chapitre trois

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Learn to pronounce
lack of understanding; uncertainty.
"there seems to be some confusion about which system does what"
synonyms:    uncertainty, lack of certainty, unsureness, indecision, hesitation, hesitancy, scepticism, doubt, ignorance

Eyes. That is all I can see other than unfamiliar faces, they all gaze upon my figure. Some are eying me with curiosity while others seem to be sizing me up. For what I do not know, but I don't think I want to know. There are other stares as well both those eyes are filled with hate, envy, and jealousy. Those eyes are the ones that truly scare me though. But my gaze is cut short by the sound of a motherly voice, "Hello, Harry" she spoke lightly. And when my line of vision settled on the smaller lady my shoulders untensed. "Hello" I squeaked out, she smiled fondly at my Omega tendencies. "Why don't we bring you inside, I'm Johanna, Louis' mother" she introduced, I nodded feverishly at the offer to leave the stares. She smiled politely and put her hand on the small of my back whilst guiding me into the lovely home. "Would you mind getting his bags, dear?" She shot the question at Louis, who nodded before leaving the room to grab my things. She led me through the house and showed me all the rooms. "Alright, now that you know majority of the house, I would like to introduce you to your indentured servant. He is an Omega just as you and he will guide you through the house, tell you when you are needed to see anyone, and dress you with the clothes provided for you" she informed me. I nodded as I spotted the blonde haired boy that she was pointing to. He kept his head down low, as a sign of respect, but I could tell there was a hidden fear to it. I smiled sympathetically at the boy who looked to be my age. "Niall" she called, he looked up at me and then quickly made his way to her side. "Hello Niall" I spoke softly, trying not to scare the Omega. He glanced up at me a smiled respectively, "Hello, your majesty" he spoke softly. I smiled endeared by the Omega, "Please, it's just Harry" I said to the boy, he smiled and nodded but no more words were exchanged between us. And soon enough Louis has come back with my bags, to which he was instructed to carry them to my room whilst also showing me my room. The thought made me uneasy, seeing as the last time we were talking or just near each other we were either fighting or close to fucking. But either way I followed the Alpha up the steps and to my newfound room. He led me down a hallway that had many doors, and stopped at the fifth one down from the beginning of the hall. He looked to me and then nodded at the door as if asking me to open it for him, to which so I obliged seeing as his hands were full. Once the door opened my bedroom now on display, I fell in love with the room. It had a very roomy and rustic vibe to it. It also had a balcony, and a wall hanging chair. It was a very nice room, and although it was tiny, it felt very home like to me. I smiled in awe at the sight and from the corner of my eye I seen Louis looking at me. I glanced in his direction to find a very fond look on his face making me confused, as of moments ago we were having a screaming and growling match. Where as now we were smiling at each other. But I'm not complaining, if we could forget and move on from the moment in the carriage and forget as if it had never happened I would gladly accept. "This is your room now" he finally spoke, I smiled and nodded. He carefully placed my belongings beside the bed and glanced back at me. "Alright, well it's getting late and I'm sure you're feeling tired so I'll leave you be. By tomorrow morning Niall should be waking you up around 7:00 a.m. for breakfast and then you and I will introduce you to the pack. Then we will discuss with the council when we are to be mated" he spoke lightly as if knowing it was a subject I was very touchy about. I smiled gratefully at his choice of words and tone, "Thank you Alpha". He smiled lightly, "I'm sorry about how I was to you in the carriage." He paused, "I just get very offended when someone tests my judgement. But even though I'm apologizing Harry, what I said still goes. If I want a mistress I will be granted to right to do so". I looked him in the eyes and spoke softly "if that is what you wish". He looked almost disappointed in what I had said, "A-Alright, well, goodnight Omega". He then turned on his heel before I could utter a word and sauntered off into the night. Leaving me not only confused but upset. Because in his mind I will not satisfy him as a mate and it pains me. But today was a long and painful enough of a day for me to want it to end. So as I think over everything that happened today I strip of my skirt and shirt, and discard them. I pull out my night gown and slip into the covers of my bed. I sigh contently and drift into a slumber that was well needed.

End of Chapitre Trois
Word Count: 951
Made By: AlexisCook820
Publish Date: June 29,2019

I just wanted to say thank you to the ones that have commented, voted, and viewed this book! I am super happy about it and I will update every weekend. Each day of the weekend, so two updates on weekends! But yeah, thank you guys and I hope you enjoy!

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