Chapter Five

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Alex McGarrett's POV:
After a while I stop the sign language knowing dad saw and hopefully worked out where I'm being held. Hesse walks back over to me holding a metal poker. It wasn't until he came closer that I realised the poker has been heated up.

I struggle against the chains even though I know I can't escape. "You found a way to tell Steve didn't you?" He questions stopping inches away from me.

"No." I choke out becoming light headed from the blood lose.

"Liar! You were making hand signals once I ended the call." He hisses.

I shake my head again even though he's right I did make the hand signals but I'm not going to tell him that.

"My hands hurt. I did nothing please." I beg.

He punches me in the face making my nose crack. I think he just broke my nose again.

Hesse then brings the hot poker up above my head pressing it to my fingers knowing I can't move them.

I whimper in pain as the metal burns my skin. He then spends the next couple of minutes pressing the poker against various wounds across my body making me scream again. After that Hesse then starts swinging the hot poker at my torso like I'm a punching bag.

Just as he was about to hit me again one of his men called out. "Boss they're here. It's the Five-0." He informs.

Hesse grunts in annoyance before dropping the poker to the floor and running off. I flinch at the sound the poker makes when it collides with the concrete floor.

It goes silent for a moment before guns shots ring out. That's all I can hear for what felt like a while. Everything went silent again and the next thing I know someone's calling my name.

"Alex!" I know that voice. Opening my eyes I see Danny holstering his gun running over to me.

"Dan...Danno." I mutter going in and out of unconsciousness as he rushes over to me.

"Steve over here!" He shouts. Moments later Dad, Chin and Kono run over to me.

"We're going to get you out of here, kid." He reassures as they find a pair of bolt cutters on the broken table.

"The ambulance is two minutes out." Chin informs as he breaks the chains.

I let out a small whelp when the chains connecting me to the ceiling breaks but dad catches me. Chin then breaks the chains on my ankles.

"It's okay I've got you. You're safe." He smiles picking me up bridle style.

"Dad I can't..." I trail off not being able to finish it.

"Hey it's alright." He coos applying pressure to the two gun shot wounds on my stomach. I groan to start off with but soon the pain fades.

My body hurts that much everything goes numb and I'm starting to loose at staying awake.

"Alex come on stay awake for me." Dad tries but it doesn't work.

All I hear before I pass out is the ambulance sirens and all of them calling my name desperately trying to get me to stay awake.

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