chapitre vignt-trois

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a natural electrical phenomenon characterized by the appearance of streamers of reddish or greenish light in the sky, usually near the northern or southern magnetic pole.

2 months later

I groaned and threw my head back. "It hurts!" I whined out as Louis just looked at my hard erection. His eyes held lust but he wasn't moving. I began to whine louder, "Louis.." I moaned out, seeming to snap him out of his daze. He quickly but carefully grasped my thighs, pulling my lap onto his. I was naked and I didn't know how, and Louis was also unclothed. "Harry..." He said groggily, squeezing my thighs and licking his lips. I moaned loudly. My whole body feeling hot, "Harry" he said again but it was louder. "Harry!"-

"Wake u-" I cut him off my groaning, my face felt warm. My whole body felt warm, shit my heat! "Louis! Wh-Why're you-uh-in here" I moaned lightly, my hormones taking over. His eyes seemed to darken causing me to dampen the sheets. "Uhmm...I heard you s-saying my name" he growled out lightly, his voice tight and chopped. I sighed and started to remove clothing, feeling overwhelmed and quite honestly hot. "Sh-it" I moaned when the shirt accidentally brushed over my sensitive nipples, causing them to stiffen and harden. Louis growled light and I realized he was still there. "Lou-" I was cut off when he pounced and started suckling on my nipples. I moaned and arched my back, "fuck" I cursed. He swirled his tongue around the sensitive nub and raised his hand to tweak the other. His skillful mouth and hands had my slicking up. "Louisss..." I moaned lying back onto the bed, causing him to lean down as well. He pulled away, "Harry" he breathed out, voice raspy. "I-I need to go" he said rushed and he had a worried look on his face. This was his normal reaction ever since the events that had happened a couple of months ago. It wasn't always easy, memories such as the ones of a few months ago when Louis fell into rut and his Alpha was begging and clawing to knot me but I knew I wasn't ready.

"Harry" Louis gasped as I stepped into his office, about to address the packs situation about the lowering of food. I felt hot as soon as I had stepped into the room. "Louis?" I questioned as I felt slick slide out of my arse. I moaned but I also felt fear take over me. Louis started stalking over to me and I felt the feeling I got when Nick attacked me. I felt myself grow scared and I started to hyperventilate. "Lou-is...please...stop" I gasped feeling bipolar because all I wanted was the comfort of the Alpha from my own demons but in the same breath he was the demon. I felt tears slide down my cheeks and I fell to the ground. "Harry?" Louis asked stopping before sprinting to catch me. He almost did but I landed before he could throw his arms around me, that didn't stop him though. He lifted Harry off the ground, bridal style, and rocked the Omega back and forth as they'd done before when Harry had the night terrors. "Ssshhhh Harry... I've got you. Louis is here. He's not going to hurt you baby" Louis whispered feeling shameful that his baby has to go through such pain because of him. "L-Lou?" Harry croaked leaning back to look into the beautiful blue eyes that captured the Alpha. "Yes baby?" Louis asked glancing into the Omega's eyes. "Can you hold me, just let me fall asleep? I-I don't think-I-" Harry was cut off by Louis rocking him humming a tune that always calmed him down. Shania Twain, "Still the One". Harry stopped talking after that and sighed contently, placing his nose on Louis scent gland and drifting to sleep. Thus was how Louis rut was spent.

I felt myself grown embarrassed emotionally, "S-Sorry Alpha" I said whining. "Harry please understand" he said with a clipped tone. I nodded sadly and he sighed coming over to me and sat beside me. I slowly crawled onto his lap. "Alpha?" I asked for his attention, he looked up to meet my gaze. I smiled, Omega full in display. "Harry?" Louis asked and I shook my head no. "Oh, Omega?" He asked and I nodded rubbing my face over his. I sighed once he kissed my shoulder lightly. "Hey...let Harry back" he said softly, trying to sooth the Omega gently. The Omega whined, "But Alpha" the Omega said sadly. Louis Alpha perked up and tried to take over causing Louis to wince at the sudden intrusion. "Hey, talk to me, yeah?" Louis hissed in pain trying to block the Alpha out. "But I want a knot and you're not gonna give it to me" the Omega stared bluntly and Louis lost all sense of thought, accidentally letting the Alpha take control. Oh no! Harry thought, trying to fight his way through. "What's your name, beautiful" The Alphas voice got two octaves lower and the Omega preened as slick came out. "Aurora" my omega moaned out as the Alpha smirked. "Such a pretty name...I'm Luca" the Alpha growled lightly. The Omega was becoming hotter and hotter, he whined in distress and the Alpha instantly worried about his Omega. "Sweetheart, what's wrong?" He asked not realizing, the Omega whined louder. "Want your knot, Alpha" That was a bit blunt for Harry so he instantly faltered on fighting his way back, and the Omega took that as his opportunity to cut Harry off completely. No! Aurora! Stop! Harry pleaded but Aurora growled lightly at Harry. Stop Harry. I need him, please do this for me. The omega pleaded and Harry felt bad but he knew he and Louis weren't ready.

Aurora began to grind down on the Alpha's semi-hard shaft. Moaning loudly, "Knot me Alpha" with those words the Alpha seemed to snap out of his daze. "Don't worry, little one. I've got you, let daddy take care of you" the Alpha smirked as the Omega moaned at the name. "Yes...yes daddy! Take care of me, please I'll be good! I'll be so good for you. Take your knot so well." Aurora was blabbering by now but he needed the knot so bad, and if it took throwing Harry out of control for a bit, then so be it. Louis also was freaking out, he didn't know what to do and Luca seemed to have blocked him off. "Okay baby. Let me get you ready" Luca said as he lifted the Omegas gown slowly, teasing. Aurora whined high in his throat. The Alpha smiled and began to suck a love-bite on his thigh. "So pretty, my little baby. Gonna fill you up so nice. Gonna breed you with my pups. Won't be able to walk straight when I'm done with you" Luca growled protectively, as he fully undressed Harry, we'll Aurora in this case. He smiled down at the beautiful creature. "Please, Alpha" Aurora whined, needing the knot. "Want your pups inside of me!" He whined louder as Luca started unclothing himself. Harry and Louis could see and hear everything, and it would be a lie for both of them if they didn't find this hot themselves. Luca and Aurora were now fully undressed. Aurora pulled the Alpha down for a sloppy kiss. Their teeth clanking together, saliva everywhere. The omega moaned when the Alpha started trailing kisses down his jaw onto his neck, and stopped right on the mating mark. "Want my mark? Huh baby?" Luca asked, voice heavy and deep. Aurora nodded feverishly, "Please..please!" Aurora couldn't control himself. And Luca nodded, licking over the spot sensually, savoring the noises it made Aurora make. "It's selfish of our humans to make us wait. I've missed you so dearly." Luca said saddened, and Aurora noticed. He sighed and pushed his lust aside to comfort the Alpha. "I've missed you too. It's so good to finally see you" he said a smile on his face. "You're so perfect...Louis was stupid for cheating on you two" Luca growled at himself, mad at his human form for messing things up. Aurora placed his hands on the sides of Luca's face and turned his face towards him, "hey, we forgive you. And whether or not Harry has told Louis, we both believe you are the Alphas for us" aurora said and Luca stared at the beautiful being. Then he smashed his lips onto Aurora's.

But when they pulled back it was Harry and Louis. They both were shocked at the encounter, but both knew that, that was what they needed. "Harry?" Louis asked and Harry nodded, "you forgive me?" He asked tears in his eyes. Harry nodded slowly, "I could never be mad at you" he said and looked down to his legs, hiding the blush. "Well, how about I take care of you?" He asked and Harry's cock twitched at the tone. "R-really?" Harry pleaded, his heat still evident. Louis nodded and pulled Harry close. "I'm gonna knot you full, baby" he said and Harry closed his eyes at the sound of Louis' voice. "are you sure about this Harry because I don't want to mess th-" Harry but Louis off by kissing him. "Yes Louis. I don't think I've ever been more prepared and ready for something in my life. You are the Alpha for me. No one else, I want you to know that, so take me. Breed me, made me, bond me, knot me, do whatever you please, but don't break my heart" Harry said smiling at Louis but there was also little fear detected. Louis smiled "I would never be so foolish to fuck this up a third time". He felt Louis lean down and kiss his mating spot and he felt at peace.

End of Chapitre Vignt-Trios
Word Count: 1183
Written By: AlexisCook820
Published On: September 1, 2019


So, y'all ready for smut? 😂👏👏👏 but seriously




Comment and let me know, btw I'll be posting again today and tomorrow so don't worry I didn't screw y'all over with posting late. But yeah, Aurora and Luca? How ya feellllll!?????😂😂
Love ya♥️♥️♥️🥰🥰🥰

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