Chapter Two

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Steve McGarrett's POV:
I had just walked into the palace when Danny, Chin and Kono looked up from the missions table.

"What's wrong with you three?" I ask.
Both Chin and Kono shift in their spots glancing nervously at each other as Danny rubs the back off his neck as if he's not sure how to say it.

"You guys gonna stand there all day or are you going to tell me why you look like you've seen a ghost." I impatiently demand which makes Danny sigh.

"You remember when Alex got taken and we lost the trial?" He asks which I nod. "Well we think we've just gotten a lead." I just stare at them not sure what to say.

I mean if we do have a lead then it's the best news I've heard in years but if this just happens to be a wild goose chase like every other lead has been then I don't want to get my hopes up.

"What have you got?" I ask. They glance at each other again before Chin pulls up a video recording.

My heart drops when I see who it's of. "Alex?" I quietly mumble to myself. "Is this live?"

"It is." Kono replies.

"Can you trace video feed?" I ask as Chin shakes his head.

"No, I've tried but they seem to have the signal on a secure line. I can't access it." He apologises.

I stand there watching as my daughter pulls at the restraints on her hands. She looks really bad. From what I can see she's got cuts and bruises littering her body.

Just as I was about to say something my phone rings. Pulling it out I stare at the caller ID confused.

"It's a blocked number, can you do a trace?" I ask Chin who nods as I answer the call.

"Took you long enough." The person on the other end states in a bored tone. Wait I know that voice. It's... it's Victor Hesse.

"I killed you?" I question annoyed but confused. The guys look at me puzzled as who I meant but Hesse steps into the frame standing behind Alex. Their reaction was the same as mine.

"Yeah well let's not dwell on the past shall we." He smirks stroking Alex's hair. She flinched away from him but he just pulls her hair making her whelp.

"Let my daughter go, she has nothing to do with this." I plead.

"I can't do that Steve. You know when my brother died I made a promise I'd kill everyone you hold dear and well... here we are." He says as he pulls out a knife.

"Okay listen to me, I'll do what you want Hesse but let Alex go." I plead. I can't loose her not a again.

I glance at Chin who sighs before shaking his head at me. Turning my attention back to the video Hesse laughs.

"No this is fun. The great Steve McGarrett is begging for his daughter's life. I should of done this years ago when I killed your father." He gloats before using the knife to tuck her hair behind her ear. They was a small part of me that wanted to yell at him and get angry but I can't do that not while my daughter's life is on the line.

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