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Hoseok's pov:

I sigh and looks in my bathroom mirror, with a blank expression on my face...I'm so pale..my cheekbones are popping out, dark circles beneath my yes and my lips are turning a little white.

"You're a little pretty after not eating, you should do it more"...right.

"Listen, I'm youy it friend, depression..I'm always there..in you're mind", shut up..you make me hate myself..make me hurt my body..

"You do nothing but destroy me!"

"You're absolutely right, because it's the truth..you are ugly and fat"
I sigh and sit down on the cold tiles of the bathroom floor.Why am I like this?..will they ever care?...seeing myself break everyday..it's just so painful.. no one will ever care..unless you're dead...the world is cruel..just like my thoughts..

I sigh and l remember  my mother's last memory..she died..like two days ago..a-and..where was I?...performing..not caring about her..

Dear Hoseok,

Baby, all I wanna say is..I love you..I know I'm sometimes harsh on you..but a mother's love never ends, I see you cry to yourself every night, my son, my sunshine..please smile for me, I want to see you're smile..for the last time.My love, I know life is hard, but just remember..I'm always there when you need me.I know I yell at you a lot and scold you..make you do chores and stuff, but my love..those things never end our love..I really love you..no matter what you will do.Please my son, I just want you to be happy and smile, you make every  person smile, but never yourself smiled..I may not be with you anymore..but in you're heart..I'm always there..my sunshine Hobi..I love you more than anything..
Also do your chores nicely ;)

I sob out and pull the letter to my chest..sobbing out every bit of pain..I love you too mom..I'm sorry I never listened to you...I remember how I used to yell at her..Mom i-im sorry..so sorry..you just wanted me to smile, come back...please..please come back..I beg you..

I sniff and pull my blade out and put it to my wrist...I'm s-sorry mom..sorry for not being the perfect son..s-sorry for not being there when you needed me..I-I love you...please come back...


I just hugged my mom after writing this and she just looked at me weirdly lmao, anyway guys please give your mom a big fluffy hug..please..I'm very sorry for those who lost their mother..I'll hug you instead..just remember that the people who loves you the most are your family, especially your mother, you don't realize that until you lose someone..so please love your mother while you can..also give you're whole family a big hug..they might think it's weird..but please do..

I'm not gonna ask you to vote cuz..it's a sad one

Remember to love yourself and you're family..

Take care

Not edited

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