chapitre quatorze

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After my date with Louis, I found myself extremely pleased with our situation. No, I didn't completely trust they Alpha, nor was I close to forgiving him but when he is showing me that he cares it's hard to be mad at the man. Even though he unintentionally disrespected my name, I still wanted to accept the Alpha as mine, and maybe that was my Omega instincts kicking in but it felt like something much more. And the memories of tonight are still running through my mind fiercely.

"No, No...No LOUIS!" I squealed as he chased me throughout the yard, I was laughing like a mad man and he was chuckling to his heart's content. He ended up catching up to me though and he lifted me up and threw me over his shoulder, "Louis! S-stop" I giggled and he slapped my arse playfully, "I-I'm sorry" I laughed as he tickled my sides whilst walking. He smiled, "you should've thought about that before you insulted my cooking". I sighed and slammed my fists on his back, "Pleaseeeee" I whined but laughed when he slapped my arse...again. "What do you want?" He asked playfully causing me to huff, "I want to be let down" I said with an aggravated tone. He chuckled "be careful what you wish for", he barely said before I felt myself being flung and submerged into cold water. I screamed until my body slammed into the water, and right now I really wished I had learned to swim. I felt the water drowning me and I flailed my arms to try and help myself back up but it only seemed to bring me down faster. And I get myself starting to lose breath. I was ready to die, that was the saddest thing. But before I took my last breath I felt two strong weights lifting me up. Once my head came out of the water I spluttered for a breath, gasping in the crisp air. "Shit! Harry I'm so sorry" I heard Louis say whilst carrying me towards land. But I didn't mind his strong arms around me, holding me. I sighed in content once I had caught my breath and Louis had brought us to land. I chuckled, "I should've said something". He shook his head though, "No, I shouldn't have done that without asking". I shrugged, "it's fine" he shook his head pulling me closer to him. "I could've killed you" he said, a frown taking over his features. I quickly grabbed his face and brought it over so he would face me. I looked him in the eyes "hey, but I'm not. I'm right here...with you. In your arms, and please don't ruin such a great night. I'm enjoying myself, so let's forget about it, eh?" I said sincerely, he Alpha calming down at my touch. "Okay" he breathed and looked into my eyes. I only now realized how close we were and my thoughts were running wild. I was engulfed in his smell. The thoughts of my first night here were playing in my brain as he leaned closer. I felt the air rush out of my lungs but I turned my head before he could kiss me. I heard his Alpha growl lightly but he understood. I cleared my throat, "I want too, but..." I trailed off and he nodded, "I know". I glanced at him, "thank you" I said and he smiled, it wasn't a full smile but it was enough to let me know that we were okay. And that was all I needed.

"Harry" my thoughts were broken off by the sound of a familiar voice, an Omega voice to be exact. I sighed an glanced up at the faux blonde, he had unshed tears in his eyes and unsaid words at the tip of his tongue. "Yes, Niall," I said with an aggravated sigh, he whimpered lightly at my tone of words. And for a simple second, I felt sympathy for the fragile boy. "Please...let me explain..." he trailed off and a tear slipped past his eye but he quickly wiped it away. I sighed and shook my head, "Niall, no. I said I don't want to hear anything from you, you don't have to explain yourself to me. I just had hopes before coming here and they all have been shattered or on hold as seeing I didn't have the best start coming out here". He nodded solemnly and cleared his throat, "Although you feel I have betrayed you as a friend and as one of your pack members but I promise you not all is what it seems" he said sadly before sauntering off into the hall where I heard his faint but heartbreaking sobs. I breathed out a shaky breath and felt tears well up inside of my eyes as well, I knew I was wrong for blaming Niall with no explanation but I am afraid of getting hurt again. I know that is selfish to say, but it's true. So as I made my way to my chambers I felt exhaustion take over my body. Plus I was still damp, so that was another reason I rushed to my room.

Once there I slipped my dress off and went into my bathing room. I filled the tub with warm water and soap to create suds. Once I felt that the water was cool enough I slid down the porcelain tub and sighed in content. I really wanted to kiss Louis, but I just need to give us time. Let us grow because we started off wrong, it's supposed to be friends, then in a relationship, and then sex, marriage, mating, and then bonded for life. And yeah, pups along the way but that's not anywhere in the near future(or is it!?😂)but even then we still got off on the wrong foot. We went from acquaintances to almost fucking in a car, like how we got there I'm not sure of yet. And then we fought and then almost had sex again, and then we fought, almost had sex yet again, and the fought. Jesus, breaking it down seems like we are toxic for each other, but I can't believe that. Because it just feels right, I just know.

End of Chapitre Quatorze
Word Count: 1053
Written By: AlexisCook820
Published: July 28, 2019


Soooo😂 yeahhhh it's gonna get better? Idk I'm planning on maybe time jumping? Idk give me comments if you feel like I should time jump or nah bc I feel like it would be convenient annnd I would give y'all major details like I'm not an ass😂. I won't like make any MAJOR milestones or anything, but I feel like it'll pick the story up but if you feel like you don't want that just lemme kno...and I love you allll♥️♥️♥️

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