chapitre vignt-six

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take part in a violent struggle involving the exchange of physical blows or the use of weapons.
"the men were fighting"

She threw her punch but I was quick enough to catch her fist. I twisted it in an awkward position causing her to kneel and whine in pain. I didn't stop twisting til I heard a snap. The sweet satisfaction washed over me in knowing, I broke her wrist. "Fuck, you bitch!" She growled and shifted into her brown haired wolf. She was challenging me for my position of Luna.

I felt my Omega stir within me, closing me eyes, I knelt down and let my wolf take over. When I reopened them I was met with paws. We growled at each other and began circling around, each one of us waiting for the other to pounce. I felt an unnerving wave wash over me of the need to protect my self, and my Alpha. I closed my eyes and felt a power course through me. She took this as a chance to leap onto me. Mid-leap I opened my eyes and everything happened in slow motion. I could feel this overwhelming sensation of power run through my veins and shake the ground. I roared out a bark of dominance causing her to falter in her jump. I bared my teeth when she landed, she whimpered and lowered her head involuntarily. I could hear the thousands of wolves whining or crying out to me. Even Louis howled out to me.

Elenor lifted her head and glanced in my direction. What balls she had, am I right? I lunged forward and my paws connected with her neck. She and I tumbled backward and ended up falling backwards. I was now on top of her and I growled menacingly. "Submit" I growled through the mind-link. She bared her teeth in defiance, and growled. I growled back, "Fine then" I gritted our before opening my jaws and latching my teeth into her neck. She growled with pain and started fighting against my grip. But I was already locked in.

She howled in pain as I tore through her neck. Louis was saying something in the distance but it was all blurry. All I could focus on was the amazing primal feeling of power, coursing through my veins. When she stopped fighting back and all I could hear was a light whimper, I let up. I looked down to see her neck oozing blood, her eyes were glazed over and her mouth hung open. She was twitching lightly, and immediately I felt my Omega give back control.

Once I was fully in control, I could finally hear and see things better. But it was all I slow motion. "Harry...?" It faded in and out throughout my mind. I couldn't feel my legs or my arms. Actually I wasn't walking or standing, Louis was carrying me. "Hazza? Hey! I need you to respond babe..." he said looking down at me whilst stopping in front of our door. I opened my mouth but no words would come out. I felt like I couldn't do anything. I whimpered and felt myself grow frustrated. Louis seemed to notice my struggle and he kissed my forehead, "s'okay honey, we can talk tomorrow. When your well rested" he said taking my inside the room and laying my down on the bed, but I softly but I shook my head. "D-Don't leave me" I said suddenly afraid that he was mad by my actions. He furrowed his brows and frowned, "Baby, no. Never would I leave you. I just don't think you truly understand what you did. But I'm not mad babe" he said kissing my temple and living me up so he could sit behind me. I was now in between his legs and I rested my head back on his chest. He was humming a soft tune while running his fingers through my hair, "Goodnight, Little love" he said and I suddenly felt at peace, drifting into a deep slumber.

I stirred lightly in my bed and opened my eyes to be met with blue. I smiled, but my face felt sticky. Then, like a train hit me, it all came back. Defiance, Anger, War, Murder. Those were the words running through my head, specifically murder. I killed her, I fucking tore open her neck and chewed on her esophagus while she fought against me for her life. Suddenly, I felt nauseous, so I ran to the bathroom with quick speed and fell to my knees before the toilet. I retched for a good twenty minutes and Louis was there rubbing my head and holding my hair back. "Shhh love it's alright" he cooed lightly as I sobbed into his chest. "No-no! I killed her! Lou...I took her life!" I said frantically and stood to look at my reflection. I had blood, that was now brown, smeared across my face. It was dried and peeling, I roughly grabbed a wash cloth and turned on the water. I ran the rag under it, until it was fully soaked. Louis was behind me now, and he looked frazzled. I brought the warm, wet rag up to my face and I began scrubbing vigorously. My skin was a bright pink after the first few times. But I couldn't continue because Louis stopped my after a minute.

"STOP! Harry baby please...let me help" he said and took the rag away. He sat down on the toilet and patted his lap as a sign to sit down on his lap. I did so with ease because, even though I was mad at myself, I still needed my Alpha. He smiled at my compliance, and began softly rubbing the lukewarm rag down my face. And I snuggled into his warm embrace.

A good ten minutes had flown by and Louis was now done. "alright, lets talk" he said softly but there was a solemn underlying tone in his voice. I nodded and followed him out to the bed room, where we each got on the bed. I was really far from him, and I didn't like it but I didn't say anything because right now I have no right. But he seemed to know me so well, seeing as he opened his arms and nodded once to signal I can crawl in his lap. So I did, and that's how we began our conversation.

"Why did you do it?" He asked softly, and I shrugged. "I honestly don't know...I gave full control to my Omega. She, Aurora, has always been competitive. But never violent, unless she was protecting someone or something" I said and furrowed my brows. So did Louis, "But what was she protecting Harry?" Louis asked softly. I tried to think about what I was feeling when Aurora panicked in the fight, what led her to the kill, but I couldn't think of anything. I felt frustrated tears fill my eyes, "I don't know. I'm sorry...I just-" he cut me off, "'s okay" he paused, "Maybe she was protecting me?" He said as a question. I though about it and even though that didn't feel totally correct I nodded, "Yeah...yeah I guess. That makes sense" I said and Louis nodded as well. But I had this underlying feeling that something was about to happen. And it would answer all my questions.

End of Chapitre Vignt-Six
Word Count: 1253
Written By: AlexisCook820
Published On: October 5, 2019
•~•~•~• I am sorry for not posting in a while but I just wasn't that inspired and I didn't want to let you all down with an uninteresting chapter so I had to wait until I was! ANYGAYS! I wanted to let you all know that "Love Like This" will be in another language soon, and the person who will be translating it is......
LouLouciernaga , so if you want you should check it out when LouLouciernaga comes out with it! But back to the original topic, I love you all and I am sorry for not publishing in a few weeks!♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️

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