Chapter Twelve

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“Lex we're here.” Dad says opening my door. Helping me into my wheelchair I follow them into the building.

“If it becomes too much tell one of us and we’ll take you back to the car.” Dad says. Nodding I wheel into the main room where they found me.

The moment my eyes landed on the wooden chair I was frequently tied to I wanted to be sick.

“Hey you alright?” Danno asks noticing my face.

“Yeah. Yeah I’m fine.” I say turning my wheelchair around and rolling over to the table filled with the equipment Hesse used on me.

All of the various blades and tools were covered in blood. My blood. Rolling up to the table I found the laptop they made my hack with. Moving it forward I found the flash drive along with the back up one they made me put everything on as well. Picking them up I placed them on my lap as dad came up to me.

“Is that the flash drive?” He questions staring at all the bloody equipment.

“Yeah the encryption key is in a smaller room towards the back.” I inform not wanting to go in that room.

Taking a deep breath I lead the way to the room. I stopped at the entrance to the room. The room still gives me shivers.

“What is this room?” Kono asks due to the light not being on. I don’t reply but instead I flick the switch on. The moment I do they go silent but I hear their gasps when they see what’s in here.

“This was the electrocution room that Hesse made just for me.” I sarcastically say grimacing at the memories.

“The dude is sick in the head.” Danno mumbles to himself.

Running my hand through my hair I take another uneasy breath before forcing myself into the room. Wheeling over to the cream coloured chair I run my hand underneath the left armrest. Feeling a bump I pull it off revealing the encryption key.

“I’ve got them can we go now? I don’t want to be in here anymore.” I beg feeling my anxiety kicking in.

“Okay come on.” Kono takes my chair wheeling me out as the others stay back to do a quick sweep of the place. We wait by Danny’s car for the other while hold all three drives in my hands.

Kono was facing away from me watching the building for the others. Just as I was about to say something I hear a gun click before being pressed to the back of my head.

“Give me the flash drive and no one gets hurt.” The man says. Kono hears and instantly spins on her heal drawing her gun.

“Put the gun down.” She shouts but it doesn’t phase him.

I keep my eyes on Kono as I secretly slip both the flash drive and the encryption key under the bandages on my arm. Honestly I dont know how non one saw me do it but they didn't.

“I will once little Alex here gives me what I want.” He demands again as one of his friends grabs Kono from behind pulling her hair and pressing a gun to her head. I go to warn her but the gang member puts his hand over my mouth stopping me from talking.

We both struggle but the gang member shoots the ground beside me as a warning shot making me flinch. By doing this he has most likely just alerted the rest of Five-0.

He turns my wheelchair around so I’m facing him. Studying his face I begin to feel like I’ve seen him somewhere. He looks familiar.

“Give me the flash drive.” He demand sternly. I don’t say or do anything except mess with the drive in my fingers.

He grunts in anger spotting the flash drive and violently snatching it out of my hands. The gang member leans downs to whispers something just as dad, Danny and Chin spot us and call our names.

“This isn’t over.” He declares with an north Irish accent before punching me in the face. The two men then run off shoving Kono to the floor. I know that voice!

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