chapitre quinze

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touch with the lips as a sign of love, sexual desire, reverence, or greeting.
"he kissed her on the lips"
synonyms: plant a kiss on, brush one's lips against, blow a kiss to,

2 months later...

It's been a crazy two months, calm and yet crazy. Calm because Louis is trying to prove to me how much I mean to him. And I truly love his aspirations of winning me over, and how little he knows of how deeply I feel for him. Crazy because I have officially met and settled into the pack. I have certain jobs that have been given to me and I am proud to say I have been acceding in all. The pack loves me in a way, some still are jealous and others suspicious about my presence but the others love me. And it feels nice to be happy for a change. Niall and I are on speaking terms as of now, we are tying anew but it's difficult for us both. As seeing two months ago I couldn't look him in the eyes and he sobbed over our ending friendship, so yeah, hardship has definitely been something I have taken on but with hardship comes reward and I feel that everyday as I look into that Alphas eyes. The proud glance he gives me when I handle a pack situation, or the fond looks he throws my way when I play with one of the pups, the lustful gaze he washes over me when he sees me every morning after my heats, it's quite exhilarating but also scary. Because if I lose him again, to some other Omega, Beta, or even an Alpha, I might never recover.


"Harry!" I hear the voice I have now come accustomed to, I smile lightly as my new Omega friend makes his way over with his fond Alpha. "Zayn" I say with an matching smile, he squeals and hugs me tight. Liam chuckles at his Omega mate and I smile at the two. He pulls back and leans back to Liam, I notice the act and can't help but envy their closeness and only wish me and Louis will ever reach that level of happiness. "So, I heard about the announcement of the mating ceremony!" He squealed and I turned beet red, Louis had decided that the mating ceremony would be in the next few weeks. The official day I would become the Luna of the pack and I took pride in knowing that. I nodded sheepishly, "yes I know..." I trailed off with a light blush dusted on my cheeks. Zayn giggled and Liam kissed his cheek, "I remember our mating" Liam said huskily in Zayn's ear causing the Omega to also turn red. It was now my turn to laugh at the pair, "Yes, I also remember it well" Zayn whispered to his Alpha as the Alpha kissed the mark. I smiled with fond for the two, "Won't be long until you're pregnant Zayn" I joked breaking the sexual tension. Causing Liam and Zayn to laugh aloud. But our joking was cut short as I felt the presence of an Alpha behind me. I sighed contently as his smell wafted into my nostrils and spread throughout my body. I turned to face the handsome man, "Hello, love" he said wrapping his arms around my waist from behind. I felt my lips curl into a smile and a blush settle on my cheeks. "Hello" I squeaked and he chuckled, I lifted my gaze to look at Zayn and he playfully winked causing Louis to let out a chuckle and me to blush deeper. "Well we best be going, right Lima Bean" Zayn said teasingly to his Alpha, Liam blushed a light red but nodded nonetheless. Leaving me and Louis to our lonesome. I turned in the Alpha's hold to face him. He smiled beautifully and I felt the urge to collide my lips with his, but I hesitated because we haven't done that yet. But the way he was looking into my eyes made me feel like I was the only Omega in the word. I sighed "you do crazy things to me and my Omega" he chuckled but nodded softly. "You do crazy things to me and my Alpha" he copied but I could tell there was no mockery in his tone. I stared into his ocean orbs and felt myself losing  my sense of sanity in them. I chuckled and pulled back from his embrace, "how was your day?" I asked starting a conversation. Louis smiled, "Well..." he started and continued to tell me all the crazy adventures of his day and what he had seen. I laughed and smiled fondly at the Alpha as we made our way into the dining hall, where we continued to talk and banter over silly things as we ate our dinner.

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