chapitre vignt-quatre

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each of a pair of birds or other animals.
"a male bird sings to court a mate"
a fellow member or joint occupant of a specified thing.
"his tablemates"
synonyms:    partner, husband, wife, spouse, lover, live-in lover, amour, significant other, inamorato, inamorata, companion, helpmate, helpmeet, consort

"Let me take care of you" Louis whispered and I felt myself melt lightly. Slick spirting out, "P-Please Alpha" I begged, losing all sense of me and falling into my Omega tendencies. Louis nodded, but his eyes grew darker than I've ever seen before. His usual crystal blue eyes were now a deep ocean blue, his usual soft features hardened and I realized his Alpha was also there. My Omega preened, already missing the Alpha after their encounter. "Louis-Please!" I begged after his stance hadn't moved an inch, this seemed to snap him out of his trance. "Okay I've got you" He said and came closer, causing me to lay down on the bed and sigh happily when he started discarding his clothing. Once my back hit the cool sheets I sighed contently, it was almost cooling me down completely, key word almost. Louis clambered into the bed over me now. I glanced down at his shaft, and was met with the huge thick cock of the Alpha. I looked into the beautiful eyes of the Alpha, "take me" was all I said to reassure his unsure eyes. He nodded and started kissing me slowly, taking his time. I began to feel impatient, I pulled him down roughly trying to create some friction. He pulled away causing me to whine, "Louis!" I begged and he sighed as if fighting himself. "I want to make love to you, an you are making it so hard. Every moan you make, every frantic action you take, brings me a step closer to pounding into you unmercifully" he said, voice sounding like gravel. I moaned a high pitch whine, "don't hold back, please. I'll take your knot so well...please Alpha" I begged him whilst thrusting up into his hips. He grabbed my hips roughly, pushing them down onto the bed. "You want it rough? Okay baby, I'll give it to you" he said before latching his lips onto mine. He kissed with a bruising kiss, his hands squeezed my hips so hard I was sure there was going to be bruises by tomorrow. He licked my bottom lip for entrance, and before I could open my mouth he was prying his tongue through my lips. His tongue wandered around my mouth, licking every part their was. I moaned once he bit down softly on my lip. He pulled away a from my lips, a string of saliva coming with him, as he started to kiss down my neck. Sucking and biting in all different places. I moaned the loudest when he started sucking on my mating spot though. "Do it" I said presenting myself to him. He growled and nosed the area, "hold on my sweet Omega" his Alpha said to me. I pulled Louis head back to look into his eyes and all I see were the glowing blue orbs of his Alpha. I moaned high in my throat at the thought of his knot. "Luca?" I asked and he nodded nosing my face to scent mark me. "Smell so good, Omega" He said with a slight growl. I whined happily at the praise, "Can I have Louis back, please?" I asked because even though I wanted to be claimed by the Alpha, I wanted Louis and I to share this moment. The Alpha nodded and the glowing dimmed down and I seen Louis come back. He smiled a wolffish grin, "he was right, you do smell good" he said simply pulling away from my embrace to latch his greedy lips to my right, rose bud nipple. "Louis!" I moaned out as he started licking and sucking on the sensitive bud. He brought his hand up to play with the other, twisting and pinching it. "Gonna knot you so good baby" he said teeth tugging on my nipple. I moaned loudly "yeah, gonna take it so well Louis. Gonna-Gonna make you never leave me...don't leave me. I'll always take your knot, Lou" I blabbered causing Louis to shush me by kissing down my chest and towards my v-line. "Baby, can you lift your bum up for me. Gonna put a pillow under you so I can slip in easily, and see your pretty face while doing it" He said grabbing a pillow, I did as told and lifted my arse in the air. He placed the pillow under me and I fell onto it. I grabbed his hips and led his towards my arse, he grabbed his massive length and led it to my hole. Louis gave me one last glance, I nodded answering his unspoken question. He put his tip right at my entrance and slowly pushed it.

We he tried to do slow, but with as much slick as I was producing he slipped and slid all the way, in slamming into my prostate. "Fuck" I shouted as I came, he slapped my thigh quickly but it stung. I hissed and pouted, "What was that for?" tears filling my eyes. Louis sighed sadly and rubbed the area he slapped. "I'm sorry pup. But you need to watch your mouth. Okay?" He said and I nodded, he placed one hand on my face and I nuzzled into it. "Such a good Omega, already so responsive" he said glancing down at my cum filled stomach. I moaned and hissed when he wrapped his hands around my small prick. "So pretty baby" he said softly. I moaned "lou, knot me please" I begged and he nodded, kissing my forehead. He finally moved, he pulled back until his tip was hooked onto my rim before he thrust deeply back in. I moaned out whilst he groaned raspily. "Jesus Harry, you're so tight" he growled in my ear thrusting smoothly in and out of me rhythmically. He placed his face into my neck whilst thrusting, hitting my prostate head on. "Lou-uh-Alpha-ah- k-keep hitting-shit- Please" I moaned and Louis nodded thrusting sharp and deep. "Fuck Harry, Goddess" he groaned into my neck. "I'm-ugh-I'm close" Louis growled into my ear. My Omega senses heightened and I reached between us to feel where his knot was forming. I placed my hand on his swollen knot, I moaned "Louis...knot me! Please, oh god, it's so big. And all for me. Give me pups Louis, gonna knot me so well" I spewed out, Louis growled and gripped my hips thrusting in hard. "Feel it baby, that's what you do to Daddy. Gonna knot and breed you so good. Gonna have pups for me baby. Gonna be swollen with my pups baby. Gonna be so full" he groaned and I moaned out when he referred to himself as daddy. I nodded frantically, "Breed me Daddy" I moaned out cumming for the second time tonight and Louis growled speeding up, chasing his own orgasm. With a final thrust his knot popped locking into me, he bared his teeth and bit down on my mating mark. I whined loudly and my teeth bared too, I sunk my teeth into his mating mark as well. Pure pleasure ran through me and I came down from my high. Louis was licking his mark whilst he tried moving, to milk out his orgasm, but I whined, feeling sensitive. "Louis" I gasped out realizing we just marked each other. He pulled back, his eyes hooded. "You're mine now" he growled out, still cumming into me as we speak. I whimpered, "I'm okay with that, as long as your okay with being mine." My small growl was nothing compared to his, and yet he still founded over it. "My feisty Omega, I'll always be perfectly fine with being yours" he chuckled lightly, nuzzling his face into my neck. Kissing lightly over his mating mark. I smiled dopily, sleep taking over after the events of today. Finally I could call Louis mine.

End of Chapitre Vingt-Quatre
Word Count: 1324
Written By: AlexisCook820
Published On: September 7, 2019

•~•~•~•~•~•~ happened. 😂♥️ Anywaysssss they're mated. And everything is in place, harmony and-oop. Babies? Oh and sorry for the awful smut I tried😭

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