chapitre huit

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feel sad, repentant, or disappointed over (something that has happened or been done, especially a loss or missed opportunity).
"she immediately regretted her words"
synonyms: be sorry about, feel contrite about, feel apologetic about, feel remorse about/for, be remorseful about, rue, repent (of), feel repentant about, be regretful at/about, have a conscience about, blame oneself for

{Louis P.O.V}

I threw my head back and groaned lightly, and although this person was working wonders on giving me a blowjob, I could not seem to enjoy it. They seemed to notice too and stopped. "Louis you're not even semi-hard" they said irritated, I sighed loudly and lifted their head so I could see them. But all I could see, smell, and hear was Harry. It was as if he was all I knew, it was infuriating but yet calming to my wolf. He felt betrayed by me in this situation, betrayed because in his mind we are cheating on our mate. I honestly don't know how I feel about my wolf already accepting Harry as our mate. The thought scared me shitless and maybe I wasn't ready to let go, maybe that was why I was here, with this person. It was all so fucked up, honestly. I knew that I loved Harry but I don't want to accept that. At all, whatsoever. "Mmmm Lou baby" they moaned in my ear as they grabbed my crotch tightly. Eliciting a strangled moan from me but not because I enjoyed the feeling, because I could smell him. I felt myself relax into the smell but as soon as it had appeared it vanished leaving me a confused and dis-functional mess.

I pulled back in repulse as the person went to kiss my neck, causing them to frown heavily. I felt Harry, his omega was in pain. I felt as if I needed to be next to him, help him, I needed it. "Jesus! Jesus, shit!" I yelled as I felt his pain increase. It was attracting attention, that was how strong he was feeling, that his pheromones were releasing such pain it alerted many wolves. Alphas especially, which infuriated my wolf. I felt myself walking, to where I didn't know, but it felt natural, it felt right. I could smell him, as if he was there, but I could not see him.

I ended up in the field, my wolf panting in pain. Whining out for our mate, "fuck! Harry!?" I called out panicked. What if he was injured!? What if he is dying!? No! He's not dying! I couldn't live without him, I don't know why but I just know. The next thing that happened was all it took for the Alpha in me to realize why Harry was in pain. His scorching howl into the night sent shock waves through my body. Each vibration of sound pulsing through me sending his every emotion. He saw me. I realized quickly, this caused my wolf to growl menacingly at me, I lowered my head in shame and transferred into my wolf. Sending out a howl that was almost as strong as Harry's but instead of pain it was regret that fueled my fire. But I heard nothing back, so I set out to find my Omega and make things right.


Not long after I had followed his scent into the woods I spotted the Omega unconscious on the ground. I sprinted over to him and changed back into my human form. I immediately knelt down to the ground and listened for his heartbeat and his breathing, both which were still intact. So I picked up the tiny Omega, despite both of our states of nudity, and carried him out of the forest. I glanced upon the Angel and sighed sadly, "You're too good for me, little one" I said quietly. I felt a tear slip out of my eye and onto his cheek, which I quickly wiped away and continued to walk with the sweet creature in my arms.

Once I arrived at the castle I went through the back entrance so no one would see Harry and I in this state. I quickly sprinted up to my room with my wolf speed. I laid him down gently on the mattress and tucked a stray strand of hair behind his ear. I smiled lightly at the beautiful Omega before me and wondered why I had even thought about rejecting the poor creature. I felt a self loathe fill my veins and pulsate throughout me. It was strong but I withheld the urge to act upon my rash thoughts. Tomorrow would be a new day, and I will make up for my mistakes. And hopefully, the goddess is on my side and the stars align, so that Harry can find it in his depths to forgive my foolish acts. But reality is a hard slap to the face, and I know this, so I shouldn't hope for such silly things but I can't live with the thought of him hating me. I deserve it but I don't think I would be able to bear the thought. So as I watched the sweet and delicate boy I filled with regret and sorrow. But I also found the urge to fix what I have done and gain back his trust and show him that I can treat him how he should be, like a princess. So that was what I set to do, make Harry mine.

End of Chapitre Huit
Word Count: 920
Written By: AlexisCook820
Published On: July 15, 2019


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