Chapter Nineteen

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I go to pull out my gun but Hesse hits his gun over my head taking my gun from me. I must of blacked out because next thing I know I'm in the loading zone where the team are. Clearly it didn't work out as planned as they're being restrained by what ever of Hesse's men are left.

"Look who I found Steve." Hesse points out in a excited tone.

"Lex." Dad panics quietly under his breath. Still confused from being hit in the head I rub my head watching as Hesse moves from behind me to the left of me.

Without warning Hesse kicks my wheelchair knocking me over. I fall out the chair landing on my side but luckily I'm facing the team. I lie there not wanting to give it away that I can walk, at least not yet anyway.

Strolling over to me Hesse crouched down grabbing my hair making me look at him. "You know I really didn't think you'd be this stupid to come in here still in your wheelchair. I mean look at you, you can't even walk." He laughs slamming my head down. I wince in pain but still keep up the appearance.

I watch as Hesse walks over to the warhead typing something in. Moments later it beeps signalling that he's just initiated the countdown.

"Look at that you have 30 minutes to stop this from blowing up the island." He informs walking over to dad.

"It appears you wont be stopping me today Steve." Hesse comments mockingly. Dad glances past Hesse to me as I look at the team nodding my head.

"I wouldn't be so sure." I mumble from the floor.

"What?" Hesse questions turning around.

"I said I wouldn't be so sure." I repeat myself looking up at him. Hesse just stares at me slightly confused considering I'm lying on the floor.

"Now!" Dad shouts. This momentarily distracts the men as the team disarm them.

At the same time I kick Hesse's leg out from under him before rolling over and pushing myself up. Pulling my back up gun out Hesse charges at me. We struggle trying to aim our weapons at each other while at the same time trying to take each other's guns.

He elbows me in the face at the same time I manage to kick him in the chest. By doing this I loose my balance. Falling away form each other we successfully take each other's guns.

Getting back up I aim the gun at Hesse as he does the same to me. The team knock out Hesse's men just as we raise our weapons at each other.

"I should of killed you when I had the chance." Hesse growls staring at me in the eyes.

"Hesse put the gun down." Dad says calmly as the team watch us.

"What's stopping you?" I growl lowing the gun. The team watch me as if I'm crazy.

Hesse then fires two rounds at me as the team shouts. "No!"

Grabbing my stomach I look down. Everything goes silent as I pull my hands away to reveal nothing. No blood. No wound. Not even a scratch.

"What?" Hesse hisses in annoyance glancing at the gun before emptying the rest of the mag at me having the same effect.

"Dummy rounds. You really should of checked the gun first." I smirk. Every part of me wanted to kill Hesse but deep down I knew I couldn't no matter what he's done to me.

Without hesitation I fire one shot hitting Hesse in the stomach. He groans in pain as he falls to the floor clutching his stomach.

Dropping the gun I quickly run over to the warhead. While I'm typing frantically on the installed dial pad Kono and Chin sort out Hesse as dad and Danny come over to me.

"Bomb disposal are 5 minutes out." Danny comments in a worried tone.

"Patience is a virtue." I retort not phased by the timer.

"Not right now it isn't." Danny shoots back in the same tone. Rolling my eyes I ignore them as I continue typing. I've nearly got it.

Typing in a couple more sequences the warhead beeps twice on the second beep it fades out as the timer freezes. Yes!

Falling backwards I lie on the floor sighing in content. "Did you do it? Have you disarmed it?" Danny questions staring at me.

I dont talk but instead nod my head. The team sigh in content as well before dad helps me up.

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