chapitre dix-huit

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the action or movement of a runner.
"he accounted for 31 touchdowns with his running and passing"

It had been a few days since me and Niall had, had that talk and ever since I felt distant towards Louis. It was tense between us and I knew he could tell, but neither decided to bring it up. I was in a jumble of thoughts, because what if he went back to this person? What if I wasn't good enough? All thoughts aside though I needed to focus on the task at hand, quite literally. "So, Harry do you understand now?" Jay asked as she handed me the pup, it was a baby pup of course and the pup had just shit herself. Jay wanted me to understand how to raise a child so when I have a pup of my own I won't fuck up as bad. I sighed and grimaced as I held the beautiful baby, but her shit smell was becoming more prominent. I carefully payed her down and unbuttoned the bottom of her onesie and lifted it up to her stomach, exposing the now full diaper. I gagged lightly and received a light slap to the arm and a chuckle from Jay. I giggled lightly causing Stella, the baby, to giggle as well. I smiled down at her but I couldn't ignore the shit diaper that needed to be changed. So I opened the diaper cautiously and gagged when I seen the accident, I quickly pulled the diaper off of Stella and tossed it in the bin. I grabbed a few baby wipes and started to clean Stella's parts and I checked her before I grabbed another diaper to make sure she was clean, which she was. I lifted Stella a tiny bit and then placed the diaper under her and I grabbed the baby powder and lightly tapped the back of it, allowing a good bit to fall onto her. I put the bottle down and finally closed the diaper, I lifted her up into my arms and I felt my Omega coo at the little girl. I bounced her in my arms and I felt a figure watching me. I glanced in the direction to see Jay watching me, I blushed lightly, "You're really good with her. And you'll be a great mother one day" she said tears building up in her eyes, I felt myself grow worried as she started breaking down before me. I quickly and carefully placed Stella down in her bassinet and I rushed over to Jay who was now sobbing, I hugged her tightly and she cried into my shoulder. "Hey...what's the matter?" I asked softly, stroking her head lightly to calm her down. She soon quieted and lifted her head up to face me, "It's're so good for Louis. He's my baby, and he's growing up so fast and it's all hitting me" she paused laughing lightly, "you're so good for him Harry. I promise you that...I know he can be hard headed at times and even a little stupid with his ways. But he's a good person, he doesn't always think things through but he means well. Just...give him a chance" she paused again looking into my eyes, "you're what he needs to be a better leader. Don't get me wrong, he's an amazing Alpha but he is set in his ways and he's very determined on what he does but the way he looks at's so amazing. When you walk into a room he immediately looks up, when you are walking beside him and you are talking to him he is hanging onto every word you say. It's so amazing to see how much you influence him. And I hope you see how much he truly cares for you" she finishes a small smile on her face and I was close to tears, she pulled me into a tight embrace and we stayed like that for hours


It was around dinner time when I decided that I needed to clear things up with Louis, so I made a basket full of his favorite foods and my plan was now it was my turn to court him. I packed the basket full of pies, cherry to be exact. I also put lots of carrots because the Alpha had a thing for carrots, I put some homemade mini pizzas in the basket because Louis also loved pizza, and I little bit of wine that we could share. I packed a few other appliances in the basket as well, things such as an apology letter, a new shirt, and some other things. I tried to put my all into this basket because I was truly sorry for being awkward around Louis. And today I planned to ask him who the person was, I realized that I needed to be a big person and fight my own battles instead of running away from my problems.


I walked down the halls and once I had finally made my way to Louis' room I felt myself glow with happiness of finally being able to talk to the man properly. But as I was about to knock on the door I heard him talking to someone, but before I could walk away I heard the sentence, "...Harry can't know" and that was all it took for me to listen a bit longer. "Louis" I heard a feminine voice say but the rest was muffled by the door, I was aggravated that Louis was hiding things from me, and I wanted to know what. But the voices stopped and I heard groans so I opened the door, and I was met with a sight I was all too familiar with. Louis was lip-locked with a girl, and I realized this was the same girl who gave him a blowjob, she was familiar but all that ran through me at the moment was hurt. I felt my eyes tearing up and Louis ripped away from her, his eyes ablaze and his features hard, but his eyes cast on me and his face turned pale. I pursued my lips together and closed my eyes, I felt my heart breaking in two and I dropped the basket I was holding. I felt the tears flooding my face and Louis was quick to hold me, but I shoved him away. "Baby, no it's not what it looks like" he said frantic, I cried out a heart wrenching sob, "No! No, you don't get to say that!" I screamed at him, he flinched visibly and I cried more as the girl left. I felt my legs moving too but not with hers, she was walking slowly, I was running. I was running away from my problems, away from Louis, away from the pain.

End of Chapitre Dix-Huit
Word Count: 1125
Written By: AlexisCook820
Published On: August 10, 2019


Okayyyy this chapter suckeddddd. I wasn't really inspired but I have ideas, this was just a sucky filler! Sorry if it wasn't what you wanted but it's going to get betteeeeerrrr! And we had another Jay and Harry bonding moment! Okay so my plan for this book is to have 40 chapters but I don't know if it'll be that much or if it'll be more or less, but whatever it is I'll make it worth whileee! And I'm soooo tired rn! I finished my first week of school this weeeeek! Yeah ik that's borrrring but I felt accomplished! Anyways, I love you all and I hope you enjoyedddd♥️♥️♥️♥️

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