones he was a rouge. He smelt of Alpha but an underlying smell of trash, that's the rogue smell. But I also knew he was trying to mate me, that's why he was at my neck, what I didn't know was how to stop him. So in a flash I jumped away and changed into my wolf, I growled my best at the beast. Causing him to flash his huge yellow fangs at me, I felt myself cower lightly but I still stood my ground.

But my train if thought was interrupted when another wolf, one that was brown jumped on the black wolf and bit hard into its neck, killing it

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But my train if thought was interrupted when another wolf, one that was brown jumped on the black wolf and bit hard into its neck, killing it. I stood appalled by my savior, and when he turned to look at me I felt that he looked familiar. He started to change back and when he stood up, human form all exposed. I realized, "Nick?"

End of Chapitre Dix-Neuf
Word Count:1144
Written By: AlexisCook820
Published On: August 17, 2019

Here ya goo!😂 I love y'all and I hope y'all enjoy and don't hate meeee😂♥️ Oh! And Harry isn't playing Eric...I'm sad😭 but I still love himmmmm

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