Chapter Ten

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Pulling into the palace car park dad got my wheelchair out and helped me in it before grabbing my bag.

"I can walk by myself you know?" I state slightly annoyed that I still have ti use this thing.

"I know but you're using this until you feel strong enough to walk without help." Dad comments back smirking. Groaning I lean back in my chair as he just laughs.

I have to admit it felt weird being back here. Nice but weird. Opening the doors Chin, Danny and Kono came out.

"Looks who back!" Danny cheers walking out of his office which gains Chin and Kono's attention.

"Hey." I smiled as they all came out and hugged me.

"I bet you're glad you're out of the hospital?" Kono asks smiling.

"I am. It's nice being back. I missed you guys."

"I thought Steve was taking you back to your house?" Danny pointed out confused. Dad looked at me as if he was still confused by question in car.

"I didn't feel safe being left alone at home. I... not after last time." I quietly respond as I felt my eyes tear up.

"Hey, you're safe now. Hesse's dead he can't hurt you anymore." Dad reassured hugging me. I don't answer but just hug him back.

After a few moments of silence Kono spoke up. "Anyway Alex, he'll have to get through us first." She confidently said. I smiled and nodded a thank you just as dad's phone rang.

Answering it he spoke to the person before hanging up. "It's Max he has something for us." He informs Danny before leaving the room.

After watching them leave I wheeled myself over to the table in the centre of the room where Chin and Kono were. Chin takes my bag and puts it in dad's office for me. Thanking him I watch as he pulls a file up on the table.

"You guys working on a case then?" I ask reading the file that was up.

"Yeah. We're tracking the last member of the group that abducted you." He answers. I nod sadly but shake the feeling off.

"We also still don't know what Hesse did with the information he hacked." Kono says. The moment she says that I go pale. Kono instantly notices and becomes concerned.

"Alex what's wrong?" She asks crouching down to my level as Chin stands beside her. I didn't want to tell her or the team but I had to.

Just as I was about to answer dad and Danny came back in. "Did you guys find anything out on their hacker?" Steve says but stops seeing my face.

"Lex?" He says becoming concerned. Swallowing I glance at Chin and Kono before looking back at dad and Danny.

"I'm their hacker." I mumble ashamed.

"What?!" Dad questions sounding angry before sighing. "That was why you zoned out when I gave you your badge back wasn't it?" Sighing I stared at the floor.

"I never wanted to be. I had no choice. Dad he threatened to kill you guys if I didn't. I couldn't let that happen not after granddad. He only used me because I was the only one who could bypass the government's security network without being detected." I explained still not looking up.

"I'm guessing by the look on your face that something would happen if you refused." Danny commented.

I tuck some of my hair behind my ear revealing one of the burn marks on my temple. "I was electrocuted." I say barely above a whisper looking up to Danny as a tear escapes my eye.

Kono hugs me saying it's alright as the guys go silent. "I'm sorry." I apologise as Kono let's go.

"Lex you don't need to apologise. It's not your fault." Dad replies.

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