chapitre vingt-et-un

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obtained or imposed by coercion or physical power.
"the brutal regime of forced labor"
synonyms: enforced, compulsory, obligatory, mandatory, involuntary, exacted, coerced, imposed, demanded, compelled, required, requisite, stipulated, dictated, ordained, prescribed;


"Harry!?" Nick said worriedly, rushing over to assist me and check for wounds. And although my Omega should preen with happiness at any Alpha who worries over him, he didn't. In fact he growled and forced me to rip my arm away from Nick. Nick pouted and I glance at him, shaking my head and ridding my Omega. "I'm sorry Nick...I don't know what came over me" I lied and he smiled at the apology. He strutted over to me in all of his nakedness and I had to fight to not gag. "It's okay Harry" he said stepping closer, I smelt him and he smelt...different. When we were younger he always smelt musky, but a manly musk with a tint of ash. But now...he smelt of eggs, rotten eggs. I felt repulsed, so I stepped away lightly. He didn't seem to notice though, "mhmmm smell delightful" he said huskily, I shivered with disgust. "N-Nick...can you...take me home" I said trying to fight the vomit rising in my throat. Nick sighed and he looked hurt, "wow. Now you don't even want to be near me! We were best friends Harry! For fucks sake, I was god damn in love with you!" He shouted at me and I flinched, confused and overwhelmed by his outburst. "But-But then you left me. To go and frolic, with-with him" he spit Louis name out with venom. My Omega was now pleading with me to go...leave now. He was screaming in my head. "But I decided that I would come and steal you back." Nick paused, he was talking to himself now, " I would take you and make you mine. Like how it was supposed to be! And when I found you fighting a rouge Alpha I though, THIS IS MY OPPORTUNITY! To win you back!" He growled, "and when I saved you. You didn't even thank me!" He said angrily taking steps closer to me, "you seem repulsed by me" he said laughing sadistic like. "But now...I'm gonna make sure. No one will take you." He said attacking me. He pounced onto me, we both landed on the ground and he was quick to pin me. I was screaming, so loud. He didn't care though. He tightened his grip on my wrists and growled out, "no one will want you after this". He smiled evilly and I cried so loud, I was pleading. "NO-NO-NO!! PLEASE" I screamed, but it fell on deaf ears. He started kissing down my neck, slowly. He nipped at the skin and grinds on my leg. I was wailing now, "gonna knot you" He said kissing down my stomach. I was hyperventilating by now, "L-LOU-LOUIS" I screamed wanting the Alpha more than ever now. Nick grabbed his shaft and placed it at my entrance. He laughed, "this might hurt" he tightened his grip on my wrist that he had in one hand and I thrashed them, trying to escape. It was of no use though, he was an alpha, I an Omega. He used his hand that was on his shaft to still my hips, he held them firmly. He looked into my eyes and said "this is what you deserve" before thrusting in. I screamed the loudest I had ever screamed before. He didn't even care though. He kept thrusting and thrusting. I felt like I was on fire, tears welled up in my eyes and I felt so dirty. My back was scratching against the leaves and broken twigs. My hands were burning from being rubbed so raw. My arse was also burning because of the abuse it was taking. I was screaming, crying, pleading, but nothing came. "So close baby" he said huskily in my ear, I felt myself breaking as he kept thrusting deeply. Once he finally came he spilled into me, but he didn't knot. He just came. I cried when he pulled out, "aww I know you miss me down there but don't be greedy" he said. I kept crying though, he sighed and laid down beside me. "I'm gonna get some rest" he said as if nothing had just happened. I reached my hand down to where I was hurting the most, and I felt liquid, warm liquid down there. I lifted my hand back up and I seen his semen mixed with a lot of blood. I panicked jumping up, but as soon as I did that I glanced down and Nick. He was asleep thankfully. I didn't know what to do, I just needed someone. So I let me Omega take control. And soon everything was black.


I woke up cold and on the front door step of the castle. I knocked repeatedly, scared for my life. Nick Nick Nick. Was all that I could think about, I began screaming, "PLEASE! PLEASE-OPEN THE DOO-" I was cut off when a maid opened the door. She seemed frightened by my outburst but I hugged her so tight. I was sobbing into her chest. "Please help me..." I cried weakly. She seemed to realize who I was and she instantly started screaming for the guards. One of them came, "It's prince Harry! Get Louis! Now!" She screamed at him, flailing her arms, he obliged and ran off to find him. I was shaking and crying. "Shhh love it's gonna be okay" He cooed and tried to calm me, "no no no! He's-he'll find me!" I shouted and all of the castle was now awake from all of the commotion. Everyone was staring at me, a lot of them where confused, some realized and had pity on their faces, and the others looked angry for the disturbance. But soon I heard a voice, close to me, I smelt him. It calmed me but I didn't take away the nightmares. "Harry?!" He said running over to me, I cried and detached myself from the poor maid girl and ran into the Alphas arms. Louis was confused, but then he smelt it. "Harry?" He said tears in his eyes. I looked up to him and started sobbing again. "He-He-I'm so sorry" I sobbed into his shoulder and he wrapped his arms around me, my blood was still leaking from my arse and it was on Louis now, but he didn't seem to care. "No, love don't apologize" he said crying too, "I failed you as an Alpha" he said and I shook my head. "He-he raped me Louis! He was my best friend! He took away my innocence! He-HE-oh no-he's gonna come get me! You-you can't let him take me! Please Louis! I'm sorry-I'm sorry...I'm sorry" I sobbed and Louis was full I'm crying now too, I tried to get out of Louis arms but he held me tighter, I felt my lungs closing.

He held my wrists tighter.

"let me go...let me go...LET ME GO!" I screamed at Louis and he flinched. I finally got out of his arms and I fell to the floor. Bringing my knees up to my chest, rocking back and forth. "He's gonna come...he gonna come and take me....don't let him take me...please" I said to myself tears streaming down my face, the whole castle watching me but all I could think about was how I'll never be the same.

End of Chapitre Vingt-Et-Un
Word Count: 1253
Written By: AlexisCook820
Published On: August 24, 2019

Okay, I'm so sorry for this. But I felt it needed to happen. Not because it's a joke, but this is real. And if you are being treated like this or, if this has happened to you, then you need to talk to someone, not because you are the problem, but because whoever did this to you needs to be stopped and punished for what they've done. Personally, I don't think Nick is a rapist so don't take what I'm saying so literally. I honestly cried writing this. I felt this was needed because the story needs to feel real, and this is as real as it gets. So thank you all for reading, I apologize if I've caused any triggers. I love you all, and I hope you have a wonderful day.♥️

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