chapitre douze

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Learn to pronounce
the fact or state of being independent.
"Argentina gained independence from Spain in 1816"
synonyms: self-government, self-rule, home rule, self-legislation, self-determination, sovereignty, autonomy, nonalignment, freedom, liberty;

{Harry's P.O.V}

Three days. I have been cooped up in my room for three days. I have went down in the middle of the night for a small serving of food and a taste of water to keep me alive, but I have been to sad to face anyone. I have this nagging feeling that something happened between Niall and Louis. And I don't want to think like that but I can't help but do so after the events that have taken place. I feel unwanted, but even saying so Louis comes to my door every night and whines loudly, begging me to open the door. And not once has he used his Alpha voice to try and force me, which I am grateful for but his whines and pleas pain me and my Omega. I feel so obligated to rush to that door every night and rip it off it's hinges just so I can see that blue-eyed Alpha. I don't understand why I feel so strongly about this man, and maybe it's because he is the only Alpha like figure in my life so far and my Omega just expects him. Or maybe it's the fact that we are to be wed and mated, bonded before the Moon Goddess. But from now on I plan to be independent, Louis can have his way of life and I will have mine. We will mate, bond, and wed before the Moon Goddess, and he will knot me. I will help him through his ruts and he will be pleased but in no way will I play his trickle game.

So that is what I have set to do, I have taken a shower. Washed up my clothing, picked out a simple gown that held very little elegance and some slippers. I let my hair be lose down my back and I didn't even put on my usual mascara. I didn't want the Alpha to think I was trying to woo him or force his guilt. I wanted no part, or would I gain any form of satisfaction from seeing him upset. With these thoughts in mind I exited my room right at the strike of dawn and made my way to his chambers.

I had finally reached his door and as I lifted my hand to knock I felt a wave of fear shake through me. Was I really willing to let the man walk all over me? I mean I realize it's a losing battle between him but was I willing to go that far just to be accepted? But before I could even back away, the door opened and the y'all Alpha stood before me with all of his natural glory.

He looked stunned by my appearance, like he was taking me all in at once, and his pheromones held a hint of fear. Of what I do not know but I was too drained to figure out so I left those questions to be unanswered. "Hello Louis" I said as formal as I possibly could. He seemed to break out of his trance and before I could register what was happening I felt two strong weights wrapping around my body. It was Louis, he was hugging me? I squeaked in surprise but he didn't ease up, rather the opposite as he inhaled my scent from my hair. "It's been too long Omega" his voice was deeper and had more power than his usual voice. Which led me to suspect his Alpha was in control, I really wanted to smell the Alpha as well. Cry on his shoulder and ask him to love me as I want to love him. But I refrained from my foolish thoughts and tapped his shoulder, letting him know I was uncomfortable. He pulled back reluctantly and looked into my eyes. "I've came here to talk with you" I said, my voice stern but it held a grave sadness. He nodded and stepped aside to let me into his room, his nest. My Omega was thrilling at the sight but I had to contain myself, it was rare that an Alpha was so inviting of their nest, especially to an Omega. But I pushed those thoughts aside and focused on the task at hand. "What would you like to talk about?" He asked slowly, I could see his shoulders were tense and his demeanor was diminishing. I sighed, " I am agreeing to your statements. I will abide by your rules. I will marry you, I will mate you, I will bond with you, and I will bare your pups. You can also have another Omega in your life, I will not intervene but all I ask is that you don't play me or belittle me. Don't tell me you love me don't say such lies." I felt the tears sting my eyes, "don't act as if you care because in the long run you are hurting me" I sobbed lightly. I felt him start to step closer to me but I backed away with my hands held out to stop him from coming near. He shook his head "Harry no-" I cut him off with a growl, "what do you want from me!? I am trying to be a good Omega! I am trying to make this work somehow! But you are so insistent and stubborn! How am I supposed to be happy if an Alpha breathes down my neck about how I will never amount to anything in his heart but only in his bed! I cannot and will not let myself be insulted like that! So please! Just agree with me and say no more" I sobbed and screamed at him, he stood appalled and he looked hurt. "Harry I can't agree to these notions. I have so much more respect for you than that" he said, tears shining in his eyes. But I shook my head "STOP PLAYING WITH MY HEAD!" I screamed violently at the Alpha, sobs wracking my body. He didn't stand there any longer and rushed to my side. I let him hold me, I let him sniff my scent mark as I did his. I felt safe in his embrace but ashamed of my actions. How was I supposed to be independent if I always ended up back in his arms. "Louis, I beg of you, let me be happy" I said looking back at him. He looked at me with so many emotions clouding his eyes, "I will, Harry. I promise to bring you happiness" he said brokenly. I felt though that we meant very different things but I was too exhausted to care. So I stood up and wiped my eyes. "I will see you at lunch then?" I questioned lightly, he nodded sadly and I turned away. Lunch it is then.

End of Chapitre Douze
Word Count; 1174
Written By: AlexisCook820
Published On: July 26, 2019


Ha! More drama! So I promised four chapters for the 1k andddd I did four chapter this week! Which I am super proud of my self for! Soooo happy danceeee😂😂😂but seriously! Thank you all for the support and I know it's sad rn but I can't always have Louis and Harry fucking or cuddling! Even though that sounds amazing there has to be something that keeps you all waiting! But I promise it's not all going to be saddddd! There will be happy moments and love will have its avail!

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