chapitre sept

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Learn to pronounce
the state or feeling of being jealous.
"a sharp pang of jealousy"
synonyms:    envy, enviousness, covetousness, desire

As Louis led me into the ball I felt me stomach fill with butterflies. But the nervousness faded when Louis squeezed my hand reassuringly making me smile lightly as he opened the door to the ball room.

The sight of the ball room was stunning, the diamond chandeliers complimented the candle lit lights and the golden themed room. And all eyes were on me, which was unsettling, to say the least. As seeing I didn't really want to be the center of attention and I've never really liked being stared at. But the worst part was people were whispering about me, things like "What I would do to fuck that", and "Wow, he chose that". The last comment made Louis growl in menace and glare at the person who had voiced that opinion, and he stands protectively in front of me, daring anyone to look at me the wrong way and he'll bite their heads off. That seemed to make the people quiet down and stop talking about me. It was quite relieving, to not be talked about at least. Louis regained his composure and faced me, "sorry about that. They aren't usually that rude" he said lightly reaching up to stroke my cheek as a calming mechanism. I blushed hard and glanced around the room to still find all gazes on me, but now also on Louis and his actions. I was also confused by the Alpha, he seemed protective of me today, it was odd. He seemed to notice my uncomfortable gaze and growled lightly but dropped his arm, making my Omega whine lightly at the lose of contact from the Alpha. Louis then turned to the crowd and smiled, "This is Harry of Cheshire Pack. He is an Omega, but he is my Omega" he said making my heart stutter, but then I remembered it was all a front. We have to get the people to believe it's real so they respect me as a leader. Everyone's gaze feel back into me and I smiled bashfully causing the Alpha's to coo and fond over me. Louis didn't like this very much as seeing he growled at every single one of them. It made me giggle lightly but I quickly covered it up with a cough. "So tonight it to celebrate him. We will be heading to the Dining Hall around midnight to feast and welcome Harry into the pack. We will also be informing you all on our Mating Date. But for now we will be dancing and enjoying the night while it is young" he concluded and everyone cheered at their Alpha in appreciation and excitement. I smiled fondly at the Alpha, he is what I have always wanted in an Alpha, I only wish I could have amounted to his needs as he does for me.


The night has flown by and I have talked to many people. But the ones that have stuck out to me and I enjoyed talking to were these guys, ones name was Liam and the other Zayn. They were also high up in ranking seeing as Zayn is Louis' second hand man, which means that if Louis were to ever die the pack and all of Louis' belongings would go to Zayn if Louis doesn't get married. And Liam is the packs warrior general, meaning that he is the leader and role model to all of the pack warriors. They are both in a relationship, Zayn is an Omega but he seems he can handle a whole pack by himself if he needed. But speaking of Alpha's and their Omega's I haven't seen Louis since the beginning and I was beginning to become worried. So as any sane Omega would do, I began looking for the Alpha. But his sent was not found anywhere and I was beginning to panic, causing my Omega to go into a frenzy and tint the smell of me with worry.

I had wound up in a hallway and I faintly could smell Louis. "Louis!?" I called out to the Alpha and quieted down to see if I could hear the Alpha. And finally I heard light rustling, and sounds. They were odd noises but they sounded familiar. I had followed to scent to a door, so I placed my ear upon it and heard grunts and moans through the door. But they weren't Louis' they were someone else's. But Louis' scent was so prominent, it was confusing to my Omega. My wolf didn't know whether to cry out in pain of heartbreak of investigate. So being the worried Omega I am I cracked open the door slowly. And peeked inside, what I seen was beyond me. I seen Louis' feet and someone else's, I also heard moans from both parties and it didn't take me long to realize that Louis was indeed fucking someone else. So with the new found information I slowly closed the door and sobbed. I clutched my heart and willed the tears to fall freely. It hurt so damn much, I knew he said he was going to do this. But saying things and doing things are very different things. So I ran, so far out of the castle and into the woods. I jumped and ripped the expensive dress as I changed into my wolf. My beautiful all white wolf, and I howled at the moon. A broken howl for a broken Omega. The howl was so strong it caused other Omegas to feel the pain and Alphas to feel needy to help me, to ease my pain. They all howled back, but the one howl that broke me even more was the regretful one of Louis. I heard the Alpha, I felt his regret, worry, and guilt. It was all consuming me and it became too much to bare as I collapsed onto the grass of the forest. And black took over my vision.

End of Chapitre Sept
Word Count: 991
Written By: AlexisCook820
Published on: July 14, 2019


Soooooo...yeah that was something...😂 anyways I'm updating again tonight! And there will be a twisssst! Buuut I have a vote thing for y'all. And it's about the cover soooo I'm going to give y'all the ones I've made recently or you can vote to keep this cover that I have now and I'll be changing it to which ever gets the highest votes. Annnddd one more thing! I want to thank every single one of you beautiful people and I will be doing more shout outs and possibly more chapters per week. Butttttt that's all in good time😂!

So here are the Covers:



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