Chapter Six

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Five days later

I slowly come to finding myself in a white room. A hospital room. My body still aches but it's definitely not as bad. Taking a deep breath dad turns around from his spot at the window to see me awake.

"Hey you're awake." He comments relieved, happily sitting down beside me.

"I am dead?" I question sleepily as I try to sit up. Dad helps me sit up as he hands me a glass of water.

"Glad to see your sarcasm is still intact." He laughs as I drink the water like I haven't drink before.

We sit in a comfortable silence until a doctor comes in to check my bandages. "Well the good news is Miss McGarrett is that you'll be able to go home in a weeks time." She smiles which makes me smile because I hate hospitals and I just wanna go home.

"The bad news?" Dad questions.

"The bad news is that due to the lack of nutrition, your body is weak so I've issued you a wheelchair for you to use until you're strong enough to walk on your own. But with the way you're improving I expect you'll be walking again before the week is out. Either way I still would like you to take the wheelchair home with you." She explains.

It isn't that bad when you think about it though. The doctor then went on about how I'm not to do any sudden moves or any strenuous activities. Now that bummed me out. Means I can't go skateboarding.

As the doctor left dad was about to say something when we heard several voices. We glanced at each other and looked to the door as Danny, Chin and Kono came in.

"Guess who brought food." Danny announced holding up a bag of food most likely from Koma's.

"Guess I'm the favourite uncle now." He added taking the other seat on the other side of me.

"I wouldn't say that." Chin commented as him and Kono brought two more chairs in sitting either side of my bed.

I smiled at his answer as Danny raised his eyebrows.

"Huh, well I'm not sharing the food with you then." He retorted with fake hurt which made me laugh more.

"Stop it hurts." I plead holding my stomach trying not to laugh. They all laughed at my reaction.

"How are you feeling though?" Chin asked ignoring Danny.

"Sore. My hands and stomach hurt the most." I admit moving my hands slightly showing them the bandages.

"Well I'm hungry. You hungry?" Danny questions looking at each of us.

We all nodded and he opened up the bag passing us food. Well for me he handed dad my food as I couldn't hold it properly myself.

I didn't eat that much but the doctor did say that I'll find it hard to eat proper meals for the next couple of weeks but I'm fine with that. We spent the next couple of hours eating our food and laughing as the guys told me stories. It was mainly of dad and Danny but they were funny.

Dad got rid of our rubbish once we'd finished and as he sat back down I realised how tired I was. Next thing I know I peacefully sleeping.

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