chapitre vignt-sept

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Learn to pronounce
plural noun: memories
the faculty by which the mind stores and remembers information.
"I've a great memory for faces"

I had woken up again and ran to the toilet, emptying the contents in my stomach. The light but urgent pitter-patter sounded behind me. I sobbed into the toilet bowl, I hate throwing up. "Aw, baby don't cry" I heard my Alpha coo as he kneeled behind me and rubbed my back. I shook my head "It hurts" I said. He nodded, "I know baby, I know" he said softly now pulling me back into his lap. I nosed his neck, right over my mark. Scenting him and searching for comfort. "Nightmares again?" He asked softly. I nodded and the conversation ceased after that.


The rest of the day I spent in the kitchen cooking for the big celebration today. Because today is officially my mating day. I was blushing at the thought. I could, now, officially call Louis mine. And that's all I really wanted. I mean we did start off wrong but eventually we got our lives in track. So I guess being here was a gift really. I smiled at my first encounter with Louis.

"Well, Harry, this is Louis" she spoke softly and I nodded and stepped forward. Extending my hand for him to shake. He looked down at me and then my hand. He cracked a faint smile and put his larger veiny hand into my smaller fragile hand. When skin touched skin, sparks and tingles erupted throughout my body and I heard faint whimpers from my wolf inside my head.

I remember being enticed at first glance and then he became the asshole I feared, and yet I still sought out his comfort.

"You seem well mannered enough, but I do not know for sure, as we have never met before this day" he paused eying me with curiosity, "but I have a few rules I would hope you would abide by". I nodded for him to continue, "So, rule number one, I will not tolerate prying into my personal life from you, nor questions about how I handle my pack, understood?". I nodded "Yes, Alpha", he then continued "I will treat you well but I expect the same things in return, and if I am to fuck someone other than you, I don't want to hear complaints" he spoke aggressively.

I still worry about that sometimes...even now. But I know he wouldn't leave me. Not now, not ever. I remember the scared glances and the feeble touches he would place upon my skin as he finally gave in to his desires and made me his.

my back hit the cool sheets I sighed contently, it was almost cooling me down completely, key word almost. Louis clambered into the bed over me now. I glanced down at his shaft, and was met with the huge thick cock of the Alpha. I looked into the beautiful eyes of the Alpha, "take me" was all I said to reassure his unsure eyes.

I felt a tinge of pain in my heart but it also blossomed with love for this man. My Alpha. I felt tears run down my cheeks and I smiled through it. My whimpers were not of pain but of happiness. I loved this man. So much, and even though he made me feel insane. Even though he's hurt me time and time again. I can't refund it in my heart to hate him. I knew from the start that we would be forever. Even through the lies, and the fights I knew. He was my destiny and I wouldn't have it any other way. We were both just young and he didn't want to let go. I'm not making excuses for him but I understand. I was scared too, I guess I just accepted it better.

I heard footsteps behind me. I turned to see the man who has currently occupied my mind. I smiled a watery smile at him. His eyebrows were furrowed and his eyes were filled with worry. "Babe?" He said shakily, and approached me cautiously. I smiled at him, my smile was so wide it hurt. "I love you, Louis Tomlinson" I said softly looking into his eyes. His face broke out into a soft smile, his eyes watered lightly. I felt mine filling with water again as well. "God I love you" I said approaching him. I placed my hands on his face and he smiled wider. " I love you too" he said and grabbed my hips. I chuckled as he leant forward and slowly placed his lips on mine. Once our lips met it felt like coming home. I felt at peace, the sizzling sparks emitted from his lips to mine. I felt my heart hammer in my chest as his arms caged me in. I let out a breath and all of the baggage from our past fell off of my shoulders. All the doubt, worry, and sacrifice. When our tongues met it was like two pieces of a puzzle meeting as one. And when he pulled back and rested our foreheads together I felt warm. "I am so ready to make you my Luna" he whispered and I smiled. "I am so ready to be your Luna" I said back. And when we pulled back and just stared at each other I realized he was the wolf from my dreams.

In my dreams, I see a wolf. Black as night and it haunts me. He never looks at me but I'm always looking at him. He gives off a smell of wood and pine trees. I feel him, in my veins, and it haunts me.

And I now know that I belong. To him, to his wolf, to his soul. And he belongs to me, I am no longer haunted by this wolf. I am utterly in love with him. Every part, even his annoying tendencies, even his mouthy comments, even his dimwitted ideas. I love him. And I will forever.

End of Chapitre Vingt-Sept
Word Count: 994
Written By: AlexisCook820
Published On: November 2, 2019

We are close to the end my loves, hope you enjoyed the ride. Because I sure as hell did.

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