chapitre quatre

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consisting of many interconnecting parts or elements; intricate.
"a complicated stereo system"
synonyms: complex, intricate, involved, convoluted, tangled, elaborate, impenetrable, knotty, tricky, thorny, serpentine, labyrinthine, tortuous, cumbersome, Byzantine, Daedalian, Gordian;

Falling asleep was a lot easier than waking up, but the incessant knocking on my door at 2:00 a.m. in the morning sure did the job. Though I was confused I still unlocked my door. And as I slowly opened it, the sight in front of me had me appalled. It was Louis, in his shirtless glory. He had a pained and awkward look on his face, "I-I....erm, I couldn't fall asleep" he muttered like an embarrassed pup. I felt my heart quicken and my walls break down with fond for the Alpha. "It's-its just your-your smell" he spoke quietly, walking past me into the room. I made a noise of disappointment and sniffed at my gown. I didn't think I smelt too bad. My omega was whining from the rejection. The Alpha heard the sad whine, "No, no, not bad" he quickly explained. This caused me to look up in confusion, "W-what?" I stuttered in utter confusion. "You smell so....good" he growled lightly. I felt my cheeks heating up in embarrassment, and I was flustered by the comment. "W-...huh?" I found myself saying but before I could utter another word he was standing in front of me. I gazed up into his ocean blue orbs and met his torn gaze. His eyes were flashing from the normal deep blue to a rather crystal. The sight had me entranced, "C-can I smell you" he tried hard to keep his composure but I could see him straining to keep his hands by his side. I felt my face grow hot and my thighs shake. "Yes, Alpha" I squeaked, and allowed more access for him by opening my neck more. He closed his eyes as if thanking the Moon Goddess I had said yes. He then reached for my hips and forced me closer. Now our chests were touching, I felt my Omega purr with satisfaction. He lowered his head into the crook of my neck and placed his nose directly on my scent gland. The act making me whine in pleasure. His grip tightened on my hips and he breathed in deeply, growling in satisfaction. I felt my legs starting to give out with the amount of pleasure I was gaining from his attention. It was quite embarrassing, but he seemed to notice so he dragged his hands down to the back of my thighs and tapped twice. As if signaling me to jump, so I did. I wrapped my legs around his waist and he wrapped his arms around me. "Sniff" he ordered in a growl, I complied quickly and stuck my head in the crook of his neck, directly on his scent gland. I inhaled sharply and deeply. Moaning quietly into his neck, he heard though and groaned quietly. He backed me up and soon my back hit a wall, "fuck, fuck, fuck" he growled into my ear, making my Omega howl in pleasure. "Om-Omega" He spoke gruffly into my neck, I made a noise as if to notify him to continue. "Please, please...control your wolf" he said with a high pitched rasp. I whined and nodded into his neck, though this seemed as if it was the wrong thing to do because he growled louder and began to lick my mating spot. I moaned loudly throwing my head back. "Al-pha" I brokenly moaned a high pitched sound. He started lapping at the area violently to elicit more noises out of me. I moaned and whimpered vigorously and he ate it up. Slick protruding out of my arse. He inhaled more of my smell as the slick tinted it. This was not how I planned my first night here, at all. I opened my eyes to be met with the crystal blue irises of Louis. His eyes were filled with lust but a hint of guilt. I furrowed my brow and he pulled me off the wall and walked to the bed, laying me down gently. "Alpha?" I whispered as we met eyes, he still had lustful eyes but it was as if he was trying to control himself. "Harry, you're driving me mad" He panted into my ear, making me shiver with delight. "You-fuck-you smell so good...all the time....and your slick..."he trailed off, pulling away from my neck to face me. His eyes meeting mine in a lustful stare, "it smells like...heaven. And I want bad.....but I can't" He spoke quickly, almost as if he was in a frenzy. "I just...wanna taste...again" He panted and groaned. I felt more slick slide out, he sniffed again and groaned louder this time. His face came back and rested in my neck, as he licked my mating spot, "wanna mark you, so bad..." he lightly mopped the spot, and licked the shell of my ear. "Goddess" he growled into my ear. I whined loudly as he made a slight hickey over my mating mark. "Shhhh...shhhh...won't mark you yet...." he paused and kissed the forming bruise. " 'm not sure I'll be able to stop if I do" He rasped, I moaned at the idea. "Louis" I moaned out, feeling my erection growing, "can't say things like that". I moaned out as he placed his on my growing bulge. "Fuck Harry you're so hard...and responsive" he moaned out, which made me groan lightly. He shook his head, "no, no I need to stop". I whined the loudest I had ever whined before as those words sunk in. "No, no! Louis please....don't leave me" I whimpered as frustrated tears welt up in my eyes. He looked always from me and the mood was dropped. "Harry..." he quietly said. I whined again and felt a sob escape my lips, he's just so complicated! One second he's all sweet and the next he's all over me and the next he's pushing me away. "F-fine...go then" I choked out. I heard his Wolf cry out to comfort me. "Harry...please don't be mad...stop crying baby" he whimpered out and reached for my figure. At first I resisted, "s-stop" I sobbed. He didn't let go though, he held me tighter and rocked me back forth on his lap which I had somehow ended up on. He held me whilst I cried and whispered comforting things into my ear. I eventually passed out from exhaustion.

End of Chapitre Quatre
Word Count:1120
Made By: AlexisCook820
Published: June 30, 2019

So this was a bit of an emotional rollercoaster but I wanted to add some sort of smut because y'all seemed to enjoy it before...but I can't give you all of that just yet😂! LOVE Y'ALL AND I WANT TO THANK EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU! And because of you I am 8th in the tag bottom!harry which is AMAZING! So I just wanted to say thank you!😘

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