Chapter Fifteen

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As we walk into the palace both Kono and Chin have the same reaction as to what Danny had with me walking.

"Chin what you got?" Dad asks getting straight to business handing me my bag.

"It seems Hesse realised you gave him the fake drive because he sent another video. Except this one isn't live it's a recording." He finishes glancing at me.

Swallowing I nod telling him he can play the video. The moment the video pops up I instantly remember what it's of. It's one of the first times Hesse used electro shock therapy on me when I refused to help him.


"Transfer the information onto this flash drive." Hesse asks particularly calmly placing the small device on the table in front of me.

Glancing at him I shake my head throwing the flash drive on the floor. My confidence weakens slightly as Hesse pulls his gun out pressing it to my head.

"You know your grandfather showed the exact same confidence before I killed him." He explains as if he's reliving the memory.

"Dont say a word about my granddad. You killed him in cold blood when you were talking to my dad on the phone and he's going to kill you when he finds me!" I spit in anger not phased by the gun against my head.

"But that implies Steve knows it's me that abducted you." He smirks. Staring at me for a moment he smiles as if he just remembered something.

"Ah yes, I remember now you were there that night I shot John McGarrett weren't you. Watching from the stairs scared out of your little mind. You know if my boss hadn't of given me strict instructions then I would of killed you as well." He admits patting my cheek before removing the gun from my head and placing it back in it's holster.

Hesse picks the flash drive back up and once again places it in front of me. "Transfer the information!" He growls dangerously.

I regretted it the moment I said it but I refused again. "No. I'm sick of helping your pathetic ass. You want the information you can transfer it yourself." I answer pushing the flash drive back towards him.

Everything goes silent as we both seem to stare at each other. Breaking eye contact Hesse turns around picking up one of the knives twirling it in his hands.

"Fine. Guess I'm just going to have to break that confidence that your family seem to be really good at showing." He calmly states putting the knife back down and turning around. Nodding to his men they pulled my chair back dragging me out of it.

"Let me go! Stop it. Let me go!" I shout kicking and screaming as the men drag me off to the small side room that I've been in a couple of times.

Turning the light on in the room they chuck me in the chair. I try to escape but they slam me back down restraining me to the chair with the leather restraints. Hesse casually strolls in as if nothing's happening. One of the men puts a metal headband on me that has two sponge tabs that fit perfectly on either side of my head.

"No. Please dont do this. I'll transfer the information. Just please dont do this." I beg crying my eyes out. Hesse seems to think about my plead for a moment before shaking his head.

"No." He shrugs. Pressing a button I scream as electricity courses through my veins and my body fights against the restraints.

End of Video.

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