Chapter Sixteen

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The video goes black and all I can do is stare at the screen as tears fall down my face. The team goes silent horrified by what Hesse just sent us.

Dad notices first and silently rests his hand on my shoulder. Knocking it off I back away from the table shaking my head. "I shouldn't of come in today. This was a mistake." I regret before hobbling off into dad's office.

Chucking my bag beside me I drop to the couch resting my head in my hands. Moments later the office door opens and someone sits beside me pulling me into a hug.

Knowing it's dad I bury my head into his chest letting my tears fall. He doesn't say anything as he rubs my back and kisses the top of my head.

Once I finally calm down I pull away looking up at him.

"I miss granddad." I whisper sadly as the image of Hesse killing him replays in my head.

"I miss him too." Dad answers. I could hear the sadness behind his words when he said it.

We dont say anything else until we hear several beeps from the computers where the others are followed by frustrated sighs. Grabbing my phone we head out of dad's office confused.

"Guys what's wrong?" Dad questions as we join them at the table.

"Someone's accessing the information on the flash drive." Chin answers frantically.

"They shouldn't be able to we have the only copy." I state pulling up a chair as dad hands me the flash drive and encryption key. Staring at the flash drive it dawns on me.

"Unless the information was never on this flash drive." I vaguely answer.

"Lex, what are you saying? I thought you transferred the information onto this flash drive?" Danny asks confused.

"I did but think about it both Hesse and one of his men were still alive after you found me. Hesse knew I transferred everything onto that flash drive I mean he watched me do it. The flash drive was in plain sight the entire time, he could of quite easily swapped it before we arrived. Knowing full well that I'd know the difference between the two flash drives. Even that I'd do that trick which gave him the flash drive with the information on it. He's been playing us the entire time. I should of seen it." I explain before blaming myself.

"Lex it's not your fault. You didn't know. No one could of." Chin reassures.

"That's a great theory and all but how do we know it's true?" Danny questions. I saw his point but I know how Hesse works.

Plugging the flash drive in I open the file to reveal nothing is there. Leaning back in my chair I sigh in annoyance. We all went silent as my phone rang. Picking it up I notice it's an unknown number. Glancing at dad I shrug my shoulder before accepting the call.

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