Chapter Twenty

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I’m sat in the back of an ambulance as the paramedics check me for signs of a concussion.

“You did good Alex. I’m proud of you.” Dad boasts leaning against the doors of the ambulance.

“Thanks.” I smile back as I watch Danny walk Hesse to the back of another ambulance. He stares at me with a vengeance expression.

Once Danny handed him off HPD and the paramedics he came over to me and dad.

“Quick question, how did your gun end up with dummy rounds?” He asks genuinely puzzled. I glance at dad who figured out what I did the moment it didn’t bullets didn’t hurt me.

“I filled my back up piece with dummy rounds as that was the only gun I had left after Hesse knocked me out in the corridor. Then when we were struggling to shoot each other I grabbed his gun which forced him to grab mine.” I explain as Kono and Chin join us.

“What were you explaining?” Kono asks intrigued but also noticing Danny’s face.

“Alex swapped the mag in her back up piece for dummies and when they were fighting she took Hesse’s gun making him take hers. So when he fired it did nothing.” Dad says explaining it for me as Danny still stands there confused.

“What’s the matter Danny, can't handle a magic trick?” Chin laughs patting his back.

“No that I can handle but Alex... Alex is definitely like Steven.” He says glancing between us.

“What makes you say that?” Dad chimes in. He knew exactly what Danny meant but wanted to hear him say it.

“Normal people wouldn’t swap the bullets in their gun for dummies and hope everything goes smoothly. Hence she’s like you Steven.” Danny answers smugly.

Kono and Chin burst out laughing as me and dad just stare at each other sharing a not impressed look. Getting out the ambulance both me and dad walk off back to Danny’s care.

“What I’d say?” We hear him call behind us.

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