chapitre cinq

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a feeling of great enthusiasm and eagerness.
"her cheeks were flushed with excitement"
synonyms: exhilaration, elation, animation, enthusiasm, eagerness, anticipation, feverishness, fever, delirium, agitation, emotion, fire, fieriness, intensity, zeal, zest

"Wake up, your majesty" I heard faintly from my slumber. I groaned lightly as someone shook me lightly. I fluttered my eyes slowly, adjusting to the sudden light. I glanced to the blonde Omega and he smiled lightly, but it was a tense and forced smile. I frowned lightly but nonetheless, sat up. "Hello, Niall" I spoke lightly, although my voice was raspy and filled with sleep. "Hello, your majesty" he spoke timidly, and glanced from me to his shoes. "Niall you can call me Harry" I spoke softly so he wouldn't think I was mad, he glanced at me for the longest he had ever. "B-but-" I cut him off, "please..." I trailed off. He glanced at my curiously with a raise eyebrow, as if asking me to continue. I sighed "it would be nice to have a friend" I spoke quietly, embarrassed that I had voiced my fears. Niall seemed to notice my sudden soft spoken feelings and quickly sat beside me on my bed. "Your-Harry, I would love to be someone you call a friend" he spoke softly, I glanced up at the Omega and found nothing but honesty on his face. Before he could look away I quickly wrapped my arms around his small frame. "Thank you" I whispered quietly, he nodded into my shoulder and I pulled away. Niall cleared his throat, "Alright, so you have been requested by Queen Johanna to visit her in her personal dining chambers, to attend breakfast with her and Prince Louis" he told me assertively, as if remembering specific lines. I smiled lightly at the thought of Louis, but the smile quickly faded as I realized he wasn't here when I woke. Sadness filled my Omega as it whines out to it's Alpha. "A-Alright" I spoke quietly, "What time?" I asked more panicked. Niall looked behind me at my clock, "in five minutes". I quickly stood and rushed to my closet. Throwing clothes about until I found a nice mustard yellow, floral print dress, that was casual but not slobbish.

It was nice enough to make me feel pretty

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It was nice enough to make me feel pretty. So with the dress on and a simple white heel I dashed out of the closet to Niall. With three minutes to get to the room we quickly made our way to it.

We arrived to the room just on time, which was very nice as seeing it would be unprofessional if I were to be late. I opened the doors with Niall hot on my tail. Inside the room was a simple dining room that had a very Victorian vibe.

I smiled lightly at Johanna who was sitting at the head of the table, she smiled as well, "Harry! It's so lovely you could make it"

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I smiled lightly at Johanna who was sitting at the head of the table, she smiled as well, "Harry! It's so lovely you could make it". I giggled lightly "Thank you Ms.Johanna" I spoke quietly. She smiled wide at me whilst shaking her head, "Oh no dear, call me Jay" she said. I nodded and then focused on the table, or more of who was at the table. Louis, he just stared at me, but no emotion was in his eyes. He smiled at his mother when she call out to him, "So, Louis, how have you been to Harry? Hopefully good" she teased her son. He smiled lightly then glanced at me, "I hope I've been well" he spoke quietly, eyeing me. I felt goosebumps rise as I went to sit at the table, with his stare on me. His look was challenging me, as if to sit anywhere but next to him. So I, defiantly, sat across from him. He smirked lightly at my game and chuckled quietly. "So, Jay, why have you called me here?" I asked politely. She smiled down at her food, "Well, Harry, today we are holding a ball!" She beamed excitedly. I choked on my eggs as she said that causing Louis to laugh lightly. I glared at the Alpha for laughing at me before turning to Jay. "A-a ball?" I squeaked, she nodded vigorously, excitement bouncing off her. "Yes! Yes! A ball! It will be held tonight at 11:00, and all of the pack can attend. They all are just dying to meet you!" She squealed with excitement cause both Louis and I too laugh and smile with fond for the lady. Even though I didn't know her well, she was an amazing woman. "Well, thank you Jay" I said to her causing her to smile more to herself in her own personal achievement. I giggled lightly causing Louis to smile at me, which in return made me blush lightly.

Soon enough breakfast was finished and I was back in my room reading lightly. I was quite bored with myself. So I called Niall up to my room through the guards, and less than five minutes later the blonde was stood in front of me. I smiled sheepishly for calling him without seeing if he was busy before. "Yes, Harry?" He spoke impatiently, but a smile was hidden under the faux aggravation. "W-well I was bored..." I said softly, looking down at my feet. He smiled wide and laughed lightly, "Harry, it's fine, I'm not mad. I was just messing with you" Niall finically said, causing the Royal Omega to shoot his head up and stare at the laughing Omega. "Y-You are soooo rude!" Harry laughed as well now. They both were so deep in their fits of laughter that they didn't notice that a certain Alpha was at the door staring at the Green-eyed Omega with a fond look. But that certain Alpha turned and left before the green-eyed omega could notice him. The Alpha smiled to himself thinking about the Omega, and how deep he was already.

End of Chapitre Cinq
Word Count: 1011
Written By: AlexisCook820
Published: July 6, 2019


SOOOOO! It's all coming together now, I mean a little bit! Anddddd I want to say thanks to all the people that are reading this because it truly means the absolute world to me, and if anyone wants to recommend ideas, covers, and themes for the book I am totally down to discuss them! So thank you all!

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