chapitre neuf

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not able to be relied on as honest or truthful.
"Thomas considered her to be devious and untrustworthy"
synonyms: dishonest, deceitful, not to be trusted, double-dealing, treacherous, traitorous, two-faced, Janus-faced, unfaithful, duplicitous, dishonorable, unprincipled, unscrupulous, corrupt, shady, shifty, underhand

{Harry's P.O.V}

I felt the sun burn through my eye lids as I awoke. I instantly froze and tensed because I wasn't aware of my surroundings. But then the familiar smell of burnt wood and pine trees filled my senses and I felt my Omega lax into it. I inhaled deeply trying to calm my Omega as I glanced around the room for the Alpha. Once I spotted him I realized he was asleep, and memories of last night filled my head. Tears sprung to my eyes, I felt my lip quiver and a few tears escape. "God we are such stupid Omegas" I whispered to myself and my Omega, he whined in shame and I whined as well. So instead of crying and waiting for Louis to wake up and find me in such a weak state, I left the room and headed to mine. On my way I realized it was 1:00 in the morning, which meant no one was up at this particular time. I was particularly happy about, as seeing it would have been dreadful if anyone were to have seen me in such a state, I was partially nude, only being covered by an oversized tee-shirt. And I had tear steaks down my face, which made me look a bit frazzled.

As I set foot in my room, I inhaled the familiar smell of my perfume and sighed contently. And although I was content right now, part of me wonders what happened last night after I passed out. How did I make it back to Louis' room? Why was he with someone in the first place? Why did I pass out?, all of these questions and many more were pulsating throughout my brain. Giving me a massive headache and made me tired once more. So with a heavy heart and a blown out brain, I made my way into my bed and settled down in the covers. Making a cocoon around myself, and inhaling the scent of the Alpha on this shirt. I closed my eyes and drifted to sleep.


Hot. That is what I felt as I woke up in a pool of my own sweat and slick. And I quickly realized I had run into my heat. "Shit!" I cursed loudly, as I ran to my door and locked it. I quickly stripped and spread myself out on the bed, making a quick action of pleasing my needs. I pumped my cock and fingered my arse as much as I could. I whined loudly and frustratedly because my feeble fingers would not suffice. I imagined Louis, helping me, me pleasing him and him praising me for being a good Omega for him. I whined loudly at the thought of my Alpha, or who I considered my Alpha. I felt my Omega begin to pace in a frenzy and whine in restlessness because he wanted his Alpha. And although the need was strong to rip the henges off my door and run to Louis and pounce the man, I withstood the feelings and wants and decided to try and sleep. I notified my guards at my door to let Louis and Queen Johanna of my state and that I will not be attending breakfast, lunch, or dinner anytime soon. The guards obliged and left me be, which I was extremely grateful for. So this was how I was planning on spending my heat, but the animalistic growl that was heard outside my door was planning other things. I heard heavy panting and the jiggling of the doorknob, "w-who is it!?" I squeaked as I was fingering my tight whole. I heard the growl again before the door burst open, revealing a sweaty and distraught looking Louis. His hands were brought at his sides into fists and his mouth was tightly shut. I whined at the sight of the Alpha, unknowingly opening my legs for the man. He seemed to notice the action and he growled even more. "L-louis?" I panted catching the Alphas attention, "yes my love" he said gruffly. I closed my eyes and tried to regain my composure, as Louis closed the door rather forcefully. "Pl-ease don't-ahh-leave me-mhm" I got out as I was stroking my shaft, he inhaled deeply and strode over to me, I scrambled onto my knees on the bed so I was kneeling before the man, face to face. He lifted my chin and kissed my jaw lightly, "you don't want this Harry" he said lightly and meaningfully. I felt my Omega whine at the subtle rejection but Louis was quick to clarify, "you don't want to give yourself up to me Omega. You want to save it, I know you are innocent and pure. I want you to stay that way until the mating and bonding rituals. I want you to truly want me, I'm trying to be good for you Haz" he said as he stared into my eyes and I stared back. His eyes held truth and his words held promise, I felt my body tingle all over with his words and promises. "Okay Alpha, but-stay with me? Please! We-we don't have to do anything- we can cuddle! Yeah and-you don't want to stay do you? Oh no! I'm sorry Alp-" Louis cut me off with the tilt of my head to meet his eyes. "Calm Omega. I will stay with you throughout your heat but I will not touch you intimately. I will hold you and I will kiss you but I will not touch you" the Alpha clarified once again, the Omega smiled lightly with a blush staining his cheeks. "I would love that Alpha" Harry said, but he was unsure of the Alphas intentions. He felt as if all he ever did was forgive the Alpha and take the Alphas side. If the Alpha messed this up Harry was bound to leave the man. He still didn't trust the man and he was far from it, but in this state he had to please and ease his Omega, and all his Omega wanted was his Alpha.

End of Chapitre Neuf
Word Count: 1075
Written By: AlexisCook820
Published: July 20, 2019

Sooooo yeahhhhhh don't worry Harry won't give up that easy! I promise! I have plans for this book and I at least want 20 chapters! Buuuutttt if I don't get there I have other ideas on what to write but I am please with this story still so I will continue it! Buuuut yeah I still want to say thanks again it truly means the world to me!🥰😘♥️!!!!!

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