chapitre vingt-cinq

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used to refer to a thing or things belonging to or associated with the person or people that the speaker is addressing.
"the choice is yours"

I woke up to the feeling of warmth around me. Not the warmth and pain that came with heat but the warmth of someone sleeping beside me. The familiar smell of pine trees and cinnamon. I smiled and opened my eyes to be met with Louis' head resting on my stomach, holding me tightly. I sighed content, my heat had lasted a five days and now it was finally gone. Five days of pure bliss. I had so many bruises littering my skin, but they weren't from pain. God no, he would never hurt me intentionally. The nights seemed to never end and the evidence was there, I smelt of sex and an Alphas knot. My skin had a layer of dried sweat on it, and even though I tried to explain to Louis I needed to be bathed, he would not let me. I smile fondly at the memory, running my hands through his hair.

I sighed as Louis knot popped, for what felt like, the millionth time. I groaned and bit my shoulder lightly. I moaned as I felt how big his knot was. "Shit Lou" I said in his ear earning a light growl. I whimpered and nodded, knowing that his Alpha doesn't like when I curse. "You're going to be pregnant" he said and I whined at the reality. But not in a bad way, in a wanting way. "Please Louis" I begged and he nodded, trying to thrust more. I hissed, "Stop Lou, we're locked" I said and he stopped abruptly. "Oh yeah" he said laughing, I laughed with him. Soon his knot went down, and I was able to move again. We were both sufficed for now, and I realized I stunk, like really bad. So I woke Louis up, where he had fallen into a light nap. He blinked a few times and I smiled. "Y'need to get up" I said and he grunted. "Why?" His voice was deep, and raspy. I shuddered lightly, "Need to get in the tub" I said slurred, because his tone had me melting. He growled tightening his grip on my waist, "No" he said. I whined, "why not?". He scoffed as if that were the stupidest thing I could've said, " smell, so ducking good baby" he paused putting his head into the crook of my neck, "and if they smell you, they will take you away. I'll kill them, they can't take you away. You're mine" he roared and bit back into my mating mark. I moaned loudly and threw my head back. The white hot pleasure coursing through my body. "O-Okay...Lou" I said shakily.

The memory still sending obvious chills down my spine. I heard I small groan, the vibrations erupting down my stomach. Louis lifted his head up, chin resting on my ribs. "Hey baby" he said, voice raspy. I giggled and blushed at the nickname. "Hey, Alpha" I said, smile splitting my face. Louis leaned up and kissed my lips lightly, "I'm so happy" he said, and I nodded. "Me too" I agreed.

Time passed and we stayed like that, wrapped in each other. I sighed, "Lou, we have to get up. We have to tell your mom about...this, whatever it is." I said. He leaned up and crawled to where our faces were parallel. "This is us" he said, leaning down and kissing his mark. I shivered lightly, "You are mine. That's what this is" he growled and I nodded viciously, "Yes...yours. Only yours" I said, trying to please my Alpha. He smiled down at his mark, "yeah we should tell everyone, so they are mine. I want everyone to know. I want a proper mating ceremony. I want to do right by you, I realize we-I messed this all up- but I want you, only you" he finished and I nodded feeling very emotional. "I want all of that too" I said feeling the tears leak from my eyes. Louis eyes me concerned, "Baby? What? What's wrong!? Did I say something-" I cut him off with a sob and shook my head, "No...No Lou! You've done nothing wrong. I was just scared you were gonna leave me, again. After-", this time he cut me off. He placed one finger on my lips, stopping my rambling. "Shhhh love. It's alright, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, but I'm here now. Nothing is going to take me away from you. I promise" he said and I nodded.

Few hours passed and we finally were dressed and ready to meet Louis' mom to tell her the news.

We began walking, hand in hand, to Jay's room. Louis knocked twice and entered without permission. "Hey, Mum-" he stopped mid sentence when he saw his mum standing with a girl, mid conversation. His face paled and I looked closer to realize I knew this girl. "Elenor?" He said, voice breathy as if he'd been hit with a baseball bat. Elenor-oh, that's...her. But rather than the expected disappointment of Louis falling back into her traps. He growled and wrapped his arms protectively over me, liking over and nosing my mating mark. "Go" Louis all but barked at her. She started shaking feverishly, "L-Louis?" She sobbed out. I felt my chest tighten with anger and possessiveness over my Alpha. My distressed pheromones sending Louis Alpha into overdrive. He started growling profusely and I was getting worked up myself. The bitch still hadn't left, "Didn't you hear your Alpha?! He said leave!" I growled out and she cocked an eyebrow. "Is that an order. Because last time I checked, I was the one he was fucking...not you" she said challenging me. I laughed sadistically, "I mean, I'm the one bearing the mark, so bite me bitch" I had now walked closer to her, and Louis stopped following when he seen the fighting tension build up. Jay had been glancing back and forth between us, the look in her eyes was undetected but I could tell she was confused. Elenor bared her teeth at me, and her eyes shined yellow, "you little-" she growled and tried to punch me. Key words tried...

Oop- honestly we all need this. They need to fight, not over Louis. But so Harry will be taken seriously. 😂 Sorry for the late updateeee! Love you all♥️ hope ya enjoyyy

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