Chapter Thirteen

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I hold my face in pain as I feel blood running down my chin. Great a split lip. Chin checks on Kono before him and Danny run after the two gang members as dad rushes over to me.

"Alex look at me. What did he do?" He asks moving my hands. Dad studies my face making sure there's nothing else besides a split lip.

"Dad it was him. It was Hesse!" I panic.

I could see the anger dad had when I mentioned Hesse considering the pain that man has caused to our family. Dad hands me a tissue for my lip then pulls me into a hug.

"We lost them at the end of the block." Chin informs as him and Danny come back out of breath.

Dad glances at them over his shoulder before helping me into the car. While I'm waiting for them in the car holding the tissue to my lip Kono explains to them what happened as dad tell Chin and Danno about Hesse.

Once we get back to the palace we immediately gather around the table.

"Now what do we do? Hesse has the flash drive." Kono sighs. The others become lost for words as well as I just sit there.

"I wouldn't be so sure." I speak up pulling both the flash drive and encryption key out of my bandages.

"Wait if you have both the flash drive and the encryption key then what does Hesse have?" Chin asks confused.

"An empty flash drive." I innocently say handing dad both devices. Dad just laughs at my sneakiness but the other three still seem confused especially Kono.

"But I saw Hesse snatch the flash drive off you. How do you still have it?" She asks genuinely puzzled.

"Alex has always loved magic so my dad use to teach her magic tricks. Even Chin taught her some at one point. Every time dad looked after her Alex would go to the bars with him so the locals could teach her and then she'd show the tricks off. Clearly she still remembers them." Dad answers still finding it funny.

"Just before Hesse's partner grabbed you I slid the flash drive and encryption key under my bandages without breaking eye contact with you." I pause.

"Hesse doesn't know that I never transferred the information onto that flash drive let alone the encryption key. So as far as he's concerned he has the information." I explain.

"So Steve not only is she a mini you, Alex also knows magic tricks and can trick terrorists." Danno comments amazed.

"Yeah." Dad answers bluntly nodding his head as I yawn. "You tired?"

"I'm fine but I think I'm gonna take my meds though." I say wheeling off to dad's office. Kono opens the door for me and I thank her.

Grabbing my bag I open it find my meds and take two pills. Dad came in with a glass of water for me. Putting the pills in my mouth I swallowed the water.

"Come on it's getting late we should head home." Dad informs as I put my meds back in my bag.

"Are you sure, what about Hesse?" I ask.

"He can wait until tomorrow and by the looks of it everyone is shattered." Dad answers. Looking at the teams tired faces I nod in agreement.

Grabbing my bag, dad tells everyone to go home and start fresh in the morning as he wheels me out.

Saying goodbye to the guys we head out to dad's truck. Once we get home I wheel myself to the couch as dad goes to make dinner. While he's in the kitchen I gladly get out the wheelchair and plonk myself down onto the couch.

Dad comes back in about an hour later carrying two plate of sushi. Home made sushi to be precise. I have to admit my appetite has come back a lot quicker then what I was expecting as I ate everything on the plate.

After dinner we watched TV for a while not really paying attention to what was playing. But were sat in a comfortable silence like what we use to do when we got back from the palace or when dad came home from tour or from being posted on sea.

I soon fell asleep downstairs but dad obviously carried me up to my room as that's where I was when I woke up the following morning.

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