I need y'alls opinion...

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Okay, so I first wanted to apologize for being so spacey with my updates for this book. I also want to apologize for the unplanned plot line...BUT! I plan to make the chapters longer and more consistent than this book, for my next. Anyways, I was going to ask you all...well the ones that read my other books, which would you like. Would you like for me to update one of my other books and continue those until I finish all of them, and then start to write the sequel to this? Or would you rather me go a head and write the sequel for this book and focus on my other works another time? I'm honestly fine with both, I just wanted to ask you all because you all really mean a lot to me, and I want to give you all a say in what I plan to do for you. If you chose the first option I would like to know which book first and then which book next, and so on. I honestly can't wait for the next book, I am going to make a plan, and stick to it! Better plots ahead and untold secrets are in our futures! Thanks little loves and enjoy the holidays! 🥰

 I honestly can't wait for the next book, I am going to make a plan, and stick to it! Better plots ahead and untold secrets are in our futures! Thanks little loves and enjoy the holidays! 🥰

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btw...that was a face reveal...😂
And my man, HAZ ON THE WALL🤭

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