Chapter Eighteen

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"What's our plan now?" Danny inquires glancing at us as I put my phone away. Watching the camera pan in on the truck an idea pops into my head.

"All military transport vehicles have GPS right?" I ask to which they nod.

"But they're had to hack into." Kono doubts.

"Yeah well they've never had me hack them." I comment smiling.

Pulling up the government's database I type a few things in before a satnav map pops up showing the current location of the truck. "Huh. That was easy." I comment kinda disappointed at how simple that was.

"You have got to show me how you did that." Chin begs in awe. Shrugging I nod accepting his request.

"The vehicle just stopped."

"Where is it?" Dad asks.

"919 Merchant Street." I answer zooming in on the location.

"Lex if Hesse activates the war head would you be able to deactivate it?" Dad asks seriously. Pulling up a picture of the warhead I examine it before nodding.

"This can only be disarmed on site. I'd actually have to be there in person."

"But can you do it?"


"That settles it you're coming with us. Grab your gear let's go." Dad declares before telling all of us.

We all grab our gear but I stop when we get to the front doors of the palace. "Dad wait. Even though I'm walking without help now perhaps I should use my wheelchair. As far as Hesse know I'm still using it." I point out. They all glance at each other and nod.

"She's right it could give us an advantage." Chin agrees.

"It's a good thing I brought it with us then." Dad comments. I roll my eyes at him as we all get in the cars heading to Hesse's location.

Arriving at the place we spot the now abandoned vehicle around the side of the building. Getting out of Danny's car we put our bullet proof vests on and grabbed our weapons. I also grabbed an extra magazine of bullets loading it into my back up piece. Dad got my wheel chair out and I sat down in it.

"Everyone know the plan?" Dad questions as we all nod. "Okay let's go."

Entering the building me, Kono and Chin go the opposite direction to dad and Danny. Pulling my phone out I open my thermal scanner app that Catherine installed for me a while back.

"What do we have?" Chin asks drawing his gun staying behind me as Kono does the same but in front of me.

"Okay so by the looks of it the warhead is at the other end of the building. There's about 10 men guarding it." I say reading the app.

"That would make sense. The loading zone is down at that end." Chin responds.

"Good work Lex." Dad thanks using the earpiece.

"Is there anyone else in the building?" Danny chimes in.

"Urr... no it only seems to be us and those 10 men." I answer.

As we approach the loading zone Chin tells me to wait in this corridor so they can take Hesse and his men out before I disarm the bomb.

Agreeing, I watch them leave before I wheel myself behind some disgarded creates. It's not ideal considering I'm in a wheelchair but it'll do.

Watching the action from my app I became immersed in it. Damn I forgot how much I loved this. I was that immersed I blocked out most of the team's conversation until I hear Kono say something.

"Guys I've lost Hesse. I had a minute ago and now he's gone." She worries. I try to help her by finding him but the app suddenly crashes and my screen goes black.

"My phone's gone down I can't find him." I apologise.

"What do you mean your phone's gone down?" Dad questions confused.

"The app crashed and then my phone cut out it won't turn back on." I explain frantically attempting to turn it back on.

Suddenly a gun clicks beside my head making me freeze. Slowly turning my head I see Hesse smirking at me.

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