Chapter Fourteen

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Stretching I feel strong enough to walk by myself. Taking a deep breath I slowly get up from my bed holding onto things as I walked to my wardrobe. Picking out a black top and a pair of dull red knee length shorts I carefully put them on just as dad knocked on my door.

"Hey Lex, you up?" He asks.

"Yeah." I call back as he opens my door sticking his head round the door. He was about to say something but became distracted that I was standing by myself without a problem.

"Guess I can stand by myself now." I comment smiling like an idiot.

"Do you reckon you'll be able to get downstairs?" He smirks like it's a challenge.

"Challenge accepted." I grin back.

Rolling his eyes dad walked back out of my room and met me at the bottom of the stairs as I slowly stand at the top.

He stands there watching me with his arms crossed like I'm suddenly going to back out of the challenge and ask for his help.

Sticking my tongue out at him I laugh then hold the banister while taking it one step at a time. The moment I get half way down the front door opens revealing Danny.

"Do you not look at your phone or are you ignoring me? I've called you several times." Danny complains but stops when he notices dad staring at the stairs.

Dad just glances at Danny unphased by his question and the fact he just randomly walked into the house whereas I stare at him confused. Danny closed the door following dad's gaze to the stairs where I am. Looking up Danny does a double take seeming confused but then happy.

"Ah she can walk." He comments sticking his hands in his pockets now watching me like dad is.

"Dad doesn't think I can do it." I say smirking at him as I take another step.

"What? I never said that. I have complete and utter faith that you can make it down the stairs." He shoots back as Danny watches in amusement.

"Your smug look says otherwise." I retort which makes Danny burst out laughing. Dad smirked knowing it's true but refuses to admit it.

"Now that is a face I know too well." Danny chimes in.

"What is this, pick on Steve day?" Dad asks pretending to be hurt. Me and Danny glance at each other before turning back to dad.

"Yes." We say in unison. Dad just sighs, rolls his eyes and walks off into the kitchen.

Making it to the bottom of the stairs I stumble a little but manage to gain my balance again. Danny gives me a high five as dad comes back out tossing me a breakfast bar.

"Anyway I came in to say that Chin has something." He informs us. Nodding dad folds up my wheelchair and grabs my bag as we walk out to Danny's car.

"Why aren't we using the truck?" I ask confused stopping as I open the door. Dad put my stuff in the trunk before getting in the drivers side as Danny rests his arms on top of the passenger's side looking at me.

"Because Steven likes driving my car." He simply says before getting in the car himself. Still confused I chose not to question it as I get in too.

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