chapitre vingt

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a detailed proposal for doing or achieving something.
"the UN peace plan"
synonyms: scheme, plan of action, idea, master plan, game plan, proposal, proposition, ploy, suggestion, project, program, system, method, procedure, strategy, stratagem, formula, recipe, scenario, arrangement, schedule, agenda; More

{Louis' P.O.V}

He ran...oh god. No no no! It wasn't...god!, I thought to myself as I threw things onto the ground. I growled out ferociously and I roared at no one in particular. After my fit I felt a sudden sadness and longing wash over me, I didn't realize...the consequences.

A few days had passed and I had yet to come out of my room, I didn't feel worthy of the world and much less Harry. Three feeble knocks interrupted my train of thought and at first I thought, hoped more of, that it was Harry. So I jumped up and sprinted towards the door only to be met with a blonde, Niall. He had tears streaming down his face and an angry look setting his features. Before I could even utter a word a hard and painful slap was placed on my cheek, sending my face flying the other direction. At first I was angry but I realized that Harry had to of told Niall and he was mad, but that wouldn't explain his tears. "You caused this!" He shouted pointing a finger at me, I looked at the Omega, frightened and confused. He held a paper up, his hands were shaking. I snatched the paper from him and he brought his hands up to his mouth, sobbing lightly. I looked down at the paper, reading every word. I felt my heart lurch when I realized, Harry left. I had unshed tears in my eyes, "Shit!" I felt my voice crack. Niall shook his head, "Why're you crying!? You don't care! You never did!" He screamed, "you used him! For a FUCKING ALLIANCE! No...and I mean no Omega should have to submit themselves for an Alpha that doesn't want them!" He paused laughing angrily, "hell! He wanted you! He fucking ignored me because he thought I was your bimbo whore!" He screeched and I felt myself beginning to crumble. I sobbed quietly into my hand because my Harry...he is out there. He's alone and probably scared, all because of me. I can't even think properly at the moment. "N-Niall?" I croaked out, the Omega turned to look up at me. I felt my walls breaking "I...I didn't mean to" I cried out, "S-she meant nothing...SHE MEANS NOTHING! It's just...I can't...I've never-" I was cut off by Niall, "You've never what Louis!? Never committed to someone! I know...I KNOW! Okay!? But Harry...he's different! You know that! He's special and you let him go! You HURT HIM! BECAUSE YOU'RE SCARED!" Niall shouted, and what hurt the most was that he was right. I did what I did because I can't commit. But with Harry...I wanted to...and that scares me. "You're right..." I laughed sadly to myself, but then I grew frantic. I needed him, I needed him to keep me centered, he was my Omega, I wanted to be his Alpha. I grabbed Niall's shoulders, "Niall! We-we need to find him!" I said frantically, Niall looked angrier. "WHY SO YOU CAN CONTINUE TO HURT HIM!?" He shouted again and I shook my head, " need him Niall. I think I-" I stopped myself, I felt like I couldn't breathe. I started hyperventilating and Niall noticed, even though he was mad at me I was still his leader. So he helped me sit and he told me to calm down, "we'll find him Louis" he kept saying as I was crying. My little Omega Harry.


It had been two hours now and I had finally calmed down. My mother was now in the room going over everything that had happened and how Harry could've escaped, without anyone knowing, but so far no one had figured out. We also were trying to decide where he had run off to, all in the midst of this I was numb, frozen to the world as it was to me. I felt disgusting, disappointed in myself, guilty, and regretful, but most of all I felt unworthy of Harry. "Maybe he left during one of the eating periods" Zayn voiced softly snuggling into his Alpha for comfort because his best friend had left. My mum thought about this and nodded, "That makes sense, and he wasn't here today when we had lunch" she said and glanced to me. I solemnly looked up to meet her gaze, she held a gaze of sadness for her child but also disappointment, "Lou, I know you're sad right now but you are to blame. I know that sounds harsh at the moment..but you can't do that...especially to an Omega. You know that" she said and I felt tears welling up again. "I know...I'm s-so sorry mummy" I sobbed again and she rushed to coddle me. It was very un-Alpha-like of me to be crying in front of people but I couldn't seem to care at the moment. "Shhhh Lou baby" she said softly rocking me back and forth, "it's gonna be alright, we'll get him back" she said and I pulled back to look at her. "What if he doesn't want to come back?" I said heartbroken, she seemed to ponder over my questioned and finally she responded with, "Well, we'll cross that bridge when and if we get to it...but for now we need you to calm down and get a grip Hun. You're an Alpha, and the strongest of this pack. If anyone of us could find him it would be you" she said encouragingly and everyone in the room nodded or made sounds of agreement. So I sat there and thought of a plan. "Okay...I've got a plan" I said and everyone in the room decided to listen up. I explained my plan to everyone and they all held worried glances. "Louis...I don't know?" My mother said and gave me a worried glance. I shook my head "it's the only way I can win him back Mum" I said and she nodded. we go...

End of Chapitre Vingt
Word Count: 1027
Written By: AlexisCook820
Published On: August 18,2019


Okay time to be proud of myselfffff...THIS IS THE 20th CHAPTER OF THIS BOOOOK! The longest I have ever written a book and it's doing so well and I truly wanted to thank every single one of you that read, vote, and comment on my book! I love you all soooo much and I hope you all have marvelous dayssss🥰🥰🥰

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