Chapter Nine

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I fell silent again not sure what to say when dad pulled something out of his pocket. "I believe this belongs to you." He smirks handing it to me.

My eyes widened when I saw what it was. I was my Five-0 badge. Even though technically I'm not old enough to be an officer. The Governor let me because dad trained me and I'm an experienced hacker.

However what dad doesn't know is that while I was imprisoned by Hesse, he made me hack into the government serval times. I never wanted to do it and would often get electrocuted for refusing but Hesse had it in his mind that he could get back at dad if he made me hack. But I didn't realise that I zoned out until dad snapped his fingers in front of my face.

"Lex you okay?" He asked with concern.

"Oh... urr.. yeah. Thank you." I reply smiling. Dad didn't believe me that I was fine but luckily he didn't press it.

The rest of the week went by quickly to be honest. I actually spent most of the week sleeping and trying to eat normally.

Towards the end of the week I was allowed to explore the rest of the hospital so the guys either wheeled me or helped me walk around. Danny had the habit of turning it into a tour so would pretend to be my tour guide, even though it was the same route we took every time.

The nurses removed all the wires and checked, cleaned my wounds again. However they only bandaged my fingers, wrists, ankles and my stomach. While they did that Doctor Mills spoke with dad and gave him my meds.

Once the nurses helped me get changed which was just a tank top and a pair of baggy shorts as well as my flip flops that dad got from my room I was allowed to leave.

"You ready kid?" Dad asked as one of the nurses helped me into my wheelchair. I can kind of walk by myself but the nurses suggested that I use the wheelchair.

Nodding, dad put my discharge papers and medication in my bag before slinging it over his shoulder and wheeling my out.

Once we got to his car he carefully helped me out of my wheelchair and into the front seat before folding the chair up and placing it on the backseat along with my bag.

Getting in the car dad pulled out of the car park. "Dad can we go the palace instead of home." I admit. He debated my request for a moment before nodding.

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