Chapter Seventeen

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"I see you've worked out I swapped the flash drives." The person assumes on the other end of the phone. The colour in my face drains when I recognise the voice.

"Yeah I did nice touch. How'd you pull it off?" I question while starting a trace on the number. Dad asks who it is so I mouth Victor's name before putting the call on loud speaker.

"I've been torturing you for the past three years Alex I know how you tick and I know your father. How is he by the way?" He asks as I glance at dad.

"He's fine and I don't need to be reminded of what you've done."

"I wouldn't bother trying to trace this phone either it's a burner."

"How'd you by pass my encryption key?"

"Oh I didn't. You see you thought you were smart by hiding it under that chair but you weren't. I saw you do it and after your previous little team rescued you I swapped that key for a fake one."

"You're not gonna get away with this Hesse. We're gonna find you and I'm going to make sure you stay down when I shoot you." I threaten.

"Now you're sounding just like Steve. But no I like this, you think you can actually stop me. You're nothing but a scared kid that's been put in the deep end. You can't stop me."

"I have more skill then you'll ever have."

"No I'll give you that, you do have talent but you're not nearly skilled enough to disarm a war head." He pauses for a second before continuing. "That reminds me have you seen the news lately."

"What? No." I retort looking as Kono as she turns the TV on. We all go silent not wanting to believe what we're seeing. Hesse's men have just stolen the warhead.

"Have fun stopping me now." With that he hangs up.

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