chapitre dix-sept

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best friend
a person's closest friend.
"Michael was Frank's best friend"

{Harry's P.O.V}

It was different that night. I could tell something bothered Louis, but it wasn't his usual stress he expresses that is caused through work. I had a familiar feeling it was about the event of that night. I felt my Omega sadden and I glanced at the occupied spot beside me, Louis was snoring softly into my neck. But I couldn't seem to tire myself out so I decided that I needed to face a certain person myself tonight.

I carefully lifted up a shirt of mine that was on my nightstand and rubbed in on my scent gland, so it would end up smelling like me. I then lifted Louis' head up so I could move. He groaned and I quickly placed his head back onto the pillow, I sighed and waited a few seconds to see if I woke him, I exhaled lightly when realizing I hadn't. I placed my shirt on his nose so he would wake up because I needed to do this no my own without worrying him.

I slowly shuffled out of the bed, careful not to wake the Alpha I have come to adore. I sighed in relief when he didn't wake and I smiled lightly at the sight of him cuddling with the shirt that had my scent on it. I slid on some slippers that were beside my bed and crept out of the room. I twisted the door knob and exited the room but not before glancing back at the sleeping figure on my bed.


I was lurking down the halls before my eyes landed upon the barley familiar door, I stood before it and I sighed. I knocked twice, and heard shuffling behind it before it opened and I was met with the sight of an old friend. "Harry?" He said surprised, I nodded. "Niall...I want to hear your side" I said which caused him to let out a wet laugh, he and I met eyes and I couldn't hold it in any longer so I jumped and wrapped my arms around the Omega and he did the same. We clung to each other for what felt like forever but it had to end, so I pulled back and wiped the few tears off my face that were lingering, "come in" he said gesturing to his room. I stepped in quickly, ready to have this conversation and I sighed when he closed the door. I looked to him, "So...let's start" he said and I nodded, he sat down on his bed and patted a spot in front of him for me to sit, I gladly did so. He sighed and faced me, "Okay, so where do you want me to start?" He asked and I shrugged, "I want you to explain to me your relationship with Louis..." I said bluntly. Niall tensed but he nodded nonetheless, "A-Alright.." he sighed. "Okay, well when I first came to this castle and pack I was only 16. I had just presented as an Omega and my parents weren't too keen on it. They were hoping for an Alpha, or at least a Beta. So when I presented my father decided that I would do him no good as a son and sent me here, to work of course. I was scared and confused, I was also hurt" he paused letting out a shaky breath. I reached over and squeezed his hand in reassurance. He continued after a while "I-I knew that my heat would be starting soon as seeing I had just presented. I didn't know where to find suppressants or herbs to mask my smell and I didn't want to be forcefully knotted....Harry I was so scared" he said tears falling, I sniffled getting emotional as well. "I-I remember the first was so painful and I was terrified. I heard Alphas howling and I could hear the growls. They-they tried rape me" he started panting heavily. "B-But I ran! I ran so fast. I made my way to the castle and I was so out of breath. I was trembling and I felt hot...everywhere! I heard the guards running and shouting at me, they thought I was an intruder, which I guess I was. But that was the farthest thing from my mind. They lifted me by my arms and shouted at me... I didn't understand what they were saying, I just felt so hot. I whined loudly in pain and they realized what was going on." He paused glancing in my direction, I nodded for him to continue. "Then they started carrying me somewhere, I didn't know where at first but soon I realized as I smelt him...Louis." He said and I tensed, "he smelt so...enthralling. My Omega was going crazy from his smell of power and I found myself being sexually aroused by him. He came into the room they were holding me in and he took one smell of the room before he was on me. Literally, on me. The guards had to pry him off but he was so much stronger..." he trailed off, and I felt my eyes water. "But the Queen walked in before anything happened. I was upset at the time but I am now grateful. Louis off of me. He recollected himself and came back in, but this time he didn't seem aroused...he seemed repulsed. I was so hurt by the Omega just wanted a knot. A powerful one. And this time I pounced and I begged him to knot me. It was so disrespectful and it was embarrassing. Me and Louis haven't spoken since and when I heard of you...and that you were coming to the castle, I wanted to hate you. I did hate you. But once I seen you and I started talking to you, I realized I couldn't. So that's why I said those things about his ways. I shouldn't have said those things and I am truly sorry Harry" he started sobbing. I pulled him closer and sighed "I'm not mad...I'm jealous maybe" I joked causing him to chuckle into my chest. "But I'm not anywhere near mad at you, you did no wrong. And Incase you forgot, I'm Omega too. I know the feeling and I've been in heat with Louis before. I know how an Omega gets in heat when a powerful Alpha is around. I do not blame you for your actions seeing as you couldn't think clearly." I said calming the Omega. He nodded and I sighed, "we're friends now" he said muffled into my chest, I chuckled loudly. "No Niall" I paused and he pulled back with a hurt expression, "We're Best Friends" I said with a cheesy smile causing the Omega to have a shit eating grin and we giggled whilst hugging the life out of one another. And Goddess did it feel good to talk to him again and laugh with him again. I was so stupid to be blinded by my jealousy and not even consider his feelings. But never again, and that's a promise. But one thing coursed through my mind, who did I catch with Louis that night if it wasn't Niall?

End of Chapitre Dix-Sept
Word Count: 1233
Written By: AlexisCook820
Published On: August 4, 2019


The Narry reunion was present and wow...I'm actually happy I wrote it. Bc as much as y'all hated reading them fight, I hating writing it bc let's be honest...they are too good of friends to fight ya kno!? And if that cancels out Niall for the person who is it then???😂 love you guys♥️🌸♥️🌸♥️🌸

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